Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 218 The Fourth Ball

Taking advantage of the throw-in, Hu Lai found Pete Williams: "Peter, if you have a chance, try to pass the ball to Ismail as much as possible. I feel that the boy is on fire all over his body. Johnson Law may be overwhelmed, and we should still have a chance then."

Williams turned his attention to Kamala after hearing the words. He didn't see the fire burning around Kamala, but he also agreed with Hu Lai's words.

Because he knew that Kamara had always been brooding over his performance in the last confrontation between the two teams, always thinking of revenge.

"Is this what you said about falling into the water in the east of the river in thirty years and in the west of the river in thirty years, Huh?"

Hu Lai froze for a moment: "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that what you said? 'Thirty years ihe river, thirty years ihe river'..."

Hu Lai suddenly realized: "Oh - oh oh oh, that's right. So we have to make full use of Ismail's secondary...fighting spirit! Don't forget how the boss criticized us after the last round of league draw. Why settle for a draw if you can win?"

"You still want to win?" Williams' eyes widened.

"What's that look on your face, Pete? Don't you want to win?"

"I uh..."

"Just ask if you want to!"

"Think!" Williams nodded vigorously. No one would want to win, but most of the time it is really just "think about it".

Hu Lai said with a smile: "Ha! Isn't that enough? As long as you want to win, then we are good friends!"

After speaking, he patted Williams on the shoulder, turned and ran away.


Farrek Quinn was already standing outside the touchline with a soccer ball ready for a throw-in.

He looked at Williams first, and found Harry Bernard standing next to him.

Then he turned his attention to the Stan Park Rangers' penalty area. Whether it was Lorenzo or Hou Lai, they were restricted by the opponent's two central defenders.

He looked at Jay Adams again.

There are people around Adams, too.

Just then, he heard a voice calling him: "Quin! Quinn!"

He followed the reputation, and it turned out to be Kamala!

With his body against Johnson Law behind him, he raised his hand for Quinn to throw him the ball.

Quinn hesitated, because Kamala was also being watched.

Until he heard Williams yell at him, "Pass him the ball, Quinn!"

Williams is the core of the team's midfield and the second captain. Since he said so, Quinn believed him.

He threw the football over.

Seeing the football flying over, Johnson Law pushed Kamara forward with both arms, trying to interfere with him catching the ball.

Kamara leaned back hard, against Lao, while raising his right leg, as if to catch the ball. But when the football flew over, he flicked his ankle and directly lifted the football from above his head to behind him!

Johnson Law was underprepared for this, and it was completely unexpected that Kamara was not prepared to stop the ball at all!

He wants to pass himself directly!

At this moment, Kamara who was being pushed by him suddenly withdrew his strength and turned around!

Lao's center of gravity was in the front, and his body staggered from being shaken!

When he straightened up again, Kamala had rushed behind him!

"Kamara! Beautiful! Beautiful dribble!"

Ismail Kamara, past Law, catches up to the football and swerves it diagonally into the box!

The players of the Stan Park Rangers heard the wind and rushed towards him amidst the huge boos.

The first person is the central defender Gordon of the Stan Park Rangers.

Kamara waited for Gordon to jump up and made a pass, and passed the ball to Gordon's original defensive target, captain Lorenzo Esposito!

He jumped in front of the goal!

In the end, under the interference of Jacobs, it was still high.

Although there was no goal, the attack still terrified the Stan Park Rangers fans at the scene.

They exhaled again as if cheering for Hu Lai.

"Beautiful pass!" The first person to praise was not Lorenzo who caught and shot, but Hu Lai behind him.

He yelled and gave Kamala a thumbs up.

"Just kick like this, Ismail, you can do it!"

Kamara, who was praised by Hu Lai, took a deep breath, and raised her head slightly.

He felt an invisible force rising in his body, lifting him up.

Yes, just kick it, I can do it, Ismail!


Kamara, who was encouraged and praised, became braver and braver.

Williams also saw this, passing the ball to Kamara whenever he got the chance.

It's the same even if they are not on the sidewalk.

On the other hand, the Stan Park Rangers are obviously not reconciled to being tied in their appearance.

Although they are tied by Leeds City, they can still continue their unbeaten record at home.

But for the Stan Park Rangers, who led three times and were tied three times in the game, now they do not accept any results other than victory.

Must win, must beat Leeds City at home!

They'd like to see:

When we lead for the fourth time, will you be able to equalize for the fourth time!

So even with little stamina left, the Stan Park Rangers are still executing high presses, trying to grab the ball directly to start the offense.

Leeds City naturally welcomes their approach. In fact, they are still worried that the Stan Park Rangers will shrink their defense and put the bus in the last ten minutes of the game in order to keep their home unbeaten record...

Then it will be difficult for them to score again.

It would be great to have Stan Park Rangers come out now!


Let's attack!

Who is afraid of whom!


Harry Bernard kicks in from the edge of the box for Leeds City.

This is a very threatening shot, Leeds City goalkeeper van der Ven jumped up with both fists to hit the football general.

The kicked football did not fly out of the baseline, but flew to the side of the penalty area.

There Josh Lawler jumped up and headed the ball to the center.

Jay Adams ran to the point where the football landed and controlled the ball. He raised his leg and stopped the ball in the air. Then he didn't hand over the football to Pete Williams to make the transition, so there were too many intermediate links and the rhythm was slowed down.

He passed the football directly to Kamara who was pulled back.

Kamara did not play on the wing this time, but received a rib.

After receiving the ball, he dribbled forward with the ball.

In front of him was Johnson Law, who was also defended by the center.

Kamara accelerated and rushed forward.

Johnson Law stood sideways and fought and retreated.

He lowered his center of gravity, his eyes fixed on the football and Kamara's legs behind it.

He saw Kamara slam the football behind him with the outer instep of his right foot, and quickly turned around to chase.

But when he turned around, Kamara caught up with the football and buckled the football to the left.

It was only when Johnson Law turned around that he realized that his side was empty!

He immediately realized that Kamala must have dunked the other side, so he turned around again. This time when he turned around, he didn't forget to turn his head to observe Kamala.

Sure enough, just as he imagined, Makara turned the football back again on the outside instep of his right foot...

Johnson Law hadn't finished turning around this time, so he had to forcefully turn back again.

Meanwhile keep watching Kamala...

The inside of the latter's right foot dialed the football to the right again!

"Ooh! Kamala kept changing directions and shaking! Johnson Law could only keep turning his head and turning around in front of him, like a cow being led by the nose!"

"He went to the right! He went to the left! He went to the right again! He went to the left again! Right! Left! Oh God!"

There were deafening boos all over Stan Park as Kamara rocked back and forth.

Amidst the huge boos, Johnson Law decided to end this meaningless teasing. He turned his head and saw that Kamara used a little force when he used the outside of his foot to move the football to the right this time, so he kicked the ground and turned around immediately. , the whole person slipped and fell to the ground, and at the same time, using the hip as the axis, shoveled towards the football.

He intends to use such a leg-sweeping action to destroy the football and interrupt Leeds City's attack.

But just as he swept past like this, Kamara threw his right leg out again, and then poked the football back with his toe!

Immediately afterwards, others suddenly stopped and turned!

Johnson Law was completely lying on the ground at this moment, unable to do anything to Kamala. After he shoveled over, he found that he had missed the shovel, so he could only turn his head and watch Kamala pass by him on the other side, catching up with the football!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh! Beautiful! So beautiful! After continuous shaking, Johnson Law finally couldn't stand it anymore! Kamara dribbled the ball and rushed into the penalty area of ​​the Stan Park Rangers!"

Lao, who was lying on the ground, looked up at the back of Yiqi Juechen. He didn’t need to watch the TV broadcast. He also knew that he must be in a mess at this time. He struggled to get up from the ground, but his feet slipped and fell on the ground again. land.

Many fans of the Stan Park Rangers in the stands were so frightened that they forgot to boo when they saw the scene where Kamara shook Johnson Law. fear and...pain.

England's main right-back, Johnson Law, who ranks among the top five in world football, has been so embarrassed!

At this moment, the boos over Stan Park seemed to be a little smaller...


After Kamara dribbled the ball to knock down Johnson Law, he had already killed from the ribs to the middle, and was infinitely approaching the free throw arc.

Now in front of him are only three defenders of Stan Park Rangers and a goalkeeper.

He pushed the football diagonally to the right rib of the penalty area.

There is an obvious gap there - because the defense is not strong enough, the three defenders can only shrink in the middle, so there will always be some gaps near the wing.

After Kamara passed the football, he saw Hou Lai running diagonally.

He immediately accelerated to the middle of the penalty area, which could help Hou Lai pin down another Stan Park Rangers player.

Sure enough, seeing his advance, Jacobs, who wanted to defend Holly, hesitated for a moment, but only the team's left back Bruno Martins chased him.

"Opportunity! Hu Lai—!"

After Hu Lai ran diagonally to catch up with the football, he swung his right leg and shot directly!

Martins stretched his legs to block.

Goalkeeper Lemos also rushed to the near corner to block his shot. With double insurance, Leeds City must make this counterattack come back in vain!

Remos lowered his center of gravity, his hands were slightly spread, hanging at his sides, his eyes were fixed on the football, and he did everything possible to expand his defensive area.

Then he saw Hu Lai shoot!

It's not a powerful volley...but a light volley - seeing Hu Laila's full bow before, everyone thought it would be a powerful volley, but who would have thought that Hu Lai's foot would fall down in the end? But it was an unexpected lob!

Both Lemos and Martins were defending against Hu Lai's volley. As a result, the football flew directly above their heads. The two could only look up at the football flying towards the back of the goal, but they could do nothing!

The only thing they can do at this time is to pray to God, pray that Hu Lai's shot will miss or go high...

But there is one person who did not give up!

A figure broke into their field of vision, and under their desperate gaze, chased after the football flying towards the goal!

The captain's armband on his arm is shining!


The captain of the Stan Park Rangers did not give up and chased to the goal line. Then he jumped high and kicked the football falling in the air.

He wants to hook the football volley!

At this moment, all the sounds of the Stan Park stadium seemed to disappear, and everyone stared at the goal with wide eyes, waiting for the result of this kick.

After finishing the shot, Hu Lai raised his heart, not daring to take a breath.

The football fell through the air and Bernard's feet kicked up.

Then the two passed each other!

Bernard's feet continued to rise until the limit.

The football continued to fall, over the goal line.

In the end, Bernard didn't kick anything, and the whole person slammed into the goal post that was close at hand.

And the football... is already lying in the goal!

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