After finishing the second volume, I checked it with the word count of ord, and it was 864,000 words.

A little more than the first volume.

This ending came to mind when I was writing the last part of this chapter.

Regarding how to end this volume, I had a chat with my wife, and I originally thought of a scene.

But the specific chapters are written and written, I think it would be better to end here.

So it ends here.

It took an awards ceremony and a speech of thanks.

After all, for Hu Lai, this is a stage of his career and a summary of his past football career.

Before moving forward, we must resolve the problems left over from the past, and let go of the burdens that everyone originally carried. Only in this way can the footsteps be light and strong, and can walk faster and better.

So I chose the symbolic scene of the award ceremony as the end of this volume.

Sometimes, writing a book is like this. When you start writing, you may only have a very vague intention, and many things come out of your mind as you write—of course, are there any of those that were originally written? The author who figured everything out? There must be, but I'm not that kind of person.

I am an author who is not good at writing outlines or detailed outlines. Many times when I am asked to write detailed outlines, I feel that the book cannot be written at all. But let me start writing the text directly, and many times I will be moved by the content that pops up in my mind.

The main content of the second volume is the first two seasons of Hu Lai's career, which is the beginning of his professional football career, but the main line is the relationship between him and his father.

Only this was established before I started writing the second volume.

The plot of avenging my father in the Football Association Cup final was gradually formed in my mind before I wrote the second volume, so I had already thought of the chapter name of that chapter before that, and I used Hedgehog Band lyrics of that song.

Because it fits exactly what I want to express.

The grievances and grievances of the older generation are resolved by the young people here.

Regardless of whether they are those who are successful or famous, or those who do nothing, the older generation will always get old, and their things will also get old with age.

Just like the law of development in this world, a generation, even the mainstream generation in this society, will eventually grow old, and what will accompany them in aging are the so-called mainstream ideas and concepts that their generation adheres to. , lifestyle, principles of doing things...

Many things will grow old, become no longer important, and become vanished.

And young people, those young people who are looked down upon by the older generation will gradually grow up and become the mainstream of society, and the young people's code of conduct and way of thinking will gradually replace the older generation.

Just like that, generation after generation, the cycle goes on and on.

Only then will the whole society progress.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful and right the older generation is, how can the world move on if it never grows old?

I symbolized this truth with a football game, with Hu Lai's barb lore goal.

Hu Lixin's father has always regarded himself as "I am your father". He always feels that Hu Lai is still his son, a brat who doesn't understand anything. Even though his son is already a star with many fans and an adult who has achieved certain achievements in professional football, he has not changed his mentality.

Just like what the Pug Gang sang in "The Second Half of Nine Innings", on TV, maybe I am a humble star, but in their eyes, I am just a child who can't grow up.

This is not a special case of Hu Lixin alone, but the general mentality of countless parents and elders.

They always feel that they have eaten more salt than your kid has eaten, and they have walked more bridges than you have traveled. What scenes have they not seen? Not more experienced than you?

But today’s world is completely different from the situation in ancient times when horses and carriages and mail were very slow. Today’s society is developing and changing at a rapid pace. It's been a lifetime thing for ten years.

So Hu Lixin's inherent experience made him stick to his old ways, unable to get out, and he couldn't accept his son's rapid progress for a while. He was always worried that it would be a flash in the pan, and he was always afraid that he would wake up one day and find that everything had returned to the original point-why would there be such a situation? Mentality? This is inseparable from his original experience.

Wasn't all his hard work and dedication crushed by Wang Xianke's kick?

It was his personal tragedy, but it was also the tragedy of that environmental era.

I saw that many readers scolded Hu Lixin for being a wimp, not a man, unqualified to be a father and a husband...I have to say, you are all right, Hu Lixin is indeed such a person, and I also deliberately wrote in this direction .

He is not the kind of person who has the aura of the protagonist, who can fight repeatedly and finally counterattack.

Maybe one blow was enough to make him fall and never get up.

It is also because of this that he is not optimistic about his son in every possible way, so disliked that it is annoying.

The best way to solve this mentality is actually to let him see with his own eyes that no matter what difficulties his son encounters, he can face them head-on and defeat them.

So with this FA Cup final, he witnessed his son face his old nightmare, and then complete a hat-trick with a wonderful upside-down golden hook, knocking the high life winner off the cloud and into the mud.

Complete a young generation to replace and surpass the old generation.

At that moment, his mentality changed.

The solid shell that once encased him had also cracked.

He realized that the so-called strict protection he had done to his son was wrong, or... failed.

He used to think that as long as he kept his son away from the football that caused him to become what he is now, and honestly studied for college entrance examinations, and followed the path that everyone else took, he could ensure that his son's future would not repeat his own mistakes.

From a father's point of view, his idea is actually right.

But from Hu Lai's point of view, the resistance and rebellion of a son is naturally right.

There are so many things in this world, how can it be possible to tell right from wrong in everything?

After I earn money to support myself by writing on the Internet, my dad still feels that there is still a solid job. He spent a lot of effort and human relationship to give his biological son—my dad and my mom started a new family. , He and his ex-wife also have a son--arranged a state-owned institution with a salary of 3,000 yuan a month. The income is not too high, but it is stable and has a leisurely job.

In the eyes of people of my dad's age, they came from the era of iron rice bowls in state-owned enterprises. This job is the envy of many people, and he has to use a lot of favors to get it. He has always been proud of this, thinking that he has arranged a good job for his son, and he is considered a competent father.

Of course, in fact, the money I earn from writing books is much more than the dead salary of that public institution. Now he is gradually not talking about the iron rice bowl, establishment... such words.

But can you say my dad's concept is ridiculous?

When the economic situation is going down, I don’t know how many people feel that it is their dream to have a job that guarantees income from droughts and floods.

If I hadn't caught up with the explosion of online literature by chance, would I really be able to support myself and my family by writing books?

At that time, I, who has low emotional intelligence, is not good at dealing with people, will not come to trouble, and has offended many people with a bad mouth, how much better will my living conditions be than that of my brother by working for others?

But can it be said that my father's concept is correct?

In this tide of the times, how many young people will still cling to the limited number of places, and wait to die in a lifeless working environment until they retire?

But anyone with a little idea will choose to leave.

During the Spring Festival of the year before last, I went back to the state-owned enterprise compound where I lived when I was a child. In the formerly glamorous and beautiful compound, the people around me were envious.

I think even if I didn't write a book, I shouldn't live in this place for a long time.

No matter whether they are capable or not, young people will always choose to step out of the place they are familiar with since they were young, and step into the vast world, from the countryside to the city, from the small city to the big city... to see and experience, failure or success, it is a personal choice Strong promotion, or coercion of the tide of the times... These things will happen, regardless of personal preference and will.

Going back to Hu Lai and Hu Lixin, it's the same.

Hu Lixin's arrangement for his son is the best solution based on his experience and ideas.

Hu Lai's resistance and dissatisfaction with his father, based on his ability (cheat), is also the best route he thinks.

There is no right or wrong, and Hu Lai's current success cannot be used to completely deny Hu Lixin's persistence.

Of course, now that Hu Lixin saw his son defeating his former enemy with his own eyes, the knot in his heart was untied, and his opposition to his son's actions was not so strong.

He may still be worried about his son's future, but he also knows that his son has grown up, and no matter whether the future is good or bad, he has to solve it himself, not a father who can do it for him.

To put it bluntly, his son's annual income is already millions, which is many times higher than that of children from other ordinary families. This is not enough to make him a father feel at ease, so what should the parents of other ordinary families do? How to do?

As for Wang Xianke, it is obvious that he has not yet come to an end. Hu Lai's revelation only sounded the first alarm for his originally smooth and smooth life, and he has not yet reached the end of the mountain.

In my plan, the end of the second volume is not to beat Wang Xianke to death with a stick. The core of the second volume is to resolve the conflict between Hu Lai and his father Hu Lixin, which is basically resolved at present.

No matter what the outcome of Wang Xianke was, anyway, Hu Lixin was relieved, and he was able to leave behind the burden of the past and move forward like a normal person.

But Hu Lixin let go, doesn't mean Hu Lai let go.

He took over his father's burden, carried it on himself, and wanted to fight Wang Xianke to the death.

This is the story for the next volume.

In fact, I have thought of some solutions on how to solve Wang Xianke's problem, but I don't want to repeat the way of Hu Lai and Sun He. On the one hand, the solution is too simple-of course, as a small boss, Sun He is so simple to deal with That's right, it's not worth spending too much time talking about him, so just beat him to death with a stick.

But Wang Xianke can't, he is the ultimate boss in China anyway, I made him a winner in life, a person who has some weight in Chinese football, not for the sake of being toppled so easily in the end.

What's more, deliberately kicking and injuring teammates is really free evidence, lacking real hammer. Even if you find your former teammates, it can only prove that this kind of thing happened, but it can't prove that Wang Xianke did it on purpose.

He himself does not confess, and no one can be convicted.

So I choose to solve this problem in another way.

For Hu Lai, it doesn't matter whether Wang Xianke pleads guilty or not, and it doesn't even matter whether the public thinks Wang Xianke did it on purpose.

It is more important to him that Wang Xianke is completely finished.

But how can Wang Xianke be completely finished?

Just like Hu Lai said, meet once and fight once.

This kind of play not only beats him on the court, but also hits him in all directions.

But because it involves spoilers, I won't say it here.

Anyway, it's definitely not the kind of way where a former teammate from the sky accuses Wang Xianke of deliberately hurting Hu Lixin, and then fans all over the country scold Wang Xianke.

After all, if this is the case, it is far from being a real blow to Wang Xianke. He is now a successful head coach, as long as he can lead the team to victory and championships, this kind of moral accusation will have a limited effect on him.

In short, that's all there is to say about Wang Xianke, you just have to wait and read in the third volume.


The change in the relationship between Hu Lai and Hu Lixin is the theme of this volume. No matter how much money Hu Lai seems to have invested in, how much he pretends to be, how many championships he has won, and how much flirting he has said... The core of the volume is still this.

It is a process from confrontation to gradual reconciliation between a father and son.

Of course, they are not yet completely shaking hands and making peace, but a turning point has already occurred.

Comrade Xie Lan's efforts have finally seen the dawn of hope, and I am happy for her.

The two men were able to go from confrontation to reconciliation, and this woman contributed a lot, and she was the number one contributor.

I especially like my Sheilan.

I've written a lot of books, and I've written a lot of main characters' mothers, but this one is my favorite and the one I'm most emotionally invested in.

It's not just Xie Lan, I also invested a lot of emotion and pen and ink in Hu Lixin, and there are many other characters.

There's a lot of content that some readers might think is a quick glance, and it's all about these characters, and having them shape the fictional world.

Still the same problem, if someone thinks that there are too many things other than football, such as water, it means that you are not the audience for this book.

I have repeatedly emphasized before that I don't want to write one game after another, and the plot is completely divided and promoted by the game schedule.

In addition to competitions, I will write a lot of off-site content, write about plots that are not pretending to be the protagonist, and write about characters who may have only met the protagonist once, or have never even met.

I know that the current mainstream competition is still one game after another. The game is used to create conflicts, shape characters, advance the plot, pretend to be aggressive, and all the content is carried out around the game. It may be okay in the early stage, but in the later stage, it is basically one game after another.

I have written this kind of text, and I have written a lot, but I don’t intend to write this book. I want to try another way of writing... It’s not called a new way. To me, this is just a regression in a certain sense .

Whether it is "Do you care if I play football" or "We are the champions", this is the way. Especially for the latter, I did not divide the plot according to the professional football season. All the considerations and content are only for the plot, not the plot for the schedule.

For the sake of plot development and considering the rhythm of the conflict, I can discard some completely unnecessary content, mention it in one stroke, or not mention it at all, or put it in the back and write it in a retrospective way after a big plot is over.

Make this book feel more like a book than a strategy journal for a football game.

This way of writing also allows me to find more fun than before, so I have been very happy writing this book so far. No matter the grades are good or bad—when the grades are bad, as long as I indulge in writing, even if the writing itself is painful, my heart is still full of energy.

Before writing this book, I talked with Seventy-Two Editors (the author of Fake Heroes, Judgment and Skywalker Wars) about my ideas for the new book. He asked me to write what I wanted to write. Keeping writing fun is the most important thing Yes, if it makes me happy to write, then use it.

I listened to his suggestion and decided to write the book "Fox in the Restricted Area" in a fictional way and write more about the part outside the football field.

Some readers complained that this is a city, but I think sports is originally a subject under the urban scope.

Because the stories of sports competitions always take place in the background of modern cities, the people in the story cannot be separated from this urban background, so how can it be possible to write sports competitions without writing about the city, how can it be possible not to write about the environment in which he lives?

As long as sports competition is still the core theme, the way the protagonist succeeds is sports competition, and the resolution of plot conflicts still relies on sports competition, then it is not a side issue.

On this basis, why not add more off-site descriptions?

The key is whether these added things look good or not?

Is the writing of the off-site play fascinating, whether the stories of the supporting actors can touch people's hearts, and whether the description of the world environment is authentic and credible.

These add up to form the final standard - does it look good?

If it looks good, is there any problem?

If it doesn't look good, something must have gone wrong. Even if it's all about the game, if it doesn't look good, no one will watch it.

Based on this idea, I will try my best to write the rest of this book according to my ideas.

If you really can’t accept this method, and feel that there are too many outside the field, and that the part of the game that describes people other than the protagonist is too watery, then I have a very sincere suggestion—let each other go, and don’t say book reviews in chapters Tell me how to write it.

I understand what you are saying. Speaking of which, the average subscription of "Champion's Heart" is almost over 10,000, and there are not many sports books that can exceed 10,000 subscriptions. It means that I can still write books that cater to the psychological expectations of most readers, right?

But as I said in the preface, this is a willful work, and I really don't expect to be recognized by everyone.

I am very happy to be able to have such a result now.

Seventeen years ago, when I posted "Do You Care About Me Playing Football" on the Internet for the first time, I said that I hoped to find like-minded people.

Seventeen years later, when I posted "Fox in the Forbidden Zone" on the Internet, I also hoped to find people who could resonate with this story.

I also didn't expect that I could write a work that became popular all over the Internet and covered all readers and audiences in all directions.

Sports is originally a minority, and my style of writing is even more minority among the minority. I know all of this——Before I opened the book, Die Lan asked me what I was going to write. After I told him the general idea, he Let me tell you, you are a minority in the minority, and your grades may not be too good!

Of course I know, that's why at the end of the first volume, I felt that I was elated after ordering three thousand.

I just want to write about football for seventeen years, so it’s inevitable that I’m a bit tired of aesthetics—I found that the happiest part I wrote was the interaction between Gao Zheng and Sister Feng in the last book "Green Fields"—so I want to Rediscovering the impulse and fun I had when I decided to write the stories of Zhang Jun and Sophie in words.

The purest desire to confide, to tell you the feelings and thoughts accumulated in my heart bit by bit through the stories and characters I have conceived.

For me, this book is such a chance to start again.

Good grades are of course important.

But most importantly, the most important thing is to write a work that satisfies me and can explain my seventeen years of online competition writing.

To be honest, I don't know how long I can continue to write, after all, at first I thought I couldn't last even ten years. I remember that when I wrote "The Winner Is King" in the tenth year, I made a ten-year summary and told everyone that I hope to write a second decade, and then I will do a twenty-year summary.

Looking at it now, it should be no problem in twenty years, but I'm afraid I really don't know in thirty years.

After all, as I am getting older, both my body and my brain are past their prime, and like Hu Lixin, I am slowly falling behind the times. Maybe I, too—no, it should be—will be eliminated and replaced.

I'm 100% going to age.

Will I still be able to write something that continues to resonate with everyone by then, will I still have a passion for writing by then, will I still have a lot to say about the world by then?

I do not know.

Some time ago, the old cat retired, and I was still a little sad. In the epilogue, he used the lake outside the window as the title. I have been to his house and seen that lake. It is indeed beautiful. It is happiness to be able to look up at the beautiful scenery outside the window while writing.

So I started to collect the photos of the snow-capped mountains outside the study window that I had taken before. They were all the scenery I saw through the window glass while I was typing. I planned to use the mountain outside the window as the title to write a long article when I retired postscript.

When the time comes to look back on my career, there are a few books that are the most important to me, and I will be extremely happy if I can explain something to myself and you.

And "Fox in the Restricted Area" is the book that I wish I could make the list.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

It was supposed to be a summary of the second volume, but how I wrote it is the same as finishing this testimonial...

In short, the story of Hu Lai is still in progress and has not ended. Please look forward to the next story.

I will do my best to write it well.

my way.

Finally, I would like to send you a few pictures of the mountains outside my study window, which are in the Easter Egg Chapter.

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