Fox in the Penalty Area

Postscript There are so many people in this world

Latest website: First, according to the usual practice, use WORD to calculate the number of words in the last volume:

877976 words.

There are not many words, but it is the volume that took the longest time to write. There are objective reasons and subjective reasons for this.

When I was writing the last volume, I was inevitably slacking off. I always felt that I could finish it very quickly, and it didn’t matter if I took it a little slower...

Unexpectedly, this process took almost a year.

But no matter what, I finally finished it, and I didn’t finish it haphazardly.

I think I still worked very hard and carefully to tell this story...

When I typed the words "completed the book" yesterday, I didn't feel relieved, but felt a sense of loss.

It was as if I had ended up not with a book, but with a world.

For me, "Forbidden Fox" is a real parallel world.

I just broke the constraints of time and space by chance and observed that world in a certain way.

Then I use my words to convey the joys, sorrows, and joys that happen in this world to this world for everyone to see.

That should be it.

I have an Excel spreadsheet, which is a simple file I created for every named person who has played in this world, including their identity, age, nationality, position on the field, club they belong to, remarks... etc. and other information.

I originally created this table to facilitate my search for characters at any time while writing, so as not to forget about it as I write it down, or have problems with inconsistent characters.

At first I recorded it in the form of a document, but later it became inconvenient to retrieve, so I changed it to an Excel spreadsheet.

After I finished writing this book, I looked at the table again and found that the number of characters recorded on it had reached 1,118.

These are only characters with names. Those who have appeared in the book and even had lines but have no names are not among the 1,118.

It turns out that there are already so many people in this world...

Looking back at the names of these people now, I still remember most of their plots.

They are not characters created by me, but people who actually live in that world.

They have their own joys, sorrows, and joys. Everyone has different life experiences and different life directions.

I'm happy and proud that I was able to write them all.

Not just the protagonist, but the supporting characters as well.

Have their own wonderful lives.

So even though I wrote "the whole book is finished", everyone's life in this world is not over yet, and they will continue to live peacefully on their own - I believe that will be the case.

Will there be any extras?

It’s hard to say, it’s very likely that there won’t be one, but I won’t give it away. After all, I promised to finish the book in March this year...right?

Anyway, let it go.

In fact, everyone can give full play to their imagination and imagine freely about their next story.

It is entirely possible for Hu Lai to return to Leeds City, return to Flash Star, or go to Anton Quanxing...

There is also the story of Maxi Carey coaching Madrid Pirates, so let your imagination run wild.

In short, this world has been brought to life by me, and they can operate completely autonomously. I don’t need to make up many stories, you can imagine them too.


When I was writing this book, I wanted to write about a real world as much as possible.

Because this is an imaginary world, there are no well-known stars and clubs in it.

This forced me not to be lazy and directly borrow those real-life stars and clubs. I had to create each character from scratch.

That's why writing this book is so tiring.

Of course, another reason why I am tired of writing is that I have high quality requirements and don’t want to just perfunctory.

Many times, I am not stuck on what to write about the plot, but on how to write the plot better.

I’m really tired. I’m really exhausted both physically and mentally after writing this book…

This is the main reason why this year’s update has been so stumbling.

I think back to this time last year, I said I might finish the book in March this year or during the Spring Festival... It’s really funny. Where did I get the courage to think that I could finish it in March?

Although writing is very tiring, I am still very happy in the whole process.

How do you say that?

Pain and happiness.

That's how it feels.

Being tired is better than not knowing what to write at all.

I feel very lucky that I can still have such creative impulse and ambition after being in the industry for 20 years.

I have to thank myself again for the decision I made not to write about real football.

It opened up the second spring of my career.

So next, if nothing else happens, I will probably not write about real-life football again. The next book and the next will probably be about a fictional fictional world like "Fox in the Forbidden Zone".

A parallel universe.

However, I haven’t decided yet when the new book will be released and what the new book will be about.

First of all, you need to take a good rest for at least half a year.

Let’s adjust my schedule first—for the past month and a half, I’ve been going to bed at 5 or 6 a.m. every day, and sometimes I don’t even go to bed until after 7 a.m. at night.

Get up at 12:00 or 1:00 noon.

So I need to adjust my work and rest to a normal state first.

Then I went for a physical examination. I hadn’t had a physical examination in many years. To be honest, I was still a little uneasy. This is why I have to go for a physical examination after I finish the book - I'm afraid that if something goes wrong, I won't be able to finish the book.

Then spend time with your family.

Especially my wife, she sacrificed a lot for me and gave me a lot of support for this book - I often talk to her and give me new inspiration from her perspective.

I must thank her here. Without her solid support, I would not have been able to write this book with high quality and quantity.

She is my good helper in life, and she can also play a big role in work. With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?

Then in the next few months, I will gradually empty my mind, break away from the world of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing, and travel to another brand new world.

Hopefully, we can meet again in a new world by then.


After finishing this book, you can also summarize the results:

The serialization time lasted three years, seven months, two weeks, and 1,323 days.

The number of text is 7668631.

The number of collections is 221334.

The highest subscription is 23470.

Both orders are 9538.

There are 55 alliance leaders.

3 silver alliances.

This is the book that I have written for the longest time, has the largest number of words, and has the best performance during the serialization period in my nearly 21 years of work. The average order and high order of "Champion's Heart" are now higher, but that was also in It was slowly achieved after so many years of writing this book.

To be honest, before reading this book, I didn’t expect the results to be so good.

Although I was quite happy writing it, judging from the feedback from readers and the results after it was put on the shelves, this book should have been a hit.

The highest order on the first day was 1,500, and the average order was 1,200. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a failure that might be cut in half.

Here I must thank the editors of the website. They did not ask me to finish the book in a hurry because of my poor grades. Instead, they gave me patience and allowed me to write this book completely according to my original idea without any interference.

Then... this book slowly came to life.

And he's still alive and well.

So, thank you to the original editor for your tolerance, thank you to me for my persistence, and most importantly, thank you to all the readers for your support!

Thanks to my two operating officers "Gargamel" and "Vera". It is your hard work that allows me, a person who is not good at management, to just immerse myself in writing books. Thank you!

I'm also sorry that you guys have taken the blame for me. In fact, many of the deletions and bans were done by me and have nothing to do with operations.


This year marks the twentieth year since I started writing online. Looking back, it is still incredible that I have been writing for twenty years.

In the past, I didn't even have confidence that I could persist for ten years.

There have been ups and downs along the way, with highs and lows.

There are times when you are satisfied with your ambitions, and there are times when you have self-doubt.

Being able to become an online author is the best decision I have ever made in my life - even though I didn't realize it at all when I made this decision.

When I originally planned to finish the book in March this year, I also wanted to use this opportunity to summarize my twenty-year creative career and write a testimonial.

Now I have no such plan, because this book is my "reflection" on my twenty-year career. It is my "masterpiece" of writing in the past twenty years.

I no longer need to summarize the past twenty years. You can just read this book "Fox in the Forbidden Zone".

I don’t know how much longer I can write next. I definitely can’t say I will write for another twenty years. After all, I will be sixty-one years old twenty years later. No matter how I think about it, I don’t think I will be able to write by that time. look.

So take it one step at a time and write as much as you can.

In short, as long as I can still write and you are allowed to write, I will definitely continue to write.


Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your support along the way. Three years and seven months is already the longest time I have been serializing.

Over the past three years or so, I have worked hard to write, and everyone has also worked hard to catch up. I'm sorry, but there were too many interruptions and pauses in the end, which destroyed the update rhythm and greatly affected everyone's reading rhythm.

The only good thing is that I finally finished writing this book according to my own quality requirements.

It’s worthy of my efforts for the past three years and seven months... No, if you count from the time I started typing the first chapter of this book on the computer, it should be three years and ten months—— I took a look and found that the chapter "Hu Lai with Wedges" was created on December 24, 2019.

In nearly four years, the world has really changed a lot, so much so that I feel like these four years have passed so quickly.

But in fact, it was a very long four years.

Fortunately, I have been with you in the past four years. No matter how much the outside world changes, this part of the world that belongs to us is still blue sky, white clouds, and the sun is shining brightly.

This world is what we build together.

Let’s create the next new world together!

Lin Hai Tingtao

2023.11.03 in Chengdu

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