Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 210 A generation will eventually grow old, but there will always be someone who is young

"What is this idiot Jin Yong doing!"

Wang Xianke, who saw this scene from the sidelines, scolded annoyedly.

He did arrange such a task for Jin Yong, and asked him to be more ruthless to Hu Lai.

But Jin Yong didn't let Jin Yong take the initiative to take the card!

At this time, the angry Wang Xianke had already forgotten what he said to Jin Yong.

Now the two main central defenders have a yellow card, which can be said to be a heavy blow to the next Golden Arrow defense.

Because the flashing star's offensive became more and more violent.

"Damn, not enough success, more than failure!" Sitting on the coach's seat, Wang Xianke shook his head and sighed.

Then he raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

It's already the seventy-sixth minute of the game

He was thinking whether to simply shrink his defense or not, he could win the championship by withstood Flash Star's offense in the last ten minutes.

Of course, when facing a Chinese Super League runner-up team, they shrink back and put on the bus. This scene is really ugly...

But Wang Xianke felt that if he lost the FA Cup in the end, it might not be as simple as being ugly.

After thinking about it, he still made up his mind, and then said to the assistant coach beside him: "Go tell the players to shrink the defense."

The assistant coach was a little surprised, but he still reacted quickly, got up and strode to the sidelines, and conveyed Wang Xianke's adjustment instructions to the players on the field.


"Golden Arrow actually set up the bus?" Anton Satellite TV commentator asked such a question in a tone of half teasing and half mocking. "The dignified runner-up of the Chinese Super League was beaten to the point of setting up a bus in front of his house when facing a Chinese Premier League team?! Ha!"

The Flash Star fans in the stands also booed when they saw this.

"Although shrinking the defense is the correct approach, considering the identity and strength gap between the two teams, the Golden Arrow, which is obviously stronger, has been forced into this state... and it is still far beyond the expectations of many people before the game. Unexpected." He Feng also made his own evaluation of the changes in the situation on the field he saw. "Before the game, many people thought that the Golden Arrows would easily win the away game..."

"This is the interesting part of football, He Feng." said guest commentator Yan Kang. "Wang Xianke's decision is very correct. But I believe that even if the Golden Arrow wins the FA Cup in the end, many people will still have a sense of balance in their hearts. Even if Flash Star loses the championship, it is an honor to lose. Seeing them here Now I look forward to their performance in the Super League next season!"


The Golden Arrow shrank its defense, and the Flashing Star naturally strengthened its offense.

However, in the face of the Chinese Super League team's bus defense, it is difficult for Flash Star to make a breakthrough.

In many cases, their offense can only turn around outside the penalty area, and cannot really hit the dangerous area in front of the goal.

Seeing this, the Flash Star fans in the stands kept booing the Golden Arrow players, hoping to force them out of shame and create space for Flash Star.

The boos made the Golden Arrow players on the bench a little restless.

As the overlord of the Chinese Super League, they have almost swept the Chinese football world in the last two seasons, and they have also reached the quarter-finals in the AFC Champions League.

Such results give them a strong sense of superiority wherever they usually go to compete.

I feel that in the entire Chinese football world, they are all leaders who say what they say.

As a result, such a big brother was beaten so hard that he crouched down in a corner at the home court of a Chinese League One team, covering his head with his hands to protect his face...

It's just too hip!

The Golden Arrow players on the bench lowered their heads, listening to mixed boos.

They all know that doing so is actually the most likely to win the championship, and they also know that the competitive sports championship speaks for itself.

But they still feel a little depressed.

If it was replaced by a team that was evenly matched with them, the Golden Arrows would be forced to shrink their defense, and they would have no psychological burden at all.

But being able to play like this with a Chinese first team really made the Golden Arrow players very upset.

Why are we setting the bus? Shouldn't it be that we used sharp and violent offensives to make the opponent unable to hold his head up and had to be forced to place the bus, but in the end we still lost to us?

Just like in the first round, Shining Star busted the audience and lost 0:2 in the end.

This is a normal game!

Wang Xianke also heard boos from the stands, but he ignored them.

For the sake of the championship, what is ugly?

As long as I win, everyone will only remember that the champion of the 2023 Chinese Football Association Cup is the Dashun Golden Arrow, and nothing else will be left.

Sitting on the coach's bench, Wang Xianke raised his wrist to look at his watch again, and found that there were only ten minutes left until the end of the game. He felt a little calm.

Persist for another ten minutes, and the championship will belong to me, and I will still be the successful champion coach!

Even if that kid does something wrong, it can't shake my foundation!


"The game has entered the 80th minute, and there are still ten minutes left before the end of the game. If the score is maintained until the end, then Dashun Golden Arrow will win the Chinese Football Association Cup this season by virtue of the advantage of away goals... ..." When He Feng said this, his tone seemed a little listless.

To be honest, after watching such a game, if the final result is that Dashun Golden Arrow wins the FA Cup, then He Feng will not be excited.

Of course, for the live broadcast effect, for the sake of fairness and professionalism, he will announce the championship with a very excited tone, congratulations Dashun Golden Arrow.

But in his heart, he would still sigh for Shining Star.

Xie Lan in front of the TV has already let out a sigh.

Xie Lan was able to understand Shan Xing's dire situation without the narrator's explanation or her husband Hu Lixin's explanation.

It looks like a fire is cooking, but as the end of the game approaches, the Flash Star team will realize that their efforts are futile, so can they continue to maintain this high fighting spirit?

Xie Lan is actually very clear in his heart that Flash Star has done well enough. They chased the total score to a 3:3 tie after falling behind by two goals in the first round, so I hope they can win the FA Cup. An unrealistic luxury.

She glanced at her husband secretly, and found that he was sitting quietly on the sofa, not about to get up to smoke.

This made her a little uneasy.

She forced her husband to watch the FA Cup final, only to see another victory for his enemy. Isn't it even more shocking?

The person he hated the most did not die in front of it, but defeated his son after more than twenty years...

Is this a kind of destiny?

Thinking of this, Xie Lan suddenly got up from the sofa.

When Hu Lixin cast his eyes on her, she explained in a panic: "I'm going to... go to the toilet!"

After finishing speaking, he trotted out of the bedroom as if fleeing, and went straight to the toilet.

Behind her, Hu Lixin cast his eyes briefly, but finally stayed on the TV screen.

In the live broadcast, Flashing Star is ready to attack Dashun Golden Arrow's goal again.

Because the golden arrow is shrinking the bus now, Flashing Star has many more opportunities to attack than before.

It's just that most of the time, their offensive ends in vain.


Chen Xingyi took the ball in front of the penalty area and tried to dribble horizontally to get close to the middle. However, in the process, he was heavily defended by the Golden Arrow players, who deployed layers of defenses to prevent him from approaching at all.

If you continue to lead like this, it will be a matter of time before you lose the ball.

Chen Xingyi was not stupid either. After passing the football to Zhang Qinghuan who came up to meet him, he changed to an off-ball cut and ran into the Golden Arrow's penalty area.

It seems to be repeating the same trick, copying the path of the first ball of the game.

But after having such experience, how could the golden arrow be easily fooled?

The Golden Arrow's defensive choice is to press up collectively, causing Chen Xingyi's offside.

Their defense was successful, so Zhang Qinghuan did not pass the football to Chen Xingyi, but passed it to the center Hu Lai who was in the penalty area with his back to the attacking direction and raised his hands for the ball!

He didn't pass the football into any space, and now there is no space in the Golden Arrow's penalty area because of their intensive defensive tactics.

So he can only pass the football to Hu Lai's feet.

With his back to the attacking direction, Hu Lai opened his arms and stood firm, feeling the pressure from Dashun Golden Arrow central defender Jin Yong behind him.

But because of the accident, Hu Lai was able to withstand it and was not directly overwhelmed by the opponent.

Jin Yong, who was holding Hu Lai at the back, saw the football rolling towards Hu Lai, and immediately pressed his whole body against Hu Lai, with more force than before, but he didn't completely ignore him like he received a yellow card.

He carefully found the appropriate strength, thinking that with this strength, he could make it difficult for Hu Lai to stop the ball, but he would not fall.

In such a narrow space in the penalty area, as long as he does not stop the ball well on the first pass, the defense will be considered a success.

Sure enough, under his pressure, when Hu Lai stopped the ball, his feet were stunned. He didn't use the most suitable part to stop the ball, but let the football hit his toes and jumped up.

Not far away, another Golden Arrow central defender, Mao Junzheng, saw this and immediately realized that this was his chance to grab the ball, so he rushed up and kicked the football at the same time, trying to push the football away from the ground. Kick it away in front of Hu Lai!

But he missed it!

Because Hu Lai picked up the football with his right foot before him!

Jin Yong watched this scene clearly from behind. He really didn't expect that when Hu Lai was competing with himself, he would still have the energy to pick the ball and avoid Mao Junzheng's steal...

Is it because of your own strength?

He didn't continue to increase his strength, because after the football was picked up by Hu Lai, it flew into the air, and he only needed to jump up and head the ball to push it out... At this time, it doesn't matter what Hu Lai does, of course, the priority is to clear the siege!

He dropped Hu Lai in front of him, trying to get around to Hu Lai to make a header.

Jin Yong only had football in his eyes, and he didn't notice what Hu Lai was doing in front of him at all.

But others see it for real.

He Feng exclaimed: "Hey, this is..."

He saw Hu Lai, who picked up the football, jumped back suddenly, and at the same time swung his left leg and pressed down.

While his left leg was pushed down, his right leg swung up immediately!

Mao Junzheng, who saw this scene, slammed into it. At this time, he didn't care about whether it would be a foul. He just had one thought - we must not let this kid complete this set of actions under our noses!

Just when Jin Yong was about to touch the football, he suddenly heard the whistling of the wind in his ears, and then a foot rose up from below, appearing very abruptly in his field of vision!

That is……

The sound of the wind forced him to blink reflexively.


A muffled sound exploded in his ear.

When he opened his eyes again, the football was gone.

Zheng Donglin was completely blocked by Jin Yong at the beginning, so when he saw the football being drawn from Jin Yong's head suddenly, it was too late to react...

All he could do was watch the football fly into the goal from his right!


"Wow——!!!" Anton Satellite TV's sports commentator jumped up from his seat excitedly at the scene. He pressed the headset on his head with one hand, and clenched his other hand into a fist towards the direction of the Golden Arrow goal. waving. "The goal is scored!!! Hu Lai!! Upside-down golden hook!! He kicked the football into the goal of the golden arrow with a beautiful barb! We overtook the goal with a total score of 4:3!!!"

"Hey, this is... I——beautiful!!!" He Feng almost blurted out "Fuck me", but fortunately he reacted in time, made an abrupt turn and got back on track. "Beautiful! Beautiful!! Wonderful goal!!"

"This is definitely a world wave! There is no doubt about it!" Yan Kang who was beside him was also very excited, and he didn't care about the cooperation with He Feng, so he interjected directly. "Hu Lai, under the defense of two Chinese Super League central defenders, used this rock-shattering barb to overtake the total score for Flash Star! This is also the first time they have taken the lead in total score!"

She left the bedroom door on the pretext of going to the bathroom, and Xie Lan, who was hiding in the bathroom, heard the shouts coming from the TV in the direction of the bedroom, and she rushed out of the bathroom immediately, not even caring about the disguise...

When she ran to the door of the bedroom, she saw her husband slowly fall to the back of the sofa behind him, and when his body was against the back of the sofa, he just looked up at the ceiling.

The fluorescence of the TV screen reflected on his face that was older than his actual age, flickering and beating.

Huge cheers from the Provincial Sports Center and the crazy voice of the commentator came together.

It was as if a storm was blowing in this small bedroom.

"... Hu Lai! Hu Lai!! Hu Lai!!! Hat-trick!! My God! Dear audience friends, can you believe it? On the stage of the Chinese Football Association Cup final, he used such a wonderful upside-down gold Hook, completed a hat-trick! He is the first player in the history of the FA Cup final to complete a hat-trick! He helped the Flash Star, who was two goals behind in the first round, surpass the Chinese Super League's powerful Golden Arrow in total score! All of this is just a twenty-year-old young man!"


PS, the title of this chapter is taken from the lyrics of The Hedgehog Band.

This title was also planned to be used here when my book was first published.

"Look at the darkness under your feet, look at the bright stars above your head"

"The lost will never come back, the world is conserved and now it will be doubled"

"The enthusiasm of waving the flag and shouting, carrying the time away"

"The sad, happy and bad dramas in the world are broadcast continuously day and night"

"A generation will grow old, but someone will always be young"

PS2, the two updates will be resumed tomorrow, and it is urgent to save the manuscript. In addition, the second volume is coming to an end. When the second volume is finished, I will write another long single chapter to talk about this second volume with everyone. Thank you!

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