Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 82 I will catch up with you

"Is Qingqing ready? The car is here." Li Ziqiang asked while standing downstairs.

"Here we come!" Soon, Li Qingqing, who was wearing a sports coat, rushed downstairs with a sports bag.

Looking at his spirited daughter, Li Ziqiang nodded with satisfaction: "Today is the first match, so perform well."

"it is good!"

Li Ziqiang patted his daughter's head affectionately, then changed shoes with her and went out, took an online car-hailing car, and headed towards the competition destination.

"Hello, welcome to take the grapefruit car. Are you going to the South Gate Compound?" The online car-hailing driver glanced back at the two people sitting in the back row, and said according to the greeting stipulated in the company's articles of association.

"Yes, go to the South Gate compound."


"Hu Lai, there is a live-action chicken shooting gallery newly opened on the first basement floor of the South Gate compound. Are you interested in going to see it with me?"

Such a message popped up on Hu Lai's mobile phone at home.

This fat man really wants to lure himself to eat chicken all the time, what's so fun about eating chicken...

He wanted to refuse, but when he thought of staying at home, it didn't seem interesting, so he might as well go out with Fatty Song.

So he replied: "You wait for me to ask my mother."

After finishing speaking, he put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket, jumped out of bed, and ran to the door of his parents' bedroom: "Mom, Song Jiajia asked me to go out to play..."

Hu Lixin, who was sitting by the bed, frowned, but Xie Lan said first: "Okay, you can go if you want. Do you want to have dinner outside?"

"do not know."

"If you want to eat out, you must tell me in advance." Xie Lan waved his hand, "Go and play!"

"Thank you Mom! Goodbye Dad!" Hu Lai cheered and turned around and ran away.

"You are too accommodating to him..." Hu Lixin complained to his wife.

"You still tied him inside the house during the New Year's Day holiday?" Xie Lan retorted. "Isn't it normal to go out and play with classmates?"

"It's the final exam soon, and I'm still going out to play..."

"Oh, it's the holidays. Oh, there is a final exam, so it's not a holiday? Besides, Hu Lai has become more self-conscious about studying recently, and it's okay to relax occasionally." Xie Lan lowered his voice when he said this, "Don't worry about him The control is too strict, he is now sixteen years old, no longer a six-year-old kid. If you stare at him, yell at him, and slap him, will he be able to listen to you?"

Hearing what his wife said, Hu Lixin couldn't say anything more.

Soon, they heard the sound of Hu Lai putting on shoes at the door in the bedroom.

"Hey, wait." Xie Lan came out and gave Hu Lai a hundred dollars, which surprised Hu Lai. His mother had never given him a hundred dollars in pocket money.

Mom said with a straight face: "Don't let Song Jiajia treat you to eat all the time. You two are friends, and you can't always take advantage of your friends."

"Okay, Mom! Thanks Mom!"

"Don't come back too late." Xie Lan watched the child run downstairs at the door, then closed the door, turned and went back to the bedroom, stood by the bed with his hands on his hips and looked at her husband who was looking down at his mobile phone: "The children are gone, Where shall we go to relax?"

"So that's what you came up with..." Hu Lixin suddenly realized.

"I just suddenly thought that children can go out to play, so we can go out to play, today is the holiday."

"Okay, why not go to the movies, let me see what time the show is now..."

Seeing her husband picking up the phone again, Xie Lan laughed.


Just listening to the name of the South Gate Courtyard will make people think that it is a tourist attraction similar to "Qiao Family Courtyard", or a farmhouse in the suburbs. There is a pool for fishing, a teahouse for drinking tea and playing mahjong. There are restaurants where you can eat.

But in fact, this "South Gate Compound" is neither a compound of landowners of scenic spots and historical sites, nor a leisure farmhouse.

This is a creative industry park built in the urban area.

There are large supermarkets, cinemas, gourmet restaurants, and various creative shops in the park.

From the outside, this large gray reinforced concrete building has an industrial LOFT style. It looks more like a factory than a shopping mall, and the name of the traditional Chinese rural rich man like "South Gate Courtyard" is even more incongruous.

However, when you walk through the entrance composed of thick pillars with exposed gray cement, walls, and ceilings, and step inside, you will find that there is something strange inside.

Surrounded by four-storey shops closed on three sides and a hollowed-out semi-open sloping walkway in the north, there is a huge "patio".

The "patio" is surrounded by pillars and spirals up and down along the closed-loop slope on all sides. It is covered with special soft materials and becomes a greenway for walking in the air. This promenade that allows people to walk in mid-air is the most recognizable visual element of the South Gate Compound. The trail starts from the entrance at the back, extends to the courtyard on the second floor, circles around the inside and then returns to the north, and then continues to extend to the top floor in the form of a ramp.

Right below the greenway, a circle of emerald bamboos are planted. Even in winter, most of these bamboos are lush green. The "bamboo wall" composed of green bamboos is like the fence of an ancient Chinese house. It divides this huge "patio" into various areas with different functions. There is an open-air mahjong booth with many tables, chairs and benches. When the weather is good, The surrounding residents call their friends to come here to make a pot of tea, chat under the sun, play mahjong, go upstairs when they are hungry at night, enjoy delicious food in those special restaurants, and spend a leisurely and comfortable day.

But the most eye-catching thing in this "patio" is a large green... football field.

Yes, inside a leisure mall, there is actually a huge football field. Although it is made of artificial turf, the visual effect is quite amazing.

This football field is the size of a standard football field, but it is usually divided into several small fields of different sizes by billboards and other things, which can satisfy several teams to play here at the same time.

It is usually rented to a football training institution to provide football training services for the surrounding children, and on weekends, some people will pay to rent the venue to meet for matches.

Li Ziqiang is now standing on the second floor of the volley walkway, with his hands lying on the railing, watching the game being played in the largest field below.

A game between women's soccer teams.

A purely women's football game is still rare for people in Dongchuan, a third-tier city, so now there are many people standing on the trail near the stadium, and they are watching the game below with curious eyes.

"Wow, that No. 10 of the red team is amazing!" Beside him, a girl in a young couple who stopped to watch exclaimed.

Her male partner was also dumbfounded, and sighed: "It's really amazing..."

On the field, Li Qingqing, with her ponytail and red No. 10 jersey, used a beautiful Marseille round to defend her opponent, her ponytail swung like a proud flag.

Then she dunked another defensive player, entered the penalty area, faced the attacking goalkeeper, pretended to shoot, but stepped on the football with the sole of the shooting shoe and pulled it to the side, shaking the opponent's goalkeeper, and then pushed and shot easily Empty door.

The whole process was as easy as playing casually on the training ground.

Her teammates rushed up to hug her, and they hugged and laughed and screamed.

There was an exclamation from the crowd watching the race on the track. Few people have seen girls play football, and even fewer have seen girls play football so well.

"That sister is amazing!" A little girl shouted excitedly. "I want to play football too!"

If it is an ordinary father, seeing this scene, he will definitely show a gratified smile, feeling that his daughter can also influence other people, and there are women's football successors...

But Li Ziqiang is not such an ordinary father, at least he is not in football.

He just frowned and shook his head slightly.

The opponent is too weak and the level of competition is too low.

It's hard to look forward to a daughter's game, but now it feels like a kindergarten kid playing house...

Although China already has a women's football super league, in third-tier cities, the penetration rate of women's football is still not high.

Li Ziqiang also knew that the women's football team he asked a friend to find was not much better. He just wanted his daughter to receive a fairly systematic training so that her skills would not be wasted.

However, after seeing the living conditions of the Dongchuan Women's Football Team, he still felt that the level was a bit beyond his imagination.

Now it seems that his actions may have to be a little faster, and he still has to send his daughter to a higher level stage as soon as possible.

Although he was somewhat reluctant to let his daughter leave his side, but now it seems that this is the best choice.

He didn't want himself to be the kite string that bound his daughter's future development.


"Let me tell you about Hu Lai, the newly opened real-life chicken restaurant on the first floor is huge. They use NERF soft-bullet guns, and the bullets are made of sponge. It doesn't hurt at all when you hit the body. You just need to wear it. A pair of goggles is enough to ensure that there is no danger. It’s fun to play in a team... Hey, where are you going? Go downstairs and this way!"

Song Jiajia watched as Hu Lai walked straight into the "patio" in the south gate compound, and then rushed to the place where there were cheers and whistles...

Of course he knew what it was, it was a football field!

"Damn it! I shouldn't have suggested coming to the South Gate Compound!" Song Jiajia patted her thigh and quickly chased after her.

When he proposed to come here, he only thought that he could bring Hu to enjoy the fun of real-life chicken eating, but he forgot that there is a football field here!

Hu Lai, this person, will definitely be unable to walk when he sees a ball game...

Still expecting him to play real chicken with me? Eat a ghost!

The two walked towards the football field, and from a distance, they saw that there seemed to be two teams playing a game inside.

"What's so interesting about this kind of amateur competition? A group of middle-aged uncles walking on the field with their big bellies, playing health-preserving football...Let me tell you, it's far from the level of the campus competitions you participate in..." Song Jiajia After watching a few campus games, I seem to have confidence in what I say, as if I have been an old football fan for many years.

He still wanted to persuade Hu Lai to play real chicken with him.

As a result, when they approached and came to the barbed wire, they were all stunned.

"It turned out to be a women's football game? This is really rare..." Song Jiajia was surprised, and then suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned to look at Hu Lai: "Isn't Li Qingqing from the women's football team?"

Hu Lai pointed to the field and said, "Here, she's over there. The red team is No. 10."

Song Jiajia turned her head to look at the field, and followed the direction of Hu Lai's finger to find No. 10 of the red team, with that tall and straight figure, that fluttering ponytail, that pink and slender neck, and that pair of sword eyebrows and starry eyes... ... Who is it not Li Qingqing?

Then he suddenly realized: "Wow, Hu Lai! You two have a relationship behind my back! You already knew that Li Qingqing would come here to play the game!"

Hu Lai glanced at him: "Can you have some normal thoughts in your mind? I also met by chance."

"Isn't this what a normal person thinks?"

"If I really planned it, I should have asked you to come here instead of asking you to come to me." Hu Lai fully despised the fat man's IQ. "Besides, I don't have Li Qingqing's contact information..."

Song Jiajia turned her head to think about it, that's really the case, he was the one who brought up the matter of coming to the South Gate compound.

"Okay..." he could only mutter. "Fate is really wonderful..."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I've done it myself!"

Hu Lai didn't understand Song Jiajia's inexplicable words and emotions, and continued to stare intently at the court, watching Li Qingqing's game—speaking of which, this was the first time he watched Li Qingqing's serious game.

The two watched for a while, and Song Jiajia was shocked by the strength Li Qingqing showed.

He had only heard from Hu Lai that Li Qingqing played football before, but he didn't know what his level was.

This was the first time he saw Li Qingqing play football.

On the field, Li Qingqing has sharp eyes, a confident expression, and free and easy movements. Doesn't it look like he is playing football? Just dance on the court, okay?

He even had some doubts - is this really the Li Qingqing he knew?

"Is this a complete slap?" he asked.

"Yeah. Li Qingqing said that she is a professional footballer. She has practiced in a professional football school for ten years."

Song Jiajia was stunned: "I'm afraid Luo Kai thought that Li Qingqing was just an ordinary female football fan, but in the end this is a big devil..."


The game on the field entered the halftime break, and the players from both sides left the field to drink water and rest on the sidelines.

And Li Qingqing, who scored eight goals in the first half, was naturally surrounded by his teammates in the center like stars.

"Wow, although I knew Qingqing that you are very good from normal training, but I didn't expect you to be so good..."

"Qingqing, I'm afraid you have only practiced for a few years?"

In the face of everyone's praise, Li Qingqing kept a faint smile on her face, until she suddenly saw a familiar... no, two familiar figures outside the barbed wire.

She hurriedly made an apologetic gesture to the teammates around her, then walked straight over, and said to Hu Lai and Song Jiajia in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Fatty asked me to come here to play live chicken. I didn't expect to meet you playing a game here—is it a game?" Hu Lai tilted his head and glanced at the field behind Li Qingqing.

"Yeah, it's a game! We're making an appointment with another women's football team! How about it, am I good? I scored eight of our ten goals in the first half, and I assisted two of them!" Li Qingqing raised her head slightly and waited for Hu Lai's praise.

Song Jiajia gave a thumbs up: "You are much better than Luo Kai!"

Hu Lai: "It's amazing."

Li Qingqing keenly heard the perfunctory in Hu Lai's tone, she frowned and said, "Your compliment is too perfunctory!"

Hu Lai spread his hands together: "Your opponent is too weak. At your level, you are just bullying kindergarten children..."

"Hey, classmate Hu Lai, it's really different after playing the Anton Cup and broadening your horizons. They are much better than you. If they were all kindergarten children, wouldn't you be inferior to kindergarten children?" Li Qingqing put her hands on her hips , counterattack.

Hu Lai pointed to Li Qingqing and said, "That was before! Now I am going to participate in the national competition soon! Just wait and see, I will catch up with you soon!"

"Hehe, there are many powerful characters in the national competition, so don't be too proud! You have to know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky..."

"I'm stronger than Chen Xingyi!" Hu Lai poked himself with his thumb.

Li Qingqing was stunned for a moment: "Who is Chen Xingyi?"


During the intermission of the game, Li Ziqiang watched his daughter suddenly walk to the sidelines. He looked along, but unexpectedly found a familiar face.


Is this kid a lingering ghost?

Why is there him everywhere!

Seeing his daughter talking to him, she laughed so happily.

It's happier than scoring a goal on the court...

Li Ziqiang thought sourly.


Li Qingqing, who was talking with Hu Lai and Song Jiajia, suddenly remembered something - her father was still watching from above, could he also see Hu Lai?

She pretended to twist her neck naturally, and looked at the place where her father was standing.

no one!

She turned her camera again, but she didn't even see her father.

She was a little confused, did she go to the toilet?

"...Anyway, I'll prove it to you in the national competition. I'm much better than Chen Xingyi and others!" Hu Lai was still yelling at her while she was wriggling to find her father.

Li Qingqing nodded casually: "Okay, okay..."


Squatting in a blind spot where his daughter couldn't see, Li Ziqiang suddenly realized: Why should I avoid them? !

Thinking of this, Li Ziqiang suddenly stood up from the ground and walked to the railing under the surprised eyes of others, but was surprised to find that Hu Lai and his fat classmate had already left—the daughter returned to the team, Talking and laughing with teammates.


Li Ziqiang was still a little unresponsive.


After watching Hu Lai and Song Jiajia leave, Li Qingqing turned back with a smile on her face. As soon as she turned around, she was surrounded by enthusiastic and gossiping teammates.

"Qingqing, who were those two little boys just now?"

"It's not your little boyfriend, is it?"

"Boyfriend? Hey, you look down on Qingqing too much! The boyfriend of such a beautiful girl must be a handsome guy! Do you think the two boys just now look like handsome guys?"

Faced with such a joke, Li Qingqing was not angry, but waved his hands and explained: "They are my high school classmates, and they just ran into each other while shopping here."

"There is no gossip..." The women were very disappointed.

"That skinny boy is from our school team, the team from Dongchuan Middle School." Li Qingqing said with a smile.

"Huh? Dongchuan Middle School? It's the one that won the Anton Cup this year..." Sure enough, the teammates knew about high school football.

"That's right, they will represent Anton Province in the national competition in March." Li Qingqing nodded.

"Hey - I can't see it at all! So thin and small, wouldn't he fall down as soon as he hit the court?" Everyone was surprised.

Li Qingqing shook his head with a smile, and said with some pride: "No, he is super powerful. It was his goal that helped Dongchuan Middle School enter the national competition. He is the key teacher of Dongchuan Middle School!"

"Wow! You really can't judge people by their appearance!"


"Hey, Hu Lai, shall we go eat chicken?" Song Jiajia didn't expect that Hu Lai didn't stay to watch Li Qingqing's game. He was very happy and asked expectantly as he walked.

"What kind of chicken! I'm going to practice! I finally came out, wouldn't it be a waste not to practice?" Hu Lai gritted his teeth.

"Practice? But I don't like football..."

"Big brother, you are my big brother, please help me out, I want to practice shooting, how can I practice alone, help me guard the goal..."

"But I don't know how to guard the gate either!"

"It's okay, you just stand in the door, your body size will be very intimidating once you stand there... I will take you to my secret base... No, I haven't been to the secret base for three months. It's two meters long... So, let's find a court like this, and rent it for an hour... I want to prove to that woman that I will treat you with admiration for three days!"

Hu Lai pushed Song Jiajia, walked out of the south gate compound while talking.

Song Jiajia wailed: "I shouldn't have called you out!"


PS, so what, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

Although there are not many manuscripts saved—there are only thirteen chapters saved—but I still decided to update three times a day during the two days of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The update times are 8:00 am, 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

There are not many manuscripts, so it can only be like this. A little meaning is not a respect, and I hope everyone will accept it.

In addition, when new books are put on the shelves, as usual, everyone is definitely required to subscribe and support them. Although I said I don't care about the grades when I opened the book, but if the grades can be good, who wants to be poor?

Finally, about the monthly ticket... If you like it and it is worth voting, please vote for me, thank you!

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