Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 177 I swear to the national flag

Paraguay's players were already waiting in the tunnel, but their opponents hadn't arrived yet.

But it can't be said to be late-as long as they come before the referee team arrives.

Although in the previous dressing room, their head coach David Arturo emphasized to them that this game cannot be taken lightly, but the mentality of most players is still very relaxed.

And they don't think it's a bad thing. On the contrary, for South American players, a relaxed mentality is more helpful for them to perform well.

In terms of total score, they lead by two goals. Even if this game is an away game, most of the Paraguayan players are still relaxed.

What, the Chinese team is high-spirited?

Let them score a goal, right?

And what about us?

We want to score too!

From now on, every goal we score is an away goal!

It is true that the Chinese team has an away goal, but it is only one. We only need to score one goal to offset their away goal advantage.

And in Sosa's state, how easy is it to score a goal?

Besides, maybe the young goalkeeper on the other side will have a brain twitch and take the initiative to give a big gift?

The Chinese team has to score two more goals without conceding a goal, but facing our captain Alsay, even Hu Lai has no chance. Otherwise, why did he hold back in the last game and could only use one heel to assist his teammates instead of scoring by himself?

Because he really couldn't break through Alsay's defense!

Hu Lai's assists in the last game were unexpected, because everyone thought that Hu Lai was a particularly unique player. So before this game, the coaching staff also made adjustments to make Paraguay's defense more compact and an inseparable whole. Not only against Hu Lai, but also against Luo Kai, Chen Xingyi, and Zhang Qinghuan.

Face the attack of the Chinese team's front four as a whole.

After making up the last shortcoming, Paraguay can be said to be foolproof, and there are no loopholes.

Next, as long as you play normally,

It is absolutely impossible for us to overturn on the road!

Whether it is a draw or a small loss-in fact, this is already the worst result in the minds of Paraguayan players-it cannot change the result of Paraguay's elimination of the Chinese team and its re-entry into the World Cup finals after 20 years.

After thinking about it, they heard a dense crisp sound coming from behind them, which was the sound of shoe nails hitting the marble floor.

Many Paraguayan players who were chatting looked back and saw the "late" Chinese players appearing in their field of vision.

They also noticed the Paraguayan players and cast unfriendly glances one after another.

For this undisguised gaze, the Paraguayan players did not care.

After all, they are competitors. If you see them and nod and smile, you will be damned.

The key is the final result of the game, making them stare twice will not affect the result of the game...

Just stare.

Many Paraguayan players took a glance and then looked away, continuing to chat with their teammates before.

Only a few people seem to care more about the performance of the Chinese team.

Arsay is one of them. He feels that the Chinese team this time is different from what he felt before the start of the last game.

But it was hard for him to tell exactly how it was different, it was a very subtle change.

He saw Hu Lai, who was also looking at him, with a hint of... danger in his eyes?

Arsay actually sensed danger from Hu Lai's eyes... This made him unbelievable.

He was obviously defeated by his men in the last game, but in the end, if the heel pass was a bit beyond his imagination, he didn't break through his defense at all.

Then why do I feel that today's Hu Lai is more dangerous than the last game?

Arsay even wondered if he was being too sensitive...

Even if Hu Lai is the most threatening in this Chinese team, he shouldn't make himself feel in danger, right?

While Arce was surprised by his perception of Hu Lai, Sosa also noticed the young goalkeeper of the Chinese team—it was hard not to notice, the latter was staring at him.

And it was that unabashed, naked stare.

From approaching him to walking past him, his head seemed to be locked on him, always facing this way.

It wasn't until he stood in his own place that he looked back at himself a few more times before turning his gaze away.

Sosa frowned, what's wrong with this young goalkeeper?

Is this a demonstration against yourself?


Sosa smiled inwardly.

I didn't expect to be provoked by a young goalkeeper...

He didn't understand what Lin Zhiyuan had to be proud of, but he didn't mind teaching him a lesson during the competition, telling him to "respect the elders".


Before the Chinese team played, the sky above the Lotus Stadium was filled with all kinds of shouts and singing.

The game has not yet started, and the Chinese fans seem to have entered the game state.

They even set up a singing activity in the stands on all sides of the southeast, northwest, just like during military training:

"Is the song from the North Stand good?"

"it is good!!"

"Then do you want to play another song?!"


"One more song! One more song! Chi Chi Chi Chi!!"

If the scores of the two rounds of the two rounds were not displayed on the big screen at the scene, it really makes people wonder whether the Chinese team has already qualified ahead of schedule. These fans are here to enjoy the joy...

But in fact, the situation is not optimistic. The Chinese fans also know in their hearts that they also know that this team needs their support more than ever, which is why they have created such a crazy home atmosphere, hoping to create huge psychological pressure on the Paraguayan players and affect them. performance in the game.

Even if it only affects a little bit every time you shout, the accumulation of countless little bits will eventually form an unstoppable avalanche!

This is a little ambition of Chinese fans.

It’s just that judging from the expressions of the Paraguayan players, it’s still far away from this goal-listening to the singing and shouting of the Chinese fans outside the channel, few Paraguayan players take it to heart. They didn't change their faces, they did what they had to do, and they talked about what they had to talk about.

It wasn't until the referee team came out and the captain Alsay slapped his hands to remind them that it was time to play, these people paid a little attention to the expression management.

Everyone restrained their expressions, lined up honestly, and waited for their appearance.

What is different from them is the Chinese team next door. The players kept their faces straight all the time, without squinting.

This made many Paraguayan players snigger in their hearts after seeing it-look at their nervousness!

To be honest, I don’t blame the Paraguayan players for thinking this way, because the performance of the Chinese team players really looked like they were too nervous, resulting in stiff facial muscles, and could only maintain a dumb expression.

Don't talk about them, maybe they appear in the TV broadcast screen like this, which can cause unknowingly many Chinese fans in front of the TV to worry...

But at this moment, none of the players of the Chinese national team will consider how others think of them.

They have only one thing on their minds - start the game now, let's kill the Paraguayans!


As the players from both sides walked out of the tunnel and stepped into the stadium, all the voices on the scene turned into cheers, gathering in the air above the stadium and lingering for a long time.

He Feng on the commentary seat said excitedly: "Friends from the audience! Now the players from both sides have entered the field! The final battle of the Chinese team for the World Cup is about to begin!"

Amidst the cheers of the fans, He Feng had to try to raise his volume, because even with a sound-proof headset, he could hardly hear his own voice clearly.

For a senior commentator who has experienced every home game of the Chinese team, this is the first time He Feng has encountered such a situation.

Even the game where the Chinese national team defeated the South Korean team at home in Jincheng, there is no way to compare with the present.

After all, this is a key step that really affects whether the Chinese team can break out of Asia and go to the world.

And in the game against the South Korean team, it was just that the Chinese team could survive. I'm not qualified to think too much about the future...

Now everyone is eagerly looking forward to the future. Although I was still a little uneasy, the future was indeed behind that door.

Through a crack that was pushed open, a brilliant light shone into the dark iron room, letting everyone know that the outside world has good weather.

It's just that the door is still closed, and it's not easy to push the heavy door open.


The noisy stadium fell silent instantly when the prelude to "March of the Volunteers" sounded.

It was as if someone pressed the mute button, and suddenly the noisy sounds disappeared, and the audience in front of the TV could clearly hear the prelude to the national anthem without having to turn up the volume.

Afterwards, the national anthem chorus composed of 80,000 people sang with excitement.

During the national anthem, the cameraman carried the machine and scanned the faces of the national team players one by one.

Goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan stood beside captain Yao Huasheng, turning his head to look at the five-star red flag propped up by the ball boys.

He pressed his right hand on his left chest, looked at the flag and swore secretly in his heart:

I swear to the national flag, I will make a zero seal to Paraguay today!

But no one knows what this young goalkeeper is thinking at this moment, they are just a little worried that Lin Zhiyuan will have a seizure at a critical moment...


After the national anthem was sung, the noise returned to the Lotus Stadium.

Players from both sides stand in their positions and prepare to kick off.

Hu Lai stood in the middle circle with a football under his feet. He looked around behind him, all of them were his teammates.

Looking forward again, his eyes passed through Paraguay's striker, midfielder and back line in turn, until they reached their goal.

Hu Lai suddenly felt that this scene had a good meaning:

In front of me is where I am going.

Behind me is the strength I can rely on.

With them supporting me, just go for it!

A crisp whistle sounded, and Hu Lai turned around and kicked the football towards Zhang Qinghuan who was behind him, then threw his legs and ran forward.

"Game start!!"

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