Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 237 Reverse C Header

Charlie Potter crosses straight in from the right.

Lorenzo, the captain of Leeds City in front of the middle goal, jumped high, and under Brandon's personal interference, he still hit the football and headed the football towards the goal of Warship Harbor!

Frederick Olm, the Swedish national gate of Warship Harbor, rose into the air and blocked it with all his strength.

After the football was blocked by him, it did not fly out of the baseline, but landed in the penalty area again.

Hu Lai rushed to the football's landing point before the football landed, but he still couldn't kick the ball.

The ball was kicked out of the baseline by another central defender of Warship Harbor, Argentine international Enzo Monteya...

Just as Monteya's toes touched the football, Hou Lai's leg hit Monteya's thigh.

It can be said that if Monteya moved a little slower, the ball would have fallen into the control of Hu Lai.

"It's dangerous!" Cox exclaimed, "Hu almost made a follow-up shot! Monteya's attention is very focused!"

The captain of Naval Harbor, their striker Carl Lambert pulled up Monteya who fell on the ground, and slapped him vigorously to express his gratitude and encouragement.

Facing the crazy attacking Leeds City, Warship Harbor needs any move to defend the goal.

Only when they are united can they survive Leeds' offensive.

This season's performance in Warship Port is relatively hip. In front of Leeds City, it is indeed not qualified to maintain pride and superiority. What should be desperate is to be desperate, even if it looks very embarrassing, it is better than losing the game.


"Tsk!" Xie Lan in front of the TV frowned when he saw this scene.

This is one of the reasons why she has always felt uncomfortable watching her son's game recently-some opportunities, she thought it was Hu Lai's, but were destroyed by the opponent's stuck position.

When her son goes up, he can only collide with the opposing defender.

Sometimes the referee even calls Hu Lai a foul.

Xie Lan thought it was nonsense—are you blind, the referee? With my son's small body, can he hit those tall Premier League defenders? !

On the TV, He Feng and Yan Kang were talking about Hu Lai's performance in this attack just now: "Hu Lai's judgment of the football's landing point is really first-rate, he accurately judged where the ball will fly... But Monteya is not a vegetarian either, he also judged the right landing point, and used his physical advantage to push Hu Lai aside, get stuck in the position, and successfully cleared the siege first..."


"What the hell! The people in Warship Port are too strict on Hu's defense! They really don't give him any space! They have been defending Hu closely for 80 minutes, aren't they tired? They didn't think about relaxing. ?"

In the north stand, Levin was complaining endlessly.

John next to him said: "Levin, what you said is too incompetent. Warship Harbor knows that if they relax, they will die! So how can they relax their defense against Hu?"

"Nonsense, of course I know. But people always make mistakes... can't they make mistakes?"

"Always expecting the opponent to make not what a really good player should have." John lectured.

"I'm just a fan, why do I care so much?" Levin retorted against John's approach.

The two were bickering, and David Miller beside them folded his arms and said nothing, but it could be seen from his face that he was very upset.

It's just that his displeasure was not because the two of them were arguing here, but because he hadn't had the opportunity to sing "Hu Song" in Flanders for a long time.

The last time Hu Lai scored at home dates back to the 23rd round of the league on January 18 this year. Leeds City beat Liverpool United 2:1 at home. Hu Lai scored a goal in that game.

From then until now, Hu Lai scored four more goals, but all four goals were scored away.

At home every time, David Miller waits for Hullai to score from the north stand so that he can hear the "Song of Hull", with his lyrics, reverberating throughout the Flanders stadium.

Just as Miller was frowning and staring at the stadium in a daze, while his companions were still bickering, there was a sudden commotion and cheers from other parts of the stands.

John and Levin stopped their bickering at the same time and looked towards the court.

David Miller also quickly came back to his senses, focusing on the restricted area of ​​the Warship Harbor which is close at hand.



Accompanied by the loud cheers from the stands, Kamara, who cut inside and dribbled the ball into the penalty area, suddenly sent the football diagonally to the baseline.

At the same time, behind him, Falek Quinn, who played from a full-back to a full-back, advanced at high speed, chasing the football!

Mark Murphy, the right back of Warship Harbor who was originally defending Kamara, quickly dropped the Frenchman to chase Quinn.

But it's too late.

After Quinn caught up with the football, he didn't continue to dribble, but directly passed the football to the goal!

This is another attack from Leeds City.

Although the fans shouted loudly, it seemed that it was no different from so many crosses from the side before.

After Clark adjusted his tactics and put all his eggs in one basket, the number of crosses made by Leeds City increased significantly.

But the effect is not very good.

After all, it is relatively easier to defend this kind of side pass.

At the point behind the goal, the captain of Leeds City, Italian high striker Lorenzo with a height of 1.9 meters, and the central defender Brandon of Warship Harbor were entangled. The two men wrapped their arms around their arms, shoulders against their shoulders... and jumped up at the same time.

Lorenzo headed the ball in the scrimmage, but because Brandon was stuck inside, he had no room to shake his head and couldn't head the ball towards the goal.

At this time, he caught a glimpse of Hu Lai in front of the goal...

So he pushed the football there almost reflexively.

When Lorenzo hit the ball, Hou Lai was ready to jump.

His reaction was obviously faster than Monteya next to him.

And Monteya's attention was always on the football, until he saw the football flying towards him, he didn't think about jumping up to compete for the top.

But Hu Lai next to him has already taken off!

Monteya could only jump towards Hou Lai with his whole body, trying to squeeze Hou Lai with his leaning body, so that he had nowhere to use his strength to maintain his balance in the air, which would also interfere with his header.

He succeeded, and Hu Lai was slightly tilted to the outside by him...

Seeing this scene, Leeds City goalkeeper Lloyd Kerry quickly raised his hand, wanting to shout loudly to remind the referee.

The referee also noticed this scene, but he didn't blow the whistle, because in his opinion, although Monteya made a collision action, the force was not strong, and it was hard to say that he must call Monteya for a foul...

"FUCK Monteya!!"

In the nearest North Stand, impatient Leeds City fans have already cursed out their mouths.

In their view, Hu Lai will lose another chance to score this time.

Monteya's small actions of the Argentine player are really annoying!

Just when everyone thought so, even Monteya himself thought that Hu Lai should not be able to hit the ball, Hu Lai, who was almost out of balance in the air, suddenly raised his waist and abdomen, twisted his body and leaned back at the same time, his body Almost twisted into a C written backwards in the air!

Then while leaning back, the back of his head touched the flying football!

At the moment of touching the ball, the core muscles of Hu Lai's waist and abdomen and the muscles of the neck exerted force at the same time, and with the last bit of strength, he rubbed the football towards the goal behind him!

Monteya, who was close at hand, had no idea that Hu Lai could still score a header in such a situation!

He watched the football fly past him, and at the same time, Hu Lai lost his balance and fell to the ground...

"Eh? Eh? This ball... this ball?!" He Feng was really taken aback when he saw this scene, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak coherently.

As for the goalkeeper Olm of Warship Harbor, he didn't even make a save, just stood on the goal line, turned his head and watched the football fly into... his goal!


"WOOOOOOOOOOOW!! WOO! WOO! WOO! WOO!!" Cox yelled, "He did it in an unconventional way, in a way that left Monteya put the ball in The goal of the Warship Harbor! It's... unbelievable! I'm not only talking about the way of this goal, but also the timing of this goal! In the 84th minute of the game, Leeds City led the Warship 3:2 at home port!"

At the same time as he said these words, the real-time standings ranking of the current top six in the Premier League was displayed on the live broadcast screen.

The Stan Park Rangers still top the list with eighty-two points.

Leeds City is still in second place, but the point gap between them and the Stan Park Rangers has narrowed to four points! Seventy-eight points now!

In front of the home team's coaching bench, Clark opened his arms and rushed out of the coach's command area, rushed onto the pitch, and then turned around and shook his fist at the cheering Leeds City fans in the stands, responding to their cheers!

In front of the TV, Scott Brooks leaned back on the back of the sofa, stared at the ceiling, and let out a long sigh.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Xie Lan in front of the TV couldn't help screaming when he saw the football flying into the goal. She didn't think about it at all, it was already past one o'clock in the morning...

She just wanted to vent all the emotions that had been pent up in her heart for a long time.

On the TV, the commentator He Feng gritted his teeth and said: "This is Hu Lai! This is Hu Lai! Even if the whole game is strictly guarded against him, he can still score goals!"

Yan Kang also gritted his teeth: "Also, He Feng, in the strict sense of this game, the defensive players of Warship Harbor did not make any mistakes when defending Hu Lai...they did a good job defending! But even so, Hu Lai He still seized the fleeting opportunity to complete the goal! Monteya has done everything he can in this defense, but his impeccable performance is only the result of Hou Lai's wonderful goal The best background board! This ball is one of Hu Lai's masterpieces! Never give up, fight until the last moment! Any time, any way to score goals!"


After the shot, Hu Lai lost all his balance and fell to the ground.

Instead of turning his head to look at the goal, he confirmed from the cheers that erupted from the stands that he had scored.

So he struggled to get up off the ground, to celebrate the goal...but he couldn't.

Because he was pressed back by the excited Leeds City players, everyone directly pressed Hu Lai under him in the penalty area in front of the Warship Harbor, and "stacked Arhats" celebrated the goal!

In the cheers of the audience, the North Stand took the lead in singing the "Song of Hu":

"Who had the what a GOAL?"


"'s what a GOAL!"

"HU! HU! HU! HU! HU!"

"HU! HU! HU! HU! HU!"

"HU! HU! HU! HU! HU!"

David Miller was no longer singing, but roaring, roaring at the top of his lungs.

Finally, finally!

Two months and nine days later, Leeds City fans at Flanders Stadium can HUHUHU together again!

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