Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 228 Husband's ambition is four seas, thousands of miles are neighbors

When Li Qingqing was standing in front of the players of the Chinese National Men's Football Team with a smile on his face, those international players who were all-powerful in the league were all staring blankly at the person who suddenly appeared in front of them.

For a while, no one made a sound, they just looked at her.

Li Qingqing looked a little embarrassed, she raised her hand to say hello: "Hello..."

"Li Qingqing?"

"It's really Li Qingqing?"

"Who said it was impossible for them to appear just now?"

"Be a little polite! They greeted us!"

After a brief silence, the national team quarreled loudly, and then there were uneven greetings:

"Hello, Li Qingqing!"

"Hello Qingqing!"

"Hello, Li Qingqing!"


The loudest ones are basically the young people in the national team. The older international players should be a little more reserved and not bluff like young people.

Luo Kai turned his eyes away from Li Qingqing and turned to Hu Lai. He noticed that Hu Lai's expression was a little surprised, as if he was also surprised by Li Qingqing's appearance.


Didn't the two of them ventilate in advance?

Li Qingqing didn't tell Hu Lai about this in advance?

Maybe... the relationship between the two of them is not as close as I thought? Not everything is said...

Thinking of this, Luo Kai's mood suddenly improved a lot.


Li Qingqing's gaze stayed on the faces of every international player as long as possible, and then moved away, just like a superficial touch.

When she saw the surprised expression on Hu Lai's face, she didn't stop her gaze, but there was a slight smile on her face, with the corners of her mouth raised.

When the two of them were chatting on WeChat last night, Hu Lai said that this is all in her territory, shouldn't they come to visit the class?

Li Qingqing also lied to him that she had to train too, and she was so busy that she had no time.

Although it is a text chat, you can't see each other's expressions, and you can hear the voice, and you can't guess the inner feelings of the other person from the expressions and tone.

But Li Qingqing could also sense that Hu Lai seemed a little disappointed.

She really almost revealed the mystery ahead of time, but fortunately she endured it in the end.

Just to see the surprised expression on Hu Lai's face at this moment, and to enjoy the sense of accomplishment after successfully teasing him.

Hu Lai guessed what was going on when he saw the change in the expression on Li Qingqing's face when he looked at him.

It's very simple - he was cheated by Li Qingqing!

He couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Li Qingqing: childish!


The national team leader Hong Renjie smiled and said to the international players: "I specially invited Li Qingqing to cheer everyone up. After all, we are preparing for the World Cup for the first time, but he has already played in the World Cup once. He still has more experience in this area than us. ..."

Li Qingqing waved his hand beside him: "No, no, Team Leader Hong, you are too serious. The Women's World Cup is completely different from the Men's World Cup..."

"No matter how different it is, it is also the World Cup. Although you are young, in terms of World Cup experience, you are the predecessor of all of us!" Hong Renjie said sincerely.

Li Qingqing saw that the opponent insisted, and did not refuse. He said generously to the men's football international players in the camera: "Actually, no matter men's football or women's football, everyone is working hard for the development of Chinese football. Chinese football does not distinguish between men and women. I I am a female football player, but I also hope that the men's football can achieve good results in the World Cup... I am here to cheer for you... In addition, knowing that I am coming this time, Director Yan even asked me to bring you a gift ..."

As she spoke, she took a jersey from Wang Shanshan and shook it to everyone.

"This is the jersey of our women's national team at the Women's World Cup in France, with the signatures of all our team members on it. Behind it is our best wishes to you."

The cameraman carried the machine and leaned over to take a close-up of the jersey in Li Qingqing's hand.

The front of the red jersey is densely packed with signatures,

On the back is an ancient poem:

"My husband has aspirations all over the world, and we are neighbors thousands of miles away." (Note 1)

The poems are bold and bold, and the handwriting is beautiful.

Hu Lai could tell at a glance that this sentence was in Li Qingqing's handwriting.

Sure enough, Hong Renjie pointed to Li Qingqing and said to everyone: "This poem was selected by Li Qingqing and written by himself. It is given to everyone and encourages us to show our level and style in the World Cup. On behalf of the men's team, I would like to express my gratitude to Li Qingqing and women Thanks to the team!"

After speaking, he took the lead in applauding, and the players of the national team followed suit.

While applauding, Luo Kai focused his gaze on the words on the jersey.

In his opinion, these words are simply the best comfort and encouragement for his confusion and pain just now:

A man with aspirations in all directions, travels abroad to realize his ideals, even though I am not by your side, we have never been separated.

Thinking of this, Luo Kai bit his lower lip tightly, controlling his emotions. Deep in his heart, he vowed secretly that he must seize the last chance and work harder whether in the national team or in the club.

What's wrong with Hu Lai now?

I believe that as long as I keep working so hard, one day, I will definitely surpass that kid!


Zhang Qinghuan in the crowd stared at the jersey in Li Qingqing's hand while applauding.

Although the handwriting is beautiful, it is full of power when it falls in his eyes.

Husband has ambitions all over the world.

Every word is like a drumbeat in his heart.

In Anton Shining Star, he is the unshakable main force. There are coaches who understand him and trust him; Shining Star can live forever.

But he knew very well that he was already twenty-six years old, and there were not many days left to enjoy himself comfortably.

Brother Qin Linling once told him before that he would fight for it before he was twenty-five.

He couldn't get out.

During his stay in China, he saw Hu Lai's dominance in England, and Luo Kai's pain in the Dutch relegation team.

Two completely different scenes of studying abroad unfolded in front of his eyes, allowing him to fully appreciate the good and bad of going abroad to play football.

But none of this changed his original intention.

He has already made up his mind that after the World Cup, he will go abroad no matter what.

I hope that with my performance in the World Cup, I can attract the attention of some teams.

He talked with his agent Uncle Yong, and as long as the time is right, he is willing to go out and give it a try no matter what team it is.

At the age of 26, his career has entered the prime of life. Whether it is technology, experience, or mentality, he is better than when he was young. He should also go out and make a living, so as not to let down what he has eaten since he was a child because of training. Those are bitter.

If you want to go out, you must go out.

Husband Zhisihaihai!


Hu Lai shifted his gaze from the words "husband with ambitions all over the world, thousands of miles away from neighbors" to Li Qingqing's smiling face.

Seeing that Li Qingqing was also looking at him.

After feeling Hu Lai's gaze, she looked away again, and together with Hong Renjie beside her, she lifted up the jersey and showed it to the camera lens.

Then Hong Renjie said: "Come on, let's take a photo together!"

The players rushed forward, but when they crowded in front of Li Qingqing, they all slowed down. At this moment, the loudest young people all hesitated, not daring to go up and sit down on the grass next to Li Qingqing. Because then they might get the murderous gaze of others.

In the end, Hong Renjie and the team captain Yao Huasheng sat next to Li Qingqing.

Only then did the others line up on the left and right sides or in the back row.

Luo Kai looked down at his footsteps, being careful not to step on the person sitting in front of him. When he finally reached his destination, he saw a foot stepping up from the side at the same time.

He raised his head and looked up that foot.

Seeing Hu Lai's mean face:

"Ha, what a coincidence!"

Luo Kai ignored him, and squeezed a little closer to Hu Lai, standing behind Li Qingqing, looking towards the photographer who was setting up the camera.

Seeing this, Hu Lai also looked away, and also looked over.

"Hey, everyone, lean back in the middle, turn your body slightly, and press your shoulders... Yes, that's it!" Xiao Zhang, who played the guest photographer, raised his hand and directed the international players to stand.

"I'm counting one, two, three, everyone, don't blink, just laugh!"







Under the bright sunshine in Paris, France, all the members of the Chinese national training team surrounded Li Qingqing to complete this group photo.

Among a group of players wearing the red training uniforms of the Chinese team, Li Qingqing in white casual clothes is like a stamen in the center surrounded by red petals, which is particularly eye-catching.

By the way, the two young men behind her also became eye-catching.


"Paris time this morning, when the Chinese national team was training at the Erger training base in Paris, a special guest came—the women's football girl Li Qingqing made a special trip to the national team's training ground to interact with the international players, and sent a gift on behalf of the women's football team. Blessings and gifts..."

In the news broadcast by the announcer, the interaction between Li Qingqing and the Chinese men's football players was shown on the TV.

Xie Lan saw Li Qingqing in the picture exuding bright sunshine, clapped his hands happily and said with a smile: "Dream Link! Dream Link!"

Hu Lixin glanced at her: "Where did you learn these messy words?"

Xie Lan ignored her husband and just continued to stare at the TV screen. When the big group photo appeared on the screen, she noticed that Hu Lai was standing behind Li Qingqing, and immediately blocked other irrelevant people around her. Only her son and Li Qingqing are in her eyes.

Li Qingqing was sitting on the grass in front of her, and her son was standing a little behind Li Qingqing. This composition looks...

"Oh, I have a sense of déjà vu, I have a sense of déjà vu!" Xie Lan murmured excitedly.

Hu Lixin frowned: "Where did you learn this word?"


Li Ziqiang looked at his daughter on the screen, and his eyes inevitably turned to Luo Kai and Hu Lai behind her.

The two stood behind his daughter, one on the left and one on the right, both looking forward and looking at the camera.

These are the three people he trained, and they are now in the same frame in the national team.

As a grassroots football coach, Li Ziqiang has a sense of pride spontaneously.

The scene in front of him is the result of his work, and the people of the whole country are invited to accept it.


Note 1: "A husband with ambitions all over the world, thousands of miles away is a neighbor" comes from Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms "Gift to the White Horse Wang Biao".

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