Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 78 Precious Lesson 1

In the stands, Yan Yan and the uncle next to him raised an umbrella and continued to watch the game.

But under such a heavy thunderstorm, the umbrellas in their hands may be more comforting than practical—even though they are all holding umbrellas, only the head and the circle around their heads can barely keep dry.

The shoulders, arms, palms, hem of the clothes, trousers from the thighs down to the shoes are all soaked.

Not only rain, but also wind.

The uncle who complained about catching a cold before the game didn't care about the wet spots on his body at all. He looked focused and looked at the court with a little nervousness.

On the field, the Flashes are attacking.

It had been raining and the field was a bit slippery.

Therefore, Flash Star chose a simple and rough style of play when attacking, and did not go through the fine sorting of the midfield before pushing it up.

Instead, he made a long pass directly from the backcourt to find the teammate in front.

For example, in this attack, Wang Guangwei directly sent a long pass in the backcourt and found Hu Lai in the frontcourt.

After Hu Laila caught the ball in the open space, he returned the football to Zhang Qinghuan, and then turned around and made an empty cut.

However, when he was running, there were always Seoul LG's defensive players by his side, so Zhang Qinghuan did not pass the football to him, but passed it to Qin Lin horizontally.

After receiving the ball, Qin Lin made some adjustments and shot!

Seeing this scene, the uncle in the stands could not help but tighten the umbrella handle in his hand.

The soccer ball flew close to the ground and headed for Seoul LG's goal, but the angle was slightly straight.

Cui Songmao moved quickly, came to the front of the football, and then knelt down to catch the ball.

Just then, the football bounced off the ground in front of him.

Because the area in front of the goal has been trampled on repeatedly, it has become very silky and slippery, and the ball bounces differently after touching the ground than under normal circumstances.

Cui Songmao's catching action based on the conditioned reflex of the usual situation is not suitable for this ball.

The football didn't bounce into his arms, but hit his fingertips and bounced out!

"Let's go!"

Cui Songmao's mind sounded a stern alarm,

He wanted to make a second save, but his foot on the turf slipped at the most critical moment, which prevented him from getting out!

He could only stretch out his hand, trying to push the football away—out of the corner of his eye, he saw a red figure rushing towards the football!

Then kick the football towards the goal before his hands get there!

"Hu Lai—chance! Great goal!! Beautiful! 3:0! Shining Star leads Seoul LG with three goals at home! Hu Lai also scored his first brace in the AFC Champions League!"

There was another loud cheer from the Provincial Sports Center.

The uncle in the stands waved his hand and raised the umbrella in his hand high. The wind and rain poured in and slapped him hard on the face!

But he didn't care about that and joined the cheering crowd.

There are countless people like him in the stands, they are holding umbrellas, but they are soaked? They don't care, they just want to shout.

"Xiongqi! Xiongqi!! Xiongqi---!!!"

The rain that fell from the sky seemed to be shattered by the roar.


Park Guixian, who was drenched in water, hung his hands? Looking at his team's penalty area, a teammate fell straight after Hu Lai scored a goal? Lying on the ground? Some muddy water was splashed.

His performance was a little friendlier than those teams, at least he didn't lie shamefully in the muddy water with his hands covering his face.

He just stood there panting? Silent.

In this cold rainy night? He didn't feel cold at all? Because his heart was colder than the rain.

We have agreed to revenge, we have agreed to kill Xingxing, we have agreed to shut up in front of Xingxing fans...

He doesn't even have the strength to swear now.

There are fourteen minutes left in the game? Seoul LG is behind 0:3 in the away game? No matter how you look at it, it is an almost irreparable defeat.

That's horrible.

There is only one thought in his mind now.

That's horrible. When I came to Jincheng, I was tossed by the wind in the sky, and after staying in the hotel, I was scared by the earthquake and ran out wearing only a pair of underwear? Today's game was drenched in such a heavy rain, and the opponent poured three balls... …

It's not that Park Guixian has never experienced failure? He has also seen those miserable failures, such as the East Asian Cup that year? He also lost three goals, and he lost at home.

But he still felt that today's AFC Champions League game was the worst loss.

Those who were beaten had no power to fight back, they were completely pressed by the opponent on the ground and rubbed and rubbed again...


In the end, with Hu Lai's brace and Zhang Qinghuan's second AFC Champions League goal in his career? Anton Shining Star defeated Seoul Lejin 3:0 at home.

After the results of the group draw came out? Anton Shining Star, who was considered the weakest in the group, defeated his opponent cleanly at home.

In terms of winning and losing results alone, this is not too surprising.

Because since the "embarrassing" road trip of Seoul Legion, the Korean media and fans have not looked good at this team.

Other teams playing away games are just normal physical exertion and lack of energy.

Seoul LG's away game can be described as "thrilling", and it is naturally impossible for the players to show any good form.

But even including the fans of Seoul Legion, who thought the team might lose, they never thought that it would lose so... cleanly.

Throughout the game, Seoul Legin hardly posed too many threats to Shining Star's goal, except that the second half had just started, but that was just a lot of thunder and rain.

It can be said that Seoul LG was defeated by Andong Shining Star.

In a bad state, everyone can understand the away game loss to Flash Star.

But losing like this, many people can't accept it.

At least you should resist, at least don't let your opponent win so easily!

What is the concept of 0:3?

In the away game against the strongest opponent in the group, Osaka Victory, Seoul Le Jindu only lost 1:2. Not only did they only lose one goal, they also scored goals, and they fought until the last minute. It can be said that "defeat is glorious".

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And what about today's game?

Not only the difference of three goals, any Seoul LG fan who watched the whole game can see that LG was hit by the opponent with his head on his head.

The dignified third place in the Korean K1 league was beaten black and blue by a newly promoted Chinese Super League.

Seoul LG has almost become the object of ridicule - before the game is over, there have been ridicules against Seoul LG players on the Korean Internet.

Of course, it's fine if you're just being laughed at.

What's more terrible is that after losing this game, Seoul Lejin also lost the second place in the league, and the point difference was suddenly pulled to three points.

Now is not the time to discuss whether Seoul Lejin can compete with Osaka Seungri for the first place in the group, but should seriously ask whether Seoul Lejin can qualify from this group...

Although Osaka Victory was tied by Sydney Coast at home in this round of the group stage, it still has 10 points and tops the list. With two rounds left in the group stage, it is 6 points ahead of third-placed Seoul LG. There is only the possibility of losing the qualification in theory.

With the victory of this game, Shining Star jumped to second place with seven points. This group, which was originally not expected to be the weakest, still has hope of advancing to the knockout round of the AFC Champions League!

This is really something that many people didn't expect after the lottery results came out, and they didn't dare to think about it.

After all, being able to enter the AFC Champions League made many people feel incredible...

When every Shining Star player was interviewed after the game, even though his whole body was soaked by rain and his hair lay low on his forehead and scalp, they couldn't hide the smiles on their faces.

Speaking of winning the game, they are all very happy.

It's just that when a reporter asked them, "Are you very happy when you think of having the opportunity to enter the knockout round of the AFC Champions League?", their expressions became a little unnatural.

Of course, this didn't arouse the doubts of the reporters. It was just that everyone didn't want to make too much publicity. After all, it is not far away from actually reaching the knockout round.

When the Flash Star players returned to the locker room, they approached Hu Lai, "Hu Lai! When will we go to the big villa for a warm-house party!"

"That's right, I want to see the mansion too!"

Facing the enthusiastic teammates, Hu Lai patted his chest and promised, "After we move and pack up, we must invite everyone to visit!"

Qin Lin did not participate in the booing of his teammates, but watched the scene with a smile while drying the water on his hair.

At the same time, the team's head coach Zhao Kangming told Chinese and foreign reporters at the post-match press conference, "We don't think about the knockout, that's too far away... For the AFC, our goal is very clear, that is, every I am very happy to see that our players did so today, so we finally won this game...but it is too early to say knockout, we participate in the AFC Champions League to honor those strong and outstanding teams Asian teams learn from..."

After he finished speaking, a South Korean reporter raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, coach Zhao Kangming, the reason why Shining Star can beat Seoul Legion in this game is related to some accidents that the Seoul Legion team encountered in this away game. Do you agree with this point of view?"

It can be heard from his tone that he seems a little unconvinced.

It looks like it should be the team reporter of Seoul Legion.

When some Chinese journalists heard his question, they couldn't help but cast contemptuous glances. If you lose, you lose. What excuses are you looking for?

Zhao Kangming didn’t seem to see the obvious eyes of the Chinese reporters, and replied with a smile, “First of all, I express my sympathy for Seoul Le Jin’s experience before the game. Accidents are a part of life and football. We cannot To change accidents, you can only use your own efforts to offset the impact of accidents. Facing this game full of accidents, I warned the players before the game to go all out and temporarily forget those accidents. In the end, I am very happy Glad our team won the game without being affected by the accident. This is the valuable lesson we learned from the AFC Champions League."

A South Korean reporter who asked a question? ? ?

The Chinese journalists applauded Zhao Kangming's wit one after another, and there was warm applause at the press conference.


ps, I’m back in Chengdu, and I’m sending you a picture of the sunset I took on the balcony of my hotel room—in the easter egg chapter.

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