Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 171 Super Super Huge...

"Hu Lai pushes forward... Eh? Hu Lai? Strike! Strike! Luo Kai——!! Great opportunity!! The goal is scored!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! The Chinese team won the away goal and will The score was rewritten to 1:2! We kept our hope of qualifying for the World Cup!"

After Luo Kai swept the football into the goal, he finally lost his balance and fell to the ground.

But he still insisted on twisting his neck and tracking the football with his eyes. When he saw the ball flying into the goal, he quickly turned over and got up from the ground, ran wildly, and ran to the coach and bench of the Chinese team who were equally excited.

Their biggest mission to the Hills Stadium has been completed!

Even if the Chinese team lost the game with a score of 1:2, after returning to the home court in the second round, they also took the lead!

Luo Kai ran wildly and plunged into the already fried bench. Behind him, more players from the Chinese team ran up and joined the surging crowd.

Hu Lai, the assister, also ran over, was hugged by his teammates, and dragged into the innermost part.

Without even struggling, he was submerged and disappeared...

The few Chinese fans in the stands have been silent since Hao De was injured. Until then, it finally came back to life, waving the little national flags in its hands, like little red flowers swaying in the wind.

Hao De was injured and Sousa scored the second goal. During this period, they were like jumping off a building, falling suddenly from the highest point, almost thinking that they would really be shot to death on the ground...

Now Luo Kai's goal is like a powerful braking force, pulling them back from falling!

"Go China!"

"Long live China!"


Shouts like this one after another in the stands.

※※ ※

In stark contrast to the ecstatic Chinese players and fans were the Paraguayan players and fans.

Although there were more than 75,000 fans of the home team in the stands, when Hu Lai passed the football with his heel, they seemed to have been pressed on the mute button collectively, and they even forgot to boo.

Just watched Luo Kai send football into their gate.

A huge sense of humiliation welled up in my heart.

So after a brief silence, there were huge boos over the hill stadium.

There were also excited Paraguayan fans struggling to shake the high barbed wire. The barbed wire wall shook and made a hula hula sound, making people worry that they would fall down at any time, thus releasing 75,000 angry "beasts".

Fortunately, the barbed wire wall of the hill stadium is strong enough...

The fans were "incompetent and furious" in the stands, but the anger of the Paraguayan players on the court can be converted into fighting spirit.

Although Alsay was tricked by Hou Lai's heel pass, he quickly got out of the shock and raised his arms and shouted to his teammates: "Don't panic!"

Meanwhile, frontcourt superstar Sousa Espinola simply ran straight into the goal, picked up the football, picked it up, turned and ran back to the center circle.

Two people saying the same thing in different ways - Paraguayan football is not knocked down!

With their constant encouragement, the other Paraguayan players cheered up again. While the Chinese team players were still celebrating excitedly, they were already in their positions, waiting for the opponent to return before kicking off.

It was only then that Alsay had the thought to turn his attention to the Chinese team and find Hu Lai among the crowd.

He really didn't expect Hu Lai to send such a high-quality and imaginative pass.

I was completely deceived by the opponent... The one stepping forward to block the shot happened to give up his crotch, allowing the football to pass successfully.

Based on his knowledge of Hou Lai, this should not be the ball he can pass - there is no previous evidence that Hou Lai is an excellent passer with imagination.

But he just passed it out and successfully assisted his teammates to score.

I don't know how many times it was, and Sosa's evaluation of this person reappeared in his mind.

No matter how much he looked down on Souza, he had to admit that his previous thinking was wrong. As a forward, Souza was really accurate in seeing Hu Lai.

However, Arcey didn't feel very depressed or regretful, and his emotions had recovered.

Even if the Chinese team scored a goal, Paraguay is still ahead. And the game is not over, Paraguay still have a chance to continue scoring.

Let the Chinese team know that the away goals they think are precious like gold are actually useless!

※※ ※

The Chinese team finally ended their celebration and ran back to their own half in groups of three or four.

Hu Lai approached Luo Kai and said to him with a smile, "Now you owe me!"

After speaking, he accelerated to overtake Luo Kai and ran towards the middle circle.

Luo Kai frowned at Hu Lai's words, and slowed down a bit, as if he was thinking about the meaning of Hu Lai's words.

When he came back to his senses and wanted to find Hu Lai again, the latter had already run away.

He could only look at Hu Lai's back and complain in his heart: Then those balls I passed to you before don't count? !

But it was just complaining in my heart, the ball was indeed passed well by Hu Lai.

At that time, Hu Lai didn't have any angle to handle the football, and he still turned his back to himself, and he didn't turn his head to observe the situation behind him before passing the ball. How did he think of passing the football behind him?

Luo Kai shook his head slightly, unable to understand this point.

※※ ※

After the Chinese team returned to their own half, Paraguay kicked off and the game restarted.

Although Paraguay held back their energy and wanted to score another goal, they re-extended their lead to two goals.

But after pulling back a goal, the morale of the Chinese team was high, and everyone felt in a good state. For a while, Paraguay felt a little helpless.

The Chinese team is still defensive counterattack tactics, but they not only defend well, counterattack is also very sharp.

Luo Kai, who scored the goal, is in good condition, and Chen Xingyi's speed advantage is also obvious.

The two not only changed positions frequently on the left and right, but also crossed positions with Hu Lai, further increasing the threat of a counterattack.

Paraguay really has nothing to do with the Chinese team for a while.

The Chinese fans were quite excited to see it - now it seems that we can not only score an away goal, but even have a chance to draw with Paraguay in the away game!

If this is the case, then the Chinese team is really only one step away from the World Cup finals!

Thinking of this, the eyes of many Chinese fans became hot-I thought that two rounds would be inseparable to determine the outcome of the game, but now it takes one round to end the biggest suspense? !

Come on, Chinese team! Strike while the iron is hot!

If this were at the home court of the Chinese team, one can imagine how lively it would be in the stands at this moment...

Now there are only crazy boos and shouts from the Paraguayan fans.

※※ ※

The counterattack of the Chinese team was so sharp that their forward Sousa retreated to the midfield to help defend.

So when Paraguay successfully launched a counterattack in the backcourt, Sousa became the link between the past and the future. After receiving the ball, he used his skillful foot skills to get rid of the Chinese midfielder Gao Ruimin who was defending him.

Then he turned and dribbled the ball forward!

The boos and other noises in the stands suddenly turned into cheers.

Sosa was still dribbling the ball, Zhang Qinghuan returned to the defense and chased him, inserting diagonally, trying to separate him from the football.

But was thrown away by Sosa with an emergency stop and restart!

"be careful!"

At the same time, Wang Guangwei, who was waiting on the back line, suddenly caught a glimpse of another Paraguayan striker Roman Ramirez from the corner of his eye, and began to accelerate diagonally towards the center. He realized that the other party might be running away, so he immediately followed up.

Sure enough, just after Ramirez started to run, Sosa who dribbled the ball suddenly sent a pick pass, and the direction of the pass was on the route of Ramirez's diagonal running!

At this time, Wang Guangwei was very fortunate that he had reacted in advance, otherwise he might be left behind by the opponent with a stride - Ramirez's speed is not slow!

He was going to run with Ramirez, but without making too obvious a move, just clinging to him, pushing him out wide and making him lose his shot angle.

At this moment, he heard a loud shout: "Get out of my way!!"

Wang Guangwei was taken aback when he raised his head - Lin Zhiyuan had already rushed to him!

What are you doing here? !

Wang Guangwei was terrified, and slammed on the brakes to avoid the result of colliding with Lin Zhiyuan who rushed up without making a sound.

Then he saw Lin Zhiyuan jumping up, reaching out to hit the football in the air, as if he wanted to punch the ball out...

But at this moment, Ramirez stretched out a kick suddenly, grabbed the aerial football before Lin Zhiyuan, and the football flew over Lin Zhiyuan's body!

At the same time, Ramirez shrank slightly to hide from Lin Zhiyuan's body!

"Eh? Danger——!"

When He Feng saw this scene, his eyes were as big as his mouth. He never thought that Lin Zhiyuan, who had been performing very well since coming off the bench, would make such a low-level mistake!

Wang Guangwei saw that Lin Zhiyuan was in the air, and then started to speed up to chase Ramirez, but it was too late...

Although he tried hard to chase it out, he still couldn't block the football shot by Ramirez towards the goal.

He fell to the ground after sliding out the tackle, turned his head to watch the football roll into the empty Chinese team goal... and then raised his hands to cover his face.

Behind him, Lin Zhiyuan twisted his body and stared blankly at the goal.

Immediately afterwards, his knees softened and he knelt down on the line of the penalty area.

He made a super super huge... mistake!

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