Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 151 Rare Leisure

In the end, Qin Lin still didn't ask his son what the book was called.

He felt... a little ashamed.

Fortunately, he remembered the author's name that his son said back then, which was "Lin Hai Jing Tao".

So he searched online on his mobile phone, and a prompt popped up:

The search results for "Lin Hai Ting Tao" have been displayed. Still searching: Lin Haijingtao

Qin Lin didn't click on the latter option, but saw the author's information named "Lin Hai Tingtao" at a glance.

And I saw his novel in it: "The Big Brother: We Are the Champions".

Relying on intuition, Qin Lin clicked in, and his name was mentioned in the introduction, but it was not exactly the same, but got a homonym:

The last big man in Chinese football, Qin Ling, retired with the regret of not being able to participate in the World Cup, but when he woke up on the second day of retirement, he found himself possessed by a young player with the same name and surname as Anton Shining Star. And in this world, there is no such Qin Ling who once won Chinese Footballer and Asian Footballer!

But the world was exactly the same as the one he knew, except without him.

So the boss found that the first serious problem he was facing was... how could he call Hu Lai, Zhang Qinghuan, and Wang Guangwei "brothers"?

Qin Lin frowned when he saw this.

Call those brats "brothers"?

This is indeed a very serious problem...

This detail suddenly made Qin Lin more interested in this book, so he decided to continue reading.

See how in the virtual world created by this author, he will realize all his ambitions in his youth.

Anyway, on the day of the national team match, the club's coaching work is not so busy, he has plenty of time to read novels.

After clicking on "Free Trial", he read it.

※※ ※

The plane is flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the cabin is not quiet. The low-frequency noise caused by the engine and wind noise continues to roar. Some people choose to use noise-cancelling headphones to combat this noise.

But more people have become accustomed to this kind of noise and treat it as background music. They chat, watch movies, listen to music, and play games in a noisy environment.

This is a flight from the Chinese capital to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and the people on this flight are not ordinary passengers.

The cabin is full of members of the Chinese men's football national team, as well as the entire coaching staff, as well as the relevant staff of the Chinese Football Association, as well as the Chinese media reporters who accompanied the team to report on the away game.

The mighty ground almost filled up the mid-sized airliner.

The logistics team is the largest among them, and they are responsible for all the daily arrangements for the national team's training and life in Tashkent.

Even the national team of chefs has brought five chefs this time—each of them is responsible for different cuisines, so as to meet the different tastes of the international players of the national team.

This is also a very rare treatment in the history of the Chinese team competing in the World Cup.

The previous Football Association did not have such a clear division of labor and a professional sense of logistics support-it is logistics to bring a few large boxes of instant noodles to the national team when going out with the team.

If you remember to bring a few boxes of instant noodle companion ham sausage and pickled mustard along with instant noodles, it is a reflection of the meticulous logistics work.

As for chartering a flight to play an away game, it has never happened.

After all, regarding the performance of the Chinese team in the World Cup qualifiers, the Chinese fans and the media were eager for them to go to the away game on foot and even charter a flight... That would be a waste of taxpayers' money! It is an illegal occupation of state property! It's a crime!

Now after ten years of reform, not only the performance of the Chinese team has been improved, but also the work ability of the Football Association has become more professional and meticulous.

From this point of view, it can even be said that the Chinese team's ability to persist until the end in the qualifiers this time is inseparable from the excellent work of the relevant staff of the Football Association.

This time for such a large team, public opinion did not show dissatisfaction.

After all, this is indeed the closest Chinese football is to the World Cup.

In order to achieve the goal, it is only natural to make a big fanfare.

If you can successfully break into the World Cup, let alone a logistics support team of dozens of people, even if the number is doubled, fans all over the country will have no objections!

Everyone on the plane is looking for something to do to pass the time of the journey.

Wang Guangwei looked at it with his mobile phone in his hands and laughed.

Hu Lai, who was sitting next to him, glanced curiously, and found that Old Wang was reading a novel.

He knew that Wang Guangwei usually liked to read online novels, but he never asked what novels he was reading.

Today was also boring, so Hu Lai asked, "What book is so fun to read?"

Wang Guangwei put down his phone and replied, "A football novel..."

"Football novels? What's so good about football novels? You play football all day and you read it written by a layman. Don't you think it's a drama?"

"But this one is indeed very interesting." Wang Guangwei smiled, "Hu Lai, let me talk about the title of the book. Guess who the protagonist of this book is."

"How can I guess this?" Hu Lai spread his hands.

"You try it. It's called "Big Brother: We Are the Champions"."

Hu Lai was taken aback when he heard the words, and his intuition made a name pop up in his mind, and he blurted out: "Brother Lin?"

Wang Guangwei clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Look, you guessed it right away! That's right, it's about brother Lin traveling to a parallel world after retiring, and Shan Xing in the parallel world is still our teammate. But his identity has changed, No longer a big shot in Chinese football, but a 20-year-old reserve team rookie..."

He was interrupted by Hu Lai before he finished speaking: "Wait, Brother Lin has become a twenty-year-old rookie?"

Wang Guangwei nodded: "Yes. The same name and surname, although the author used homonyms, but everyone understands."

Hu Lai laughed: "Hey! Brother Lin... Should we be called 'Brother'?"


"What kind of expression is that on your face!"

"Hu Lai, if it wasn't for me knowing that your writing is poor, otherwise I really doubt that you wrote this book - the first problem Brother Lin encountered at the beginning of this novel was whether to call us 'brothers' or not! "

"Tsk, Lao Wang, please explain clearly, what do you mean by 'writing is rotten'? Let me tell you, my composition when I was young was on our school's popular post!"

"And what about this?"

"That's right!" Hu Lai said proudly, "After all, zero-point essays are not common."

Wang Guangwei rolled his eyes, and he knew: "Are you willing to say that?"

Hu Lai didn't take it seriously, but instead nudged Wang Guangwei with his elbow: "Isn't it great to be called Brother Lin?"

"Ha..." Wang Guangwei laughed, but soon he straightened his face again, and said solemnly: "This is a novel, a fiction! Will I feel good because of such a fictional story?"

Hu Lai pouted: "Then you were so happy just now..."

"It's just to pass the time... If it weren't for the boring flight this time, I wouldn't even watch it!" Wang Guangwei continued sternly.

"Then you are really fast at reading, the reading progress is 90%..." Hu Lai glanced at Wang Guangwei's phone screen.

"Hey, I read books faster..."

Seeing that Hu Lai had been staring at him, Wang Guangwei was embarrassed to continue reading, so he put away his mobile phone, then looked at the flight route map, and found that they were very close to their destination, so he said with emotion: "There is still one more game..."

Hu Lai corrected him: "There are still three games."

"I didn't say the World Cup..."

"I'm talking about the World Cup."

Wang Guangwei turned his head and glanced at Hu Lai, who also looked at him: "Why? Am I wrong?"

"No, no, that's right." Wang Guangwei laughed.

Then he leaned back on the seat back of the plane and sighed faintly: "The World Cup..."

Even though it was the last match in the Asian Qualifying Tournament, he still had a very unreal feeling.

I think he and Hu Lai met for the first time in a high school football game, but now they are members of the Chinese national team, sitting on a plane flying to Tashkent, making a last-ditch effort to reach the World Cup finals .

This difference in identity makes Wang Guangwei feel as if he is a world away.

"What are you sighing for?"

"No... I just suddenly thought of Brother Lin again. You said that he worked hard all his life, but he finally found out that the Chinese team may participate in the World Cup after retiring. Would he feel regretful?" Wang Guangwei didn't mean to change the subject. He really felt something in his heart.

The novel just now successfully aroused his melancholy.

There is nothing more painful than "die before the battle".

"Unfortunately, I can't help it... Brother Lin didn't catch up with the good time." Hu Lai sighed, "Why don't we bring Brother Lin's photo and put him on the bench in the World Cup? fulfilled his World Cup dream..."

Wang Guangwei was stunned for a moment, imagined the scene in his mind, and then covered his face: "Brother Lin is not here, or you will have good fruit to eat! Hu Lai, you are swollen now!"

Hu Lai curled his lips: "Where are you bloated? You dare to read a novel that makes Brother Lin call you Brother. The wolf's ambition is clearly revealed!"

When the two were arguing, the plane shook slightly, and the pilot's slightly vague voice came from the cockpit broadcast: "Ladies and gentlemen, this flight will land at Tashkent International Airport in 30 minutes. The current ground temperature is 20. Eight degrees Celsius... Please open the sunshade, put away the small table, and turn your mobile phone and other electronic devices to airplane mode..."

Wang Guangwei, who was playing with Hu Lai, heard these words, sat up straight from his seat, tensed up like a conditioned reflex, as if he was about to parachute from an airplane and parachute into the battlefield.

Not only him, but other teammates around him in the cabin also took off their earphones, put down their phones, opened the visor, and turned their heads to look down.

For them, the time of leisure and relaxation is over.

Although there is no parachute drop, the battlefield is indeed below them.

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