Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 143 Pu Chuntai is not up to date......

"Park Chuntae——!!! Oops!"

The commentator of the Korean TV station was startled. First he shouted Park Sun-tae's name, then he let out a long sigh, put his head in his hands, and leaned against the back of the seat in the studio.

For this "East Asian Derby" in the Premier League, Korean TV stations naturally also broadcast it.

South Korean fans hope to see Park Chun-tae perform well on behalf of Korean football in this game, and prove to those Chinese fans and media who look down on others that their Korean player Park Chun-tae is still the "Light of Asia" and "One of Asia". elder brother"!

However, after the start of the game, from the point of view of the scene, Leeds City, which is still playing at home, has the advantage. They did take the lead, relying on the French player Camara's goal to take the lead.

Pu Chuntai played well in several counterattacks, but he was a little lacking in the final kick and failed to seize the opportunity to score.

The South Korean fans are a little relieved that although Leeds scored the goal, it was not Hu Lai who scored the goal. Therefore, in the competition between Hu Lai and Park Chun-tae, their Park Chun-tae has not yet fallen behind, and the two are still tied.

Just now London Bridge played a quick counterattack. Pu Chuntai used his speed to sprint half the field. After receiving a pass from his teammate, he hit the goal directly, but the football was higher than the crossbar.

The surprise of the Korean commentator comes from this.

No one complained on the Internet that the Korean commentator was not calm enough, because I don’t know how many Korean fans are more excited than the commentator in front of the TV.

In the live broadcast, after the shot, Park Chun-tae kicked hard into the air, obviously dissatisfied with the fact that he pushed the ball high.


Pu Chuntai is really dissatisfied with his performance.

Leeds City's offensive is fierce, and London Bridge has many counterattack opportunities. He hopes to seize the opportunity as soon as possible, otherwise he will continue to waste like this, and he may have no chance.

Sure enough, not long after he wasted this opportunity, Leeds City coach Tony Clark made adjustments and asked the team to temporarily recover the defense and not give London Bridge a chance to counterattack.

Clark is crazy, but not stupid. Knowing that when London Bridge is already in full swing, Leeds City still wants to break through the goal of London Bridge again in one breath, just like colliding with a reinforced concrete gate with a physical body. You will still get hurt, there is simply no chance of winning.

So he let the team recycle,

Slow down the pace of the game and recover your energy.

This is also to be able to continue to attack in the future - other teams shrink their defenses to defend, and Clark makes the team shrink their defenses to accumulate energy for the next violent offensive...

Leeds City shrunk their defense, and London Bridge naturally couldn't continue to stay behind. Now it's their turn to press up and attack.

It has to be said that each team has the temperament of each team. They have something they are good at, and naturally they are not good at it.

Just like Leeds City, under the leadership of the head coach Tony Clark, this team has gradually demonstrated the temperament of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. It is good at attacking but not good at defending.

Although he scored 13 goals this season, he also conceded seven goals-this is on the premise that Clark deliberately strengthened his defense.

London Bridge and Leeds City are just the opposite. They are very good at defense, but not good at offense, or not good at playing positional warfare-a team that is good at defense meets a team that also shrinks defense. This is ironic, but not surprising.

After all, if London Bridge has a good defense and a good offense, then they will not only be ranked sixth in the league.

They will not miss the championship last season.

Not to mention last season, even in the season when their defense set a record, London Bridge was only runner-up and still did not win the championship.

It is said that defense in the league determines the championship. But London Bridge is too slanted, the offense pulls the hips, and no matter how good the defense is, it can't move it.

Of course, London Bridge has also made many improvements to their offense in the past two seasons, including spending 35 million pounds to introduce Pu Chuntai.

For head coach Miguel Tavares, this season is also his last chance. There have been rumors from the outside world that if he still can't bring the league championship to the team, even if he still has a two-year contract with the club, he will still be fired by the end of this season.

After Tavares came to London Bridge, he really injected his stuff into this team and helped the team to a higher level defensively. But he still failed to solve the team's offensive problems, and the team's performance in the past two seasons has a downward trend-the runner-up in the league last season and the third place in the league last season. The fourth in the league went.

This is obviously not in line with the expectations of the London Bridge Club.

Champions League qualification is their bottom line. If they can't even participate in the Champions League, are they ashamed to say that they are rich?


After Leeds City shrunk their defense, London Bridge stepped up to attack.

During this period, they also got some chances, but until the end of the first half, they failed to equalize the score.

The referee blew the half-time whistle, and Leeds City entered the intermission with a score of 1:0.

However, London Bridge coach Tavares didn't look very anxious when he left the field, and he didn't seem to think it was a big deal to fall behind by one goal.

Back in the dressing room, he told his players: "A goal lead in the first half might be a good result for other teams, but not for Leeds manager Tony Clarke. I bet that Leeds City will continue to attack in the second half, hoping to score more goals. So as long as we are patient, we will be able to seize the opportunity of their heavy pressure and use our good defensive counterattack to beat them!"

Tavares has also studied his opponents in this game-in fact, it does not need to be studied very carefully. This conclusion can be easily drawn through media reports and Leeds City's past game performance.

More than one English media has called Tony Clark a lunatic who only thinks about offense. So much so that Sky TV commentator Matthew Cox commented on Leeds City's defense in the game commentary, which has become a popular stalk on the Internet:

"It's amazing how much Leeds' defense has improved this season - their manager Tony Clarke finally knows how to shrink the defense when the opposition is on the attack, instead of pressing out and attacking!"

On the surface, this sentence is praising Clark, but it is actually complaining that he only knows how to attack.

Tavares judged from this that Leeds City will definitely attack at the beginning of the second half, hoping to use their offensive to score goals.

And that's the opportunity for London Bridge.


Tavares expected it well. After the start of the second half, Leeds City did rush forward like they did at the beginning of the first half.

Seeing this, Tavares didn't even go to the sidelines to direct the game, so he sat firmly on the coach's bench and raised his legs. It seemed that he used this method to increase the confidence of the players on the field. Tell them - everything is under control, there is nothing to worry about, play according to the original plan!

Finally, in the fifty-eighth minute, London Bridge launched a quick counterattack after successfully stealing in the backcourt.

The football was handed over to Pu Chuntai's feet.

After receiving the ball, the Korean striker ran all the way, reaching the extreme speed, easily throwing off Jay Adams who was chasing him, and dribbling the ball straight to the central defender of Leeds City.

Then he used a dexterous change of direction to sway past the Leeds City defender Ben Grist, who was rushing forward, and entered the penalty area!

The commentator of the Korean TV station is almost shouting to a climax: "Park Chuntae!!! Park Chuntae! Park Chuntae——!"

In his hoarse roar, Pu Chuntai faced the attacking goalkeeper Van Deven and kicked the goal!

He shoots the football into the far corner!

Goalkeeper Van Deven judged the right direction, quickly fell to the ground and threw himself sideways, rubbing the football with his fingers!

"Ah!" The Korean commentator almost uttered all the swear words.

He is so angry!

Park Chun-tae's performance before this shot was perfect, but it turned out that such a shot was touched by the opponent's goalkeeper!

Before the fans of Leeds City had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a London Bridge player in blue coming in from the middle of the penalty area. It was another striker of the team, Scott Barnes!

And the football that was blocked by van der Ven and changed its direction happened to fall right in front of him!

Now in front of Barnes is a huge empty goal, this ball can be kicked in with eyes closed!

Barnes raised his foot and shot, and the football flew straight into Leeds City's goal!

London Bridge finally equalized the score!

Pu Chuntai saw the football flying into the goal, and his mood was extremely complicated. He should raise his arms and cheer, but he was a little unwilling in his heart—this ball should belong to him, but in the end he made a wedding dress for someone else...

But he quickly let go of the dissatisfaction in his heart, and ran to Barnes who had already run to the corner flag area, and celebrated with him for tying his opponent.

In any case, we brought our opponents back to the same starting line. The second half of the game has just begun. London Bridge still has a chance, and I still have a chance...

He comforted and encouraged himself in his heart.

Park Chun-tae has let go of his obsession, but the commentator of Korean TV station still looks very regretful: "Park Chun-tae missed the chance to equalize the score... After the ball was thrown by the goalkeeper Van Deven, it finally fell in front of Barnes. Great bargain!"

The Korean fans in front of the TV and on the Internet are more regretful than him, and some people have already cursed on the Internet.

But they didn't know who to scold, so in the end they were just incompetent and furious...

Are you scolding Park Chun-tae for not being up to date? Pu Chuntai doesn't want to either!

Scolding Barnes for stealing Park Chun-tae's goal? But the problem is that Park Chun-tae didn't grasp this opportunity himself. When faced with this kind of opportunity to hit an empty goal, any striker will not pass the ball to his teammates again, so there is nothing wrong with Barnes' choice.

At the end of the scolding, the Korean fans could only comfort themselves with "Fortunately, Hu Lai didn't score a goal", so they finally stabilized their emotions.

Then, with a curse on Hu Lai and blessings on Park Chun-tae, continue to watch this "East Asian Derby".

On the Chinese network, although Leeds conceded the ball and their lead was wiped out, the atmosphere was much more joyful.

Many Chinese fans are mercilessly mocking Pu Chuntai.

"I'm giving you a chance, you're useless! Hahaha!"

"Does anyone remember that this is the first time Park Chuntai has wasted chances in this game?"

"Is this the power of 'Light of Asia'? I love it!"

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