Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 151 Thank you for the invitation

"...I believe everyone has seen this photo of Li Qingqing and Hu Lai standing in front of the reporters holding the East Asian Cup trophy respectively. At that time, including me, many people said that this was the first time that Hu Lai and Li Qingqing In the same frame, but in fact we are all wrong! Although I have not seen whether there are similar photos of the two before, it is absolutely impossible for them to stand side by side for the first time! Two days ago I was in a certain While wandering around in the forum, I suddenly found out that someone claimed to be Hu Lai and Li Qingqing’s classmate... Yes, Li Qingqing’s classmate. She went to an ordinary high school! It's just that this experience has been downplayed intentionally or unintentionally. After all, she only attended a middle school for one semester. Do you know the name of this middle school?

"Yes, it's Dongchuan Middle School! Does it sound familiar? If you don't know friends, don't worry, please listen to me to tell you in detail. Everyone knows that Hu Lai is coming to the professional football team. He was a student player before the altar, so which middle school is his school? Yes, it is also Dongchuan Middle School! The champion of the high school group of the National Middle School Football Championship in 2021 is Dongchuan Middle School! And Hu Lai is that team The team's top scorer, also the top scorer and best player winner of that national competition!

"According to the host's calculation, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing should have attended Dongchuan Middle School at the same time. Some people will say again, how can it be proved that the two of them knew each other before in a school with so many students? Then the host will be cruel. ——Do you know who Li Qingqing’s father is? Li Ziqiang! It’s the head coach of the Dongchuan Middle School football team, who led the Dongchuan Middle School team to the national championship! Hu Lai is his proud disciple, and it was he who brought Hu Lai was recruited into the school team and cultivated carefully. Only then did Hu Lai become the top scorer in the national competition! Regarding this point, you can go to the Internet to search Anton Satellite TV's ace column "Character History" on August 17, 2022 The first episode of the program was a special documentary on Hu Lai made by "Character History", in which coach Li Ziqiang appeared on the camera, and also talked about Hu Lai.

"About the fact that Li Ziqiang is Li Qingqing's father, the host only found out after Li Qingqing was injured. At that time, there were media reports on Li Qingqing's injury, and a picture of Li Ziqiang taking Li Qingqing out of the Blue Moon Training Base was captured...Think about it, everyone. Li Qingqing's father is the head coach of Hu Lai, and he also thinks highly of Hu Lai. Then, as his daughter, Li Qingqing, how could he not know Hu Lai and know Hu Lai? The host here boldly guesses that they not only know each other, but also Maybe the relationship is very good!

"To be honest, the host never thought that the two talented players of Chinese football men's and women's football would know each other. After all, Li Qingqing didn't seem to publicize the news that she had studied in Dongchuan Middle School. Before her muscle strain, we didn't know much about her family situation-she never mentioned it. On the one hand, women's football lacked the same attention as men's football on the other hand. This World Cup craze and the pursuit of her by European clubs, That's why she became the focus of fans and the media all over the country, and it also gave her a chance to show her previously unknown past before our eyes...

"After knowing the relationship between the two, it is very interesting to look back at the photo of the two of them now—according to Hu Lai's performance and news during the East Asian Cup, he seems to have nothing public with Li Qingqing. Contact. Of course he doesn't need to contact Li Qingqing openly, because when he and Li Qingqing seem to be strangers, he might be having a good chat with Li Qingqing on WeChat!"

When Hu Lai saw the post that Chen Xingyi forwarded to him on his mobile phone, he read it with an expression of "an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone".

Chen Xingyi was still urging him on the phone: "Have you finished watching? You and Li Qingqing really know each other??"

He ended up expressing his surprise with two question marks.

"Yeah, I know... what's wrong?" Hu Lai replied.

"I fuck you boy! How come I never heard you say that before?"

"What's there to say?"

"What's there to say? That's right... the feeling of 'the whole world doesn't know that I and Qingqing have known each other for a long time' must be very cool, right? It's especially in line with your aura of a king!"

" it a great thing to know Li Qingqing? Does it need to be publicized all over the world? I'm not Luo Kai..."

"Huh? Luo Kai also likes Li Qingqing? I seem to know something extraordinary!" Chen Xingyi sent a surprised expression.

"Uh..." This time Hu Lai realized that he had spoken out about Luo Kai's big gossip this time, which fully showed that he didn't think it was any big deal in his heart.

Many times he didn't say it not because he wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but because there was no need to say it, and there was no reason to say it.

It's their business for the outside world to try their best to label Li Qingqing, but in Hu Lai's eyes, Li Qingqing is a classmate he met in the first year of high school, a football girl who taught him to do coordination training, and a girl he is used to in life. A girl alone.

Because it is so natural, sometimes it is unexpected that others will care so much.

"It's not a big deal, I want to say that Luo Kai played professional football for Li Qingqing, believe it or not?" Hu Lai replied.

"I believe, I believe, I believe!" After Chen Xingyi returned to Hu Lai, he ran to find Luo Kai on WeChat, and typed a sentence:

"I heard you like Li Qingqing?"

Then he stared blankly at the message "The message you sent has been rejected" for a second, and flew into a rage: "Fuck! Luo Kai, you bastard haven't released me from the blacklist yet?!"


Holding the phone in his hands, Liu Jinge exclaimed, "I'm going! Hu Lai and Li Qingqing have known each other for a long time!"

"Hu Lai and Li Qingqing?" The other South China Sea players in the locker room became interested when they heard the familiar names.

Li Qingqing and the others all know that the Chinese women's football team recently won the quarter-finals in the World Cup. Li Qingqing is a key figure. Even those who don't usually pay attention to women's football know her name now.

And Hu Lai is also very familiar with them. The reason why they failed to advance to the promotion last season, in a sense, Hu Lai cannot get rid of it.

They originally thought that the group photo after the East Asian Cup was the only meeting between these two people, but they didn't expect to know each other a long time ago?

"Yes, yes." Liu Jinge said, "When I was in the National Olympic training team, I didn't see any contact between the two of them... This kid really hides deeply!"

"By the way, didn't Luo Kai and Hu Lai also used to be teammates in Dongchuan Middle School? Luo Kai, do you know about this?" Immediately, some teammates asked the question to Luo Kai who had not said a word.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Luo Kai.

Luo Kai knew why Liu Jinge made such an exclamation, and he also read the post that Liu Jinge read.

I have to say that although this person did not go to Dongchuan Middle School and guessed completely based on clues, he still guessed pretty well...

Under the eyes of everyone, he nodded: "Yes, they have known each other for a long time."

Liu Jinge exclaimed: "It turned out to be true! I'll go!"

He suddenly thought of his first meal in the Olympic team. All the Olympic team players in the restaurant were attracted by the sudden appearance of Li Qingqing. Only Hu Lai could eat calmly. At that time, he wondered why Hu Lai could turn a blind eye, but thinking about it now, it turned out that it was because the two of them had known each other for a long time.

Then he heard Luo Kai say: "Me, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing, the three of us are classmates."

"Wipe?! Isn't it?"

"You and Li Qingqing have known each other for a long time?!"

There was an uproar in the locker room.

Liu Jinge jumped in front of Luo Kai: "Brother Kai! Give me Li Qingqing's WeChat!"

The corner of Luo Kai's mouth twitched: "I can't give it."

Captain Wang Yiru stood up and dragged Liu Jinge back: "Don't embarrass Luo Kai, why would a girl agree to give her WeChat account to others casually?"

"That's right, Liu Jinge, when you were training in Hongfengling, didn't you think of asking Li Qingqing for WeChat?"

"How dare I...I'll tell you that no one dared to do it at the time! Whoever wants it will be the target of public criticism!" Liu Jinge argued.

Listening to what they said, Luo Kai didn't explain that he didn't want to give Li Qingqing's WeChat account to Liu Jinge because he didn't have Li Qingqing's WeChat account either...

How can I give what I don’t have?

Speaking of which, everyone is a classmate and knows Li Qingqing, so why doesn't he have Li Qingqing's WeChat... If this is said, how should he face other people's strange eyes?

So can't say, can't say.

As for whether Hu Lai will have Li Qingqing's WeChat, and how such a thing exists, Luo Kai has never thought about it before, so he tacitly assumes that they do.

He wasn't ashamed to admit it, because he even asked Li Qingqing from Hu Lai where he left school and what to do...


Although when he saw Li Qingqing's father for the first time, he didn't make a good impression on him, but Guan Xinyan has always been paying attention to Li Qingqing's situation. He always imagined that one day, he would conquer Li Qingqing's father with his actual performance, so that his image in his heart would be changed.

He is also paying attention to the recent news about Li Qingqing being sought after by many European clubs. Seeing it excitedly, I am determined to perform hard, and I will strive to play in Europe like Li Qingqing in the future, becoming the first Chinese football player after Qin Lin to successfully study abroad.

It was under such circumstances that he saw that post.

At first, he thought it was a boring work of some boring person, so he took a headline to please the public, and then made up some random content, just like the current popular self-media marketing account, as long as it can attract traffic, even his own mother can die ( literally).

After reading it, even though the author of the article seemed to be well-founded, Guan Xinyan still didn't want to believe it—how could such a coincidence happen? Ah, the hope of the dignified Chinese women's football team, who went to a middle school and only attended half a semester of classes, and met another future professional player?

Even the most YY online novels dare not write like this!

He scoffed at that.


100% fake!

The current self-media marketing account is really getting more and more shameless!

It's really a picture at the beginning, the content is all made up, and such a story can be made up for a group photo... Disgusting!

He quickly closed the link to that article, as if he was afraid that if he closed it slowly, what was said in the article would become a reality.


Hu Lai felt that he needed to hold a press conference specifically for this matter to answer everyone's questions.

Since this article appeared, his WeChat has never stopped, and basically all of them were sent by his teammates from the Olympic team.

And the methods are also very similar, basically posting a link to this article first, or a screenshot of the content, and then asking: "Is it true that I fucked Hu Lai?!"

Hu Lai could only copy the answer, and when someone asked him, he just pasted it in: "Thank you for the invitation. It's true. Then ask about suicide."

"??? Why did you commit suicide?" Li Qingqing asked suspiciously.

Only then did Hu Lai realize that the person who talked to him just now was Li Qingqing...

"Uh, nothing, wrong answer..."

"Did someone ask you about that post?" Li Qingqing asked.

"You watched it too?"

"Yeah, didn't you read what I just sent you?"

Hu Lai scrolled up the chat history, only to find that Li Qingqing had also sent the link to that article to himself, and then asked, "Hu Lai, have you read this?"

First send a link and then ask a question. This format is exactly the same as those of his Olympic teammates. No wonder he would answer wrong...

So Hu Lai could only reply with an emoji covering his face, laughing and crying.

"You know why I had to pretend not to know you in Hongfengling, right?" Li Qingqing also sent an emoji covering her mouth and smiling.

"I've always known it, so you see, I never asked you." Hu Lai replied. "You are a celebrity, you are popular everywhere, if you let those people know that I have known you for a long time, I will not be torn apart by them?"

"Exaggerated, Hu Lai. And why do I think you're mocking me? Huh?"

"No, no, don't think about it." Hu Lai sent a "I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense" denial triple emoji.

Li Qingqing first posted a picture covering her mouth and smiling, and then said: "I'm sorry, Hu Lai."

"Why do you say sorry?"

"I'm causing you trouble..."

"You mean harassment from Olympic teammates? No trouble, no trouble, I just need to copy and paste."

"That's all right?"


"Won't they keep asking you?"

"If I ask, I won't answer."

"No? Can you?"

"What's wrong? 'Ask suicide again'. You see, I have committed suicide, how can I possibly answer their questions?"

Li Qingqing stared straight at Hu Lai's answer on the phone, feeling like "he makes sense, but I'm speechless".

Then she typed on the phone keyboard: "But not only your Olympic team teammates, but also reporters will come to ask you..."

"If you ask, just ask, and if you ask, just answer honestly and say that you and I met in Dongchuan Middle School in the first year of high school. You are a transfer student, and I am an unlucky guy who was late and was punished by the head teacher. Or we Why are you sorry that we know each other? Would you feel ashamed for knowing me, Li Qingqing?" Hu Lai asked.

"No, of course not, actually... I'm glad to meet you, Hu Lai." Li Qingqing added another question after answering, "What about you?"

"Nice to meet you too!"

If I didn't know you, I wouldn't know how many times I was hit in the face by a football in that secret base full of weeds...

After finishing the conversation with Hu Lai, Li Qingqing looked at the little red dots on his mobile phone WeChat that hadn't been clicked, all of them were teammates from the national team and the club asking if he and Hu Lai had known each other for a long time.

I haven't answered them yet.

She clicked on Xu Wen's dialog box and typed: "Yes, we've known each other since high school."

Then copy this message, paste and send one by one.

In the end, Xu Wen hadn't finished pasting everything, and Xu Wen's second question came: "Wow? Really? Under what circumstances did you know each other?"

Seeing the second inquiries sent by Xu Wen and other teammates one after another, Li Qingqing frowned.

She really wanted to "ask about suicide" like Hu Lai...but unfortunately that's not her style, she still can't be as free and easy as Hu Lai.


Just as Hu Lai put down his phone, there was a rush of footsteps from the next door, and then Wang Guangwei rushed to the door of his room, staring at him with wide eyes: "I'm fucking Hu Lai..."

He didn't finish his sentence, because Hu Lai had already raised his hand to signal him to shut up, and then said under his surprised eyes: "Thank you for the invitation. It's true. Let's ask about suicide."

"..." Wang Guangwei's lips twitched a few times, but he still couldn't speak.

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