Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 183 I'm covering the goal of the Chinese team!

Watching the football fly over the bottom line, there was thunderous cheers on the rostrum of the Lotus Stadium. The bosses and coaches of the Chinese Super League clubs who usually fight with each other are cheering for a young goalkeeper of the South China Tigers at this moment.

Lu Heng, the general manager of South China Tigers, slapped the table in front of him, knocking down the mineral water bottle on it: "What a boy!"

In the past few days, as Lin Zhiyuan made a mistake in attacking and actively giving big gifts, the public opinion continued to ferment, and the South China Tigers Club was also under tremendous pressure-some extreme fans even went to leave a message under the official Weibo of the South China Tigers Club, asking them Terminate the work contract with Lin Zhiyuan, or ban Lin Zhiyuan for one year...

Under such a public opinion environment, the South China Tiger Club really had nothing to say, so they could only keep silent.

So he was scolded miserably.

As the general manager of this club, Lu Heng is naturally under a lot of pressure.

Now that Lin Zhiyuan completed self-salvation with this penalty save, Lu Heng felt that the pressure on his body was suddenly relieved, and he immediately vented all the emotions accumulated in his heart through this slap.

It's a pity that this is not a fantasy novel, otherwise Lu Heng's palm might shake the table to pieces...

Not far away, Zhao Kangming did not stand up and cheer, but sat on the chair with some exhaustion, leaned back, and let out a sigh of relief.

Lin Zhiyuan's redemption was not only for himself, but also for Wang Guangwei!

Otherwise, it is really hard for Zhao Kangming to imagine what kind of future Wang Guangwei will have in his next career after taking on the status of "Chinese football sinner"...

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In the stadium, the players of the Chinese team rushed into the penalty area excitedly and ran towards Lin Zhiyuan, who was celebrating wantonly.

They passed the stupefied Sosa without looking at him.

Wang Guangwei hugged Lin Zhiyuan, showing his gratitude through this powerful hug.

He didn't say much, between men, talking too much would be hypocritical.

It's all in the wine... no, it's in my arms!

Other teammates also ran up one after another. They didn't get a chance to hug Lin Zhiyuan, so they raised their hands to give Lin Zhiyuan a high-five.

The last bit of concern for Lin Zhiyuan because of that mistake, all disappeared with his pounce...

They screamed, cheered, and gave Lin Zhiyuan various compliments such as "fuck me" and "awesome".

Yao Huasheng was obviously very happy, but after he high-fived Lin Zhiyuan, he still reminded him seriously: "Hold on!"

Lin Zhiyuan nodded: "Don't worry, Team Yao!"

Sosa put his head in his hands and looked at the Chinese players who were celebrating wantonly.

It was as if they were celebrating a goal...

That's right, the value of Lin Zhiyuan's pounce is indeed equivalent to the Chinese team scoring a goal!

I was tricked by that kid...

Sosa looked up to the sky and sighed.

He thought that the opponent wanted to provoke him and let him shoot towards the goal with a larger area, but he didn't expect that the opponent had figured out that he would not be fooled, and even used the move to move there early to induce himself...

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that he lost to this young man in this confrontation.

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Arturo could clearly hear the shouts, laughter and cheers from the Chinese fans in the stands behind him.

His gaze towards the goal of the Chinese team was a little dull.

It seems that the whole person has not recovered from the ups and downs of life.

A minute ago, he was preparing to cheer for the goal, thinking that the penalty was a gift from God to Paraguayan football.

Now he felt as if God had abandoned him...

On the Paraguayan bench behind him, all the substitute players held their heads in their hands, looking regretful and painful.

It was in stark contrast to their cheering after winning the penalty.

The atmosphere on the bench and coach bench was incompatible with the joyful stadium, as if in a clear sky, only the Paraguayan coach bench and bench side had a dark cloud above their heads, thundering and lightning.

It rained cats and dogs.

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"What Lin Zhiyuan did before the penalty kick worked! He really disturbed Souza's mentality! It seemed to lure Souza to shoot the ball towards the wider goal, but then he jumped back. Lin Zhiyuan bet right!"

Amidst the loud cheers, He Feng raised his arms and shouted in the commentary booth.

In front of the TV, Wang Guangwei's father almost collapsed on the sofa, pressing his heart with one hand, feeling the beating heart.

The wife next to her wiped her tears and murmured, "That's great, that's great..."

Because of Lin Zhiyuan's save, their son avoided the fate of being regarded as a sinner in Chinese football.

The couple don't have to worry about being poked in the back when they go out!

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Although Paraguay won a corner kick, no one thought it was a good thing. All of them had on their minds:

hell! We missed a chance to score!

Although no one complained about the team's top star Sosa, everyone was more or less affected by the missed penalty kick.

Even the captain Alcey did not stand up to boost morale-because he was genuinely surprised and dissatisfied that Sosa missed the penalty.

Surprised that Sosa was able to miss a penalty.

Dissatisfaction is that Sosa wasted a great opportunity!

After the corner kick was taken, it was not even Lin Zhiyuan's turn to "make his debut" again, and the football was pushed out of the penalty area by Wang Guangwei with the mentality of "making up for it".

Paraguay did get a second chance to attack, but Ramirez's long shot from outside the penalty area was ridiculously high, and even attracted the Chinese fans in the stands to laugh in unison.

Especially in the stands behind the goal of the Chinese team, there are Chinese fans whistling and taunting him: "Fuck off!"

Then there was hearty laughter.

As a Chinese fan, it is a rare joy and pride!

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Lin Zhiyuan saved Sosa's penalty as if it became a watershed in the game.

The Chinese team, which seemed to be at the end of its offensive at the beginning, burst out with great energy. In the next game, they continued to attack the Paraguayan goal, and the quality of the attack was very high.

So much so that the Paraguayan team had to recycle to their own half and concentrate on defense.

For almost ten minutes, Paraguay only played the ball over the halfway line twice, and the rest of the time the ball was all circling around in their own half.

And it's not just as simple as the football turning around, the Chinese team also kicked and shot many times, threatening Paraguay's goal!

Goalkeeper Almiron has become one of the busiest players in Paraguay's squad during this time.

Hu Lai pressed Alsay in the penalty area, and Zhang Qinghuan, Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai took turns shooting long shots from outside the penalty area. For a while, the guns on the gate of Paraguay rumbled, and the earth shook!

Hu Lai turned into a fort for his teammates.

He doesn't need to think about how to get rid of Alsay, he just needs to be able to withstand the impact of Alsay behind him when he holds the ball with his back.

And for Hu Lai, who is equipped with the [Punched Giant Bear Jersey], he is barely competent—because he doesn't need to wrestle with Alcey for a long time, he only needs to withstand it for a moment.

After resisting Alsay, he passed the football back to Zhang Qinghuan, Chen Xingyi or Luo Kai.

It's up to them to shoot.

The scorer Hu Laisheng was beaten into a fulcrum center...

This really caught Paraguay by surprise, because in their pre-match intelligence on Hu Lai, there was no introduction that Hou Lai could still be a fulcrum center.

You don't need to study Hu Lai's playing style, just look at his body, you know that this kid can't be a fulcrum center.

So Paraguay did not consider this situation at all when defending.

This has caused them to be very embarrassed now.

The commentator of the Paraguayan TV station exclaimed again and again: "Be careful!"

"so close!!"

"Almiron! Great save!"

"Hold it! Hold it! We still lead by one goal in the total score, don't panic!"

Fortunately, the physical fitness of the Chinese team has indeed declined significantly. After bombarding the Paraguayan penalty area for more than ten minutes, it is difficult to continue. Take the initiative to step back, slow down the rhythm, and adjust slowly. Only then did Paraguay breathe a sigh of relief.

Then the Paraguayan fans were full of anticipation - now it's our turn to fight back?

Although Sosa missed a penalty kick, everyone still has confidence in him. I believe Sosa will always become the hero to save Paraguayan football at critical moments.

And his task is not heavy, as long as he can score a goal.

In the remaining 30 minutes of the game, only one goal needs to be scored, so it is not a "difficulty for a strong man", right?

But Lin Zhiyuan told all Paraguay fans with his super god-like performance:

I covered the goal of the Chinese team today!

Whether you score or not, I have the final say!

"Lin Zhiyuan—beautiful! He lifted the football palm out of the crossbar!"

"Lin Zhiyuan! It's Lin Zhiyuan again! Ramirez's shot was caught in his arms, right in his arms!"


Not only was Lin Zhiyuan able to block the shots of Paraguayan players including Sosa, but every time they were blocked, he would jump up from the ground, wave his fists wildly, and yell at those Paraguayan players with dull or annoyed expressions yell.

This scene was really heartening to watch.

Lin Zhiyuan vented all the emotions that were pent up in his heart after giving him a big gift. Why didn't the Chinese fans vent all the emotions that were pent up in the dark years of Chinese football?

So every time Lin Zhiyuan waved his fists and roared, they would cheer for Lin Zhiyuan with the loudest cheers in the stands.

After a few more visits, he actually resonated with Lin Zhiyuan. Every time Lin Zhiyuan opened his mouth and roared, the momentum he made was created by nearly 80,000 Chinese fans.

Seeing this scene, He Feng felt infinitely emotional: "Of course young people will make mistakes, but whether they can learn from their mistakes and grow after making mistakes is the key to judging whether a young person is outstanding. I am very happy that Lin Zhiyuan is there Nirvana was reborn in this mistake."

The staff of the Chinese national team in the stands were all cheering for Lin Zhiyuan, and Hao De among them was sitting in his seat, watching the figure in front of the Chinese team calmly.

Many years later, when this scene appeared in the documentary, the commentary said: "... Hao De looked at the young man in front of the door, full of relief and relief. He chose the best successor for himself ..."

But in fact, at this moment, Hao De's heart is more unwilling and bitter.

Because he realized that his time in the national team may be over.

And the Terminator was personally recommended to Shi Wuyin by him.

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PS, the second update is at 1:00 noon, and the third update is at 6:00 pm!

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