Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 187 The Song of Victory

In fact, many people, whether at the scene or the fans in front of the TV, did not hear the three whistles.

Including He Feng, he didn't hear it either.

But it doesn't matter, after Yao Huasheng pushed the football out, everyone's eyes fell on the referee in yellow.

Seeing him pointing forward with his hands raised, the cheers on the scene almost doubled!

He Feng also shouted: "The game is over! The game is over!!! We have qualified! We have qualified!!"

His voice ignited the passion of all the fans in front of the TV.

At this moment, cheers resounded everywhere in China.

Someone in the bar spilled the beer in the glass, and more people imitated him and spilled the beer into the air, as if it rained a "golden rain" on the people in the bar.

It's a scene played out in countless bars, large and small, across the country.

In the "rain", Yan Yan hugged Chu Yifan, closed his eyes and shouted: "We are going to the World Cup! We are going to the World Cup!!"

In the squares of every city, people under the big screen embraced each other, hugging people they knew and didn't know. The couple kissed passionately, and the friends burst into tears.

And in the living rooms of thousands of households, I don't know how many people let out excited roars.

Li Ziqiang finally heard the movement from the next door, there were women's screams and men's roars.

He actually wanted to yell along, but in the end he just shook his fist hard at the TV screen.

Then he heard a burst of dense firecrackers sounding in the distance, like a burst of thunder in the dark night!

Then, as agreed upon, there were also dense firecrackers from other directions, and fireworks rose into the sky, blooming in the night sky.

Li Ziqiang turned his head to look at the lively scene outside the balcony of the living room, and couldn't help but think that at this time, in countless cities like Dongchuan where fireworks are not prohibited, there will be scenes that only happen during the New Year...

But in fact, in those cities where burning is banned, there are still people who excitedly lit fireworks.

10,000, 30,000, 50,000 firecrackers... 100,000 firecrackers were spread on the ground, and the fuses were lit. With the flashes of thunder and thunder, the land of China was red!


On the square outside the Lotus Stadium, many people gathered before the game started. Because these people do not have tickets, they cannot enter the stadium to watch the game. But they did not leave with the start of the game, but continued to stay outside the court.

Listening to the various voices coming from inside, they felt as if they were watching the game live.

Later, as the end of the game drew near, more and more people gathered here. Many of them are not even fans, wearing ordinary home clothes, bringing their families, like taking a walk after dinner, gathered outside the Lotus Stadium.

Many small traders tried their best to sell small national flags to them. It was ten yuan a side before the game, but now it only costs two yuan.

"Dad! I want the national flag!" A child pointed to the national flag in the hands of the peddler and said to the man who was leading him.

Apparently, the middle-aged man who was living on a budget glanced at the national flag on the peddler's car, shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, maybe you can buy it for a dollar in a while..."

"Two yuan is the lowest price... I will lose money for one yuan!" Hearing his words, the peddler complained bitterly. "Two yuan is the price of a bottle of mineral water. Boss, are you short of two yuan?"

"Two yuan is not money anymore?" The middle-aged man said firmly, without changing his mind.

At this moment, the loudest cheers of the game came from the stadium over the wall to the outside.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted in the crowd: "The game is over! We have won! We have qualified!"

The peddler, who was bargaining with the middle-aged man just now, heard the news, immediately pulled out two small national flags from the car, and stuffed them into the hands of the man opposite: "Hold it!"

The man froze for a moment, and asked reflexively, "Hey, how much is it..."

"No money!" The peddler waved his hand,

Turned around and went to find someone else to send the national flag.

The man looked at the back of the peddler, then looked down at the national flag in his hand, and then noticed the child's expectant and excited eyes. He smiled, separated the national flag in his hand and handed it to the child: "Here!"

Holding the flag and waving it, the child asked, "Dad, are we going to the World Cup?"

"Well, we are going to the World Cup!" The man looked up at the brightly lit Lotus Stadium.

This stadium, which he has complained about countless times, is now extremely beautiful in his eyes.


On this night, those who can enter the Lotus Stadium are undoubtedly the happiest, because they have witnessed history in the closest place to history, and at the same time, they have become a part of history.

The cheers they gave at the end of the game seemed to blow the horn of victory, and quickly spread throughout China.

Standing in the box, Yong Jun looked at the cheering Chinese fans in the stands, and remembered what Hu Lai had said to him.

"...When we really enter the World Cup, I guarantee that our domestic streets and alleys will be full of joy..."

You're right, Holly. The Lotus Stadium has become a sea of ​​joy...

As far as he could see, people in the stands were cheering, jumping and waving their arms. On the north and south sides of the stands, several five-star red flags were being waved vigorously, creating a scene of "red flags rolling all over the place".

Yong Jun has also watched many Chinese football matches, and some of them have won, such as last year's U23 Asian Cup final and the Olympic Games. The most recent match was the match where the Chinese team defeated the South Korean team at home in the Top 12 match...

Some games he was on the scene, some games he was not there. But whether he is on the scene or not, he can still feel the joy of victory, and that scene can still move him.

But today he discovered that among the games he had watched before, none of them could be compared with today's game.

It's not just as simple as we won a game, but the emotions that have been accumulated for sixty-four years have been released intensively!

The Chinese players on the field have already put on the national flag, running wildly, embracing and celebrating.

An old captain like Yao Huasheng cried in front of so many multimedia cameras. In the end, he simply covered his whole body with the national flag, as if he didn't want to show his "fragile" side to the public.

Almost every player of the Chinese team will be surrounded by a group of reporters with cameras and video cameras, filming and recording their reactions after breaking into the World Cup finals.

Lin Zhiyuan also cried, but he didn't hide it with a red flag like his captain, but shouted in front of the camera: "I proved myself! I didn't let you down!"

Wang Guangwei came up and hugged him. Because of the penalty kick he saved in the game, Wang Guangwei came here to express his gratitude to him.

Reporters gathered around them and took this photo, which has been widely circulated in the future.

Zhang Qinghuan didn't raise his arms and shouted, but looked up at the sky. In the night sky reddened by the lights, he seemed to see that familiar face smiling at him.

So he laughed too.

"What are you looking at, Brother Huan?" Chen Xingyi's curious voice sounded from the side.

Zhang Qinghuan maintained the posture of looking up at the sky, and said to Chen Xingyi: "Look up at the starry sky."

Chen Xingyi raised his head strangely, and looked at the red night sky: "The light pollution is so serious, you can see a ghostly starry sky!"

"That's because you are blind, so the obvious Orion didn't see it?"

Chen Xingyi squinted his eyes and stared at the night sky that Zhang Qinghuan was pointing at. His eyes were dazzled and he couldn't see it: "Brother Huan, are you blind? Where did the Orion constellation come from..."

When he turned his head, he found that Zhang Qinghuan was no longer beside him, and the latter had already thrown himself into the crowd celebrating.

"Damn, Brother Huan, wait for me!" Chen Xingyi ran towards the group of figures with open arms.

Luo Kai supported his captain Hao De in the club, and joined the celebrating crowd.

As one of the biggest contributors to the team's victory, Hu Lai, who scored twice in this game, surrounded the most media.

He was almost surrounded by the "camera matrix", and the reporters didn't ask any questions, just recording Hu Lai's every move, every word and deed.

Facing the camera, Hu Lai kept waving the five-star red flag in his hand and repeated loudly: "We are coming to the World Cup! We are coming to the World Cup!!"

Wang Shanshan saw him like this outside the crowd, and for some reason, a metaphor came to mind:

It's almost like a child going to the playground...


The Paraguayan players who were eliminated had already packed their bags and left from the locker room.

When they took the bus back to the hotel where they stayed, they encountered a little trouble - because there were all excited Chinese fans outside the Lotus Stadium, their bus could hardly move an inch.

The Paraguayan players sitting in the car looked at the excitement of the Chinese fans and were silent-this scene should have happened to the Paraguayan fans.

They failed to bring joy to the people of their own country, and they failed everyone's expectations.

Even if they were united in an unprecedented way, the two giants shook hands in front of the still failed to change the result of Paraguay's failure to qualify for the World Cup finals.

The hope of some of them to participate in the World Cup finals for the last time was dashed.

The bus was extremely quiet, as if it was pulling not dozens of living people, but dozens of corpses.

At this moment, a singing sound suddenly came from outside, penetrated the seal of the glass window, and passed into the quiet compartment.

The Paraguayan players couldn't understand the lyrics, but they could feel the emotion in the singing.

Amid joyful and proud singing, those Chinese fans finally made way for the Paraguayan bus, and the car accelerated away from this place that made all Paraguayans feel sad.

In the last row of the bus, Sousa, who missed a penalty during the game, wrapped the team jacket over his head and curled up in the darkness.

And Alsay, who was in the front row of the car, kept turning his head and looking out the window, as if he wanted to remember the celebration scene of a country rushing into the World Cup.


When the Chinese players finally got together and began to circle the field to thank the Chinese fans who had accompanied them to the end in the stands, a familiar prelude sounded from the loudspeakers of the Lotus Stadium.

Just hearing the prelude, the fans on the scene burst into cheers again.

Soon there was a chorus in the stadium:

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind - soar!"

"How loud the victory song is!!"


The singing drifted over the towering outer wall of the stadium and spread to the square outside the stadium. The fans gathered there also sang in unison. In the singing, they watched Paraguay leave:

"Sing to our dear motherland!"

"From now on we will be prosperous and strong!!!"


The singing voice was transmitted to thousands of households through satellite signals. People who watched the live broadcast of the game on TV, large projection screen, mobile phone, computer... or other means, as long as they heard the singing voice in the live broadcast, they all sang along:

"Over the mountains! Over the plains!"

"Across the galloping Yellow River and Yangtze River!!"


The singing has crossed the mountains, the plains, the rushing Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and circulated everywhere in Kyushu.

Cars filled the streets and alleys, five-star red flags protruded from the car windows, arms were waving excitedly, horns were blasting, and people inside and outside the car were singing along:

"Big and beautiful land!"

"It's our dear hometown!!"


The dormitory building of the university was brightly lit, and all the students crowded into the corridor, harmonizing with the students in the adjacent dormitory building in the distance through the night.

In the usually crowded commercial pedestrian street, it seems that there is a "flash mob" event. Everyone gathers under the big screen on the outer wall of the building, holds up the mobile phone with the flash light turned on, and sings along with the fans of the Lotus Stadium on the screen. :

"The heroic people—rise up!"

"Our unity and friendship are as strong as steel!!"

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind - soar!"

"How loud the victory song is!!"


The singing voice is loud and clear, singing all over China.

Like a golden rooster announcing the dawn, its sound vibrates the world.

This night, the whole country will not sleep, and China celebrates together!

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