Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 194 Hu Lai Forest

"Three consecutive rounds of league goals, Hu Lai topped the scorer list with 15 goals!"

"The bookmaker lowered the odds of Hu Lai winning the Premier League Golden Boot again!"

"Qualified for the World Cup, the club scored consecutively... Hu Lai is at the best stage of his career!"


From November 30 to December 7, in eight days, the Premier League played three rounds.

In these three league games, Leeds City won all.

The first was a 2:1 home defeat to West Herts, followed by a 2:1 home defeat to Peterborough United on Wednesday, December 3rd.

On Sunday, December 7th, Leeds City played an away game against the Highlanders. After a very intense game, Leeds City paid the price of one person being sent off with a red card and three people getting yellow cards. They still won the Highlanders who are known for their tenacious style 3:2 in the away game.

After three consecutive victories, they are still ranked second.

The Stan Park Rangers, who lost for the first time in the season, did not continue to lose the chain. They withstood the impact of the defeat, and then ushered in a wave of two consecutive victories, continuing to lead the standings with a nine-point advantage.

In the past three league rounds, Hu Lai started three consecutive games and scored goals in all of them.

One goal a game, stable performance, helped Leeds City achieve three consecutive victories.

Especially in the away game against the Highlanders, he fell into hand-to-hand combat with the Highlanders from the very beginning of the game, and was almost overwhelmed by muscles. Ninety-nine percent of the time in the game, nothing happened.

Even He Feng, who commented on the game, thought that the head coach Clark could actually replace Hu Lai. After all, starting three consecutive games in eight days should be very exhausting for Hu Lai.

In such a situation, if you have to fight your opponent hand-to-hand, the physical energy will be consumed even more. This game obviously does not belong to Hu Lai.

But Clark insisted on not replacing him in advance, and in the 80th minute, he received a reward for trusting Hu Lai-Hu Lai's only shot in the game helped Leeds City get a valuable three points in the away game.

Going into three consecutive games, leading the scorer list, and recently leading the Chinese team to the World Cup... Hu Lai's popularity on the Chinese Internet is overwhelming.

It is against this background that an official account article with rich pictures and interesting language quickly spread on the Internet.

"Blast! There is such a secret hidden behind Hu Lai scoring goals in three consecutive games..."

Although headline parties are despised by people, people are always curious. When they really see headlines similar to headline parties, it is still difficult to control their hands. Even if they are in a critical spirit, they must click in and have a look. said something.

As a result, I clicked in and found that it turned out that Hu Lai had recently cooperated with the local government of Tongqi Yalameng Youqi to launch a public welfare project.

This project only does one thing - plant trees, plant trees in the desert.

What does planting trees have to do with Holly? Does Hu Lai want to fly back to China every year on Arbor Day, surrounded by long guns and short guns, and give two shovels of soil to the books planted by others?

With such questions, let’s look down again. It turns out that the specific content of this public welfare project is that every time Hu Lai scores a goal in an official game, the local government will plant 100 trees in the area named "Hu Lai Forest". Tree.

In other words, the more goals Hu Lai scored, the more trees were planted, and the larger the area of ​​"Hu Lai Forest".

"...Others score goals to win the game, but Hu Lai is different!

He scored goals not only to help the team win the game, but also shouldered a very important task...

That is--

For love and justice, for world peace! For the health of our mother earth! For the sake of the homeland, the trees are full of shade, the blue sky is like washing, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant...

Hu Lai will never stop scoring goals! "

This witty article quickly spread on the Internet, and the number of readings climbed to 100,000 plus in a very short period of time.

Then there was a topic on the Internet that needs to revolve around this article,

Those Internet big Vs began to intervene in the spread.

In fact, this is all the work of Diao Xiaoyun's team. And when the "potential" was created, more and more netizens and fans spontaneously began to spread this article and discuss this matter. Diao Xiaoyun's team basically hid it, just paying close attention to the trend of public opinion.

At the same time, the local government and relevant state departments of Tongqi Yalameng Youqi also released official news, confirming that they have cooperated with Hu Lai in environmental protection with the "Hu Lai Forest".

In the early stage of this project, all the trees representing the previous 158 balls of Hu Lai will be planted-a total of 15,800 trees.

Before the 15,800 trees are planted, if Hu Lai scores again, it will be recorded in the account first. After catching up with Hu Lai's total number of goals, he will plant with the latest goal.

At the same time, it is not just that it is over after planting, but also to ensure that every tree survives-if there are dead trees, then as many dead trees are replanted. It's definitely not a show of just planting and not living.

Every tree will have a number. Every goal of Hu Lai will be marked on the nameplate and electronic information of these saplings. Every hundred trees represent a goal. Finally, all these numbers will be entered into the database for easy management.

This design is also tantamount to treating the "Hu Lai Forest" as the "Achievement Forest" of Hu Lai's career. In the future, apart from looking up information on the Internet, there will be another way to learn about Hu Lai's career, that is to go to the "Hu Lai Forest" to take a look in person, stroll in the refreshing greenery, witness and Looking back on Hou Lai's career:

The woods was Hou Lai's first career goal. Let us see when and against which team he scored the first goal of his career... It was on July 17, 2022, in the nineteenth round of the Chinese League One, Flash Star challenged Kunyang away City, he came off the bench and scored a goal...

Ah, this piece of trees is the lore goal that Hu Lai scored in the 2025 World Cup qualifier play-off match between China and Paraguay! I still remember the scene of that day! I want to take a photo with this tree!

Over time, this forest has not only played the role of sand prevention and sand fixation, but also environmental protection. Maybe it can become a tourist attraction, drive the local tourism market, and bring more tourism income to local residents.

This kind of thing that can be achieved in one fell swoop is simply infinitely meritorious.


Because the timing of the three parties was well coordinated, there were no voices on the Internet that questioned Hu Lai's self-hype.

At the same time, after the news was officially announced, the rumors that Song Jiajia and Yong Jun were worried about were no longer a threat.

Even if someone broke the news at this time that Hu Lai had rejected the endorsement invitation of the "Wildlife Rescue" organization, no one would think it was a big deal.

After all, what Hu Lai is doing now is also environmental protection. In the minds of the public, the only way to truly protect the environment is to be the image ambassador of an international environmental protection organization.

It can be said that Champion Legend Sports Agency used the fastest speed to advance this matter from Hu Lai's temporary idea to the realization of it, just to stop some people's mouths.

Now they are successful.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

For Song Jiajia and Yong Jun, there is no need to worry about Hu Lai's bad reputation because of this unreasonable reason, and Hu Lai's commercial value is preserved. But more importantly, he didn't let those messy things have anything to do with Hu Lai.

Although they are of different ages, they have a tacit understanding and consensus in dealing with Hu Lai.

That is, Hu Lai is actually a big boy with a simple mind. What he is best at is playing football, so let him do what he is best at.

As for the rest, let them professionals handle it for him and keep the bad stuff out.

Let Hu Lai be young and young forever...

Even if it is a little childish, it is better than the so-called maturity.

In Chinese football, there are too many "adults" who are fighting each other.

However, there are too few "children" like Hu Lai who don't care about it and work hard towards a goal. So that each one is like a cherished animal and must be well protected.


When the "Hulai Forest" project was launched, the Hulai people were still in Leeds, England. Instead of returning to China, they made a appearance at the launching ceremony by recording a video.

In the video, he thanked the relevant national departments, the local government, and all the companies that have injected funds into this project.

In the end, he said that he would come to the desert of Tongqi Yala League Right Banner after the season to plant a tree himself.

And now all he can do is to continue to use goals to expand the forest area.

" career has just started for more than three years, and there is still a long way to go in the future. I will continue to use my best methods to contribute to the greening of the motherland... I hope that when I retire, this A grove can really become a forest worthy of the name."

He said so, and he did so.

In the next seventeenth round of the league, Leeds City played against London Mars at home.

Hu Lai scored again in this game, which is also his fourth consecutive league round.

With his goal, Leeds City finally defeated London Mars 3:1, winning four consecutive victories.

There are now 15,900 trees in the "Hulai Forest".


PS, from today until May 7th is the period of double monthly tickets, everyone's monthly tickets can be cast! ! !

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