Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 210 This is Undefeated Home

"What is the concept of being unbeaten at home for 90 games? Is it difficult to achieve?"

Xie Lan heard the commentator He Feng repeatedly emphasizing the undefeated record of the Stan Park Rangers at home, which means that this record shows that Stan Park is very scary.

Hu Lixin nodded: "It's very difficult, very difficult. It's the Premier League... no, it's the longest home unbeaten record in the history of England's top league. And not only the league, but in the past four years and eight months , the FA Cup, the League Cup, the Champions League... In all the games, the Stan Park Rangers have never lost at their home court. So Stan Park is also called "unbeaten home". As long as they play at home, Stan The performance of the Park Rangers is very good. All players are in better condition than away games. This is a real home advantage, not the so-called "more familiar with the field" and "the referee will favor"..."

Xie Lan nodded after hearing this, because she could see it too. From the first minute of the game, the Stan Park Rangers were aggressive. So much so that after ten minutes of the game, Leeds City didn't even take a shot, and only hit the opponent's 30-meter area once...

After watching the ball for so many years, she can also see what it means.

In fact, when Hu Lixin introduced this to Shelan, the Stan Park Rangers on the field were pounced on the goal of Leeds City, coupled with the shouts of the Stan Park Rangers fans on the scene, it seemed that The Rangers' attack will be able to score a goal.

In fact, they are right to think so...

Stan Park Rangers left midfielder Ian Sheppard dribbled the ball from the wing and sent a cross suddenly.

Leeds centre-back Ben Grist tangled with Stan Park Rangers centre-forward Matty Palacio on his return, but he managed to squeeze in on Palacio with his physical advantage forward, and then kicked the football first, preparing to clear the siege.

At this time, he had only one foot to support his body, and Palacio's whole body leaned against him, interfering with his rescue...

So the football kicked by Grist flew directly to the goal!

"Hey, be careful!" He Feng exclaimed.

Goalkeeper Van Deven hastily retreated two steps, then leaped backwards and swung his arms vigorously!

The Chinese fans in front of the TV took a deep breath, and Xie Lan's eyes widened and he dared not speak.

Fortunately, in the end Van der Ven lifted the football off the crossbar with one palm!

"Wow, what a risk! Almost...almost Grist had an own goal! He made a mistake under the pressure of Palacio..."

Grist, who made a mistake, quickly raised his hand to goalkeeper van der Ven to apologize. When he saw the football flying towards the goal, he was half cold. Fortunately, his teammates pulled him out of the abyss in the end.

And after Van Deven got up, his whole expression became a little nervous. He didn't even comfort Grist, who apologized to him, and his movements were a little stiff.

"Under the continuous and fierce attack of the Stan Park Rangers, the players of Leeds City began to make some mistakes... This is not a good sign..." Yan Kang, who was next to He Feng, said worriedly.

"The pressure to play in this stadium is really great," He Feng said. "When Grist almost scored an own goal just now, the noise made by the Rangers fans in the stands, I thought it was a goal!"

※※ ※

"It's not good, Tony." In front of the visiting team's coaching bench, assistant coach Sam Randyll said to Clark, frowning. "Our players seem a little too nervous..."

"It's not like, Sam. They're just nervous," Clark said. "Then this is Stan Park after all, and it's normal for them to be nervous."

When the two were talking, there were cheers from the Rangers fans in their ears.

The cheers started when Grist kicked the football towards the goal and have not shown any signs of abating.

At first glance, I thought Stan Park Rangers fans were celebrating a team goal.

"Although we didn't concede the ball this time, if we continue to play like this, we will concede the ball sooner or later." Randyll said.

"Goals were in our forecast, Sam. It's the goals that count."

"But Tony, look at the performance of the players, do you think they are so nervous, can they score goals?"

Clark looked at the court and kept his mouth shut.

Because he doesn't know the answer to this question either.

※※ ※

In the stands of the visiting team, David Miller looked at the field with his head in his hands, with a frightened expression on his face: "Fortunately, Van De Ven's concentration is enough, otherwise we will lose the ball now!"

"What happened to Big Ben today? He almost made a big mistake just after the game started! This shouldn't be his normal level..." Levin muttered beside him.

"Here, how many people can play at a normal level?" John sneered, "This is Stan Park! Listen to the sound now, we have to shout when we talk face to face. Levin, do you think it's you on the court?" In the competition, hearing such a voice, how much of your normal ability can you perform?"

Levin grinned and fell silent.

Not to mention playing football, even if he was watching the game in the stands and wanted to cheer for the team, he couldn't open his mouth amidst the roar of the Stan Park Rangers fans.

It wasn't because the voice was too low to be covered, but because the heartbeat was too fast, the mouth was dry, and the body was too weak to make a sound at all...

As a fan, watching the game from the stands, it’s fine if you really can’t make a sound. Anyway, this is an away game, and it is difficult to compete with the home fans in a normal away game, let alone this is in Stan Park.

But as a player, after playing, in such an environment, if your legs and feet feel weak, your heart beats fast, and your body is can you play?

Leeds fans really couldn't ask for more from the players.

After all, in the past four years and eight months, too many teams have lost games in this stadium, and the best result is nothing more than a draw.

※※ ※

Just three minutes after Grist's own goal this time, Stan Park Rangers won a free kick in the frontcourt.

It was their attacking midfielder, Swiss international Matthews Schneider, who took the free kick.

Before Schneider took the free kick, the Stan Park Rangers fans watching Taihang had already started to build momentum. They sang loudly, singing and dancing in the stands, as if they were celebrating a goal.

But in fact, at this time, the players of Leeds City are still throwing people at the wall...

After the wall was set, Schneider stepped back and prepared to run. A low and continuous hum sounded from the stands: "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO——"

The whistle sounded, Schneider ran up and kicked the ball!

The football bypassed the wall of Leeds City and accurately drilled into the goal guarded by van der Ven!


The murmur in the stands turned into a roar in an instant.

"Beautiful—!! Perfect arc! Schneider! At the 16th minute, he opened the scoring for the Rangers!"

The "accompaniment" of Cox's shout was the sudden explosion of cheers over the Stan Park stadium.

Rumbling thunder resounded over Stan Park!

All the Rangers fans in the stands jumped up, raised their arms and shouted!

The loud sound makes the people in it feel like they are about to have a heart attack.

Scott Brooks, the coach of the home team on the sidelines, raised his arms and shouted, echoing the Rangers fans in the stands.

The whole stadium was in a carnival.

Let the already terrifying atmosphere in the stadium become even more terrifying!

※※ ※

"The Stan Park Rangers are leading! On their home court, this team is simply invincible!" He Feng in the studio saw this scene, and he could only praise it honestly. "This free kick is a manifestation of Schneider's personal ability, but getting this free kick is indeed the result of the Rangers' continuous pressure on Leeds City...In the end they got such a threatening free kick...It can even be said that, Even if Stan Park Rangers don't get a free kick, maybe they will get a penalty later..."

"Tony Clark didn't choose to let the team park the bus when they faced the Rangers away, which is also the reason why their defense is under too much pressure..." Yan Kang analyzed from the side.

"Clark's defensive strategy against the team in this game was very aggressive. He marked man-to-man defense on the two wings regardless of the cost. , It will lead to a loophole in the defense, so players from other positions must come to fill the position. A lot of this kind of defensive replacement is prone to mistakes in the game, and the free kick just now is because Jay Adams When defending, he made up for it and lost his defensive position, causing Williams, who returned to defend, to foul..."

"Of course, it cannot be said that there is a problem with Clark's defensive tactics. In the away game against the Stan Park Rangers, with Leeds City's defensive level, they can only use this tactic. After all, Leeds City's advantage is that the players are young and full of energy. , Excellent running ability. Therefore, adopting this defensive tactic that requires a lot of running is the best choice. If you really want all Leeds City to retreat to the 30-meter area to set up a bus, it will actually concede the ball..."

He Feng echoed: "That's right. Leeds City chose the most suitable defensive tactics for them, but the players of the Rangers have excellent personal abilities. Facing the pressing of Leeds City players, they can also use their personal abilities to lead the ball. Out of the danger zone. There is no way, although Leeds City has performed very well so far this season, and is ranked second only to Rangers in the league. But the strength gap between the two teams is still very large, which is reflected in their points The difference can also be seen-the Rangers lead Leeds City by as much as 11 points, and this difference in the second half of the league can almost end the suspense of the championship early..."

He was right. With the stable performance of the Stan Park Rangers, with 14 rounds left in the league, the difference of 11 points really increased the chances of the Stan Park Rangers winning the championship.

So although this game is a game between the first and second in the league, it is definitely not a "championship battle".

Eight poles can't hit it.

In the live TV screen, the players of the Stan Park Rangers finally ended their celebration, and the shouts from the stands were still deafening.

Amid huge cheers, they ran back to their own half, past the transfixed Leeds players, smiling confidently and happily.

※※ ※

PS, the double monthly ticket on the last day, ask for a monthly ticket~

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