Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 242 Fighting in the Rain

In the thirty-fourth round of the league, Leeds City will play ahead of the Stan Park Rangers.

So this time the football is still at their feet. Whether they can kick the ball back to the Stan Park Rangers beautifully depends on the result of their game.

It's just that it's not easy for them to win this game.

Even if they are home.

Because their opponent in this round is Manchester Athletic, currently ranked third in the league.

If Athletic Manchester can beat Leeds City away, and Stan Park Rangers can beat Burleigh away, then the defending champions will regain a seven-point gap with Leeds City.

With so few league games left, this is a slightly reassuring point difference.

It means that even if the Stan Park Rangers lose two more games in the remaining four league rounds, they can still maintain their points lead against Leeds City.

But how could the Stan Park Rangers have lost half of their remaining four league rounds?

In the hotel room where he was staying, members of the coaching staff of Stan Park Rangers gathered in the room of head coach Brooks and were watching the game between Leeds City and Manchester Athletic through live TV.

They are not only paying attention to the competitors who won the championship, but also paying attention to the performance and tactical play of Athletic Manchester.

After all, in the next round, it's their turn to challenge Athletic Manchester away.

For Leeds City, Athletic Manchester is the main stumbling block on the way to the championship. And why not for the Stan Park Rangers?

In the next round, they will go away to Manchester Athletic.

Even if Leeds lost to Athletic Manchester in this round, if the Stan Park Rangers also lose to Athletic Manchester in the next round, the point difference between the two teams will return to four points, and the situation is also critical.

They will find a way to beat Athletic Manchester from this game.


Meli looked at the live broadcast of the Premier League game on the TV screen, and then cast a glance at the phone.

Above is a chat he had with Ramon Cantero before the game.

Cantero invited him to watch the game again before the game, and vowed that this time, Hu Lai's dream of the Premier League championship must be shattered!

"Don't worry this time, Meli, let's forget my old and new grudges with him! He can't step on my dead body to ascend to the throne!"

This was the last message Ramon sent him before the game.

Not long after these words were spoken, the game began.

So it is very likely that he left a message for himself in the visiting team's locker room.

From the description of the last sentence, Meli can fully feel the determination of his friend Cantero.

Fortunately, this round of King Madrid's La Liga game and Cantero's Premier League game are not in the same time period, there is no conflict, otherwise he still can't see it...

In fact, Meli really hopes that Cantero can successfully prevent Leeds City from winning the championship.

But it is by no means a successful revenge against Hu Lai, as Cantero said.

Or if it is considered revenge, it is also Cantero's revenge. What does it have to do with me, Melly?

I haven't had my revenge yet!

The reason why he hopes that Leeds City will not win the league championship is because only in this way will he have a great chance to meet Leeds City in the Champions League next season.

But if Leeds City becomes the Premier League champion, then according to the rules of the Champions League, the defending champion of the Champions League, last season's Europa League champion, and UEFA's top-ranked league champion will automatically become the UEFA Champions League seeding team next season.

The King of Madrid has dominated the league this season. Although they have not yet won the championship, unless a miracle happens, neither the Catalan United nor the city rivals the Corsairs will be able to win the league title from the King of Madrid.

At that time, Leeds City will be the champion of the Premier League, and the King of Madrid will be the champion of La Liga. Both teams are seeded teams, and it is impossible to be grouped together anyway.

It will be difficult for me to meet Hu Lai in the Champions League...

This is also the most important reason why Meli pays so much attention to the Premier League championship.

Although he told Ramon Cantero that he was cheering on his friends.

Cantero was encouraged by his attitude, which is why he said the murderous words.

The words can be beautiful, but the game... can hardly be called beautiful.

The first half of the game is over, and now the second half has started fifteen minutes.

The two teams are like people fighting each other in a muddy swamp. They can't stand still, and they can only hug each other and roll in the muddy mud. Because every movement in the swamp requires more strength, which makes their fists look like they are exhausted... There is no beauty in such a fight.

Likewise, the game has so far been nothing to watch.

It may also have something to do with today's weather-it is raining in Leeds today, and the rain is not small.

It does look reminiscent of a swamp melee.

Because of the heavy rain, the field was more slippery than usual, and both teams adopted more simple and direct styles of play.

This has little impact on Leeds City. They already have a high center forward Lorenzo who has played this kind of tactics.

But Athletic Manchester is a team that pays more attention to ground cooperation. The whole team has a strong continental football style, and there are more Latin foreign aid. The head coach Hailo Gutierrez is a Spanish coach, and he puts a lot of emphasis on the Spanish football's pass and control tactics.

In the past few seasons, Athletic Manchester has used their strong ball possession ability to wrestle with several other strong teams, including the Stan Park Rangers, without losing the wind.

You must know that the Premier League champion last season was Stan Park Rangers, but the Premier League champion last season was Manchester Athletic. In the Premier League, Athletic Manchester are perennial title contenders.

Such a team is naturally more affected by the venue than Leeds City.

But Manchester Athletic's overall strength is very strong, so even if they are restricted by the venue, they can still play almost 50-50 with Leeds City on the court.

Leeds City has the home court advantage and is more suitable for the current environment in terms of play, but it is still difficult to break through Manchester Athletic's goal.

The two teams remained deadlocked until the second half. At present, it is still difficult to break the deadlock for a while.


"The weather is really good for us today!" said Stan Park Rangers assistant coach Stephen Brown, who watched the second half. "Such heavy rain completely hindered the performance of both of their teams."

"But tomorrow we may also encounter such weather." Brooks turned his head and looked outside the hotel room. He could see the water droplets on the window glass reflecting the light of the street lamps outside, like shining pearls.

The rain here is not as heavy as that in Leeds, otherwise it would not be a "pearl", but a water curtain-now the rain falling on the window glass in Leeds is a water curtain.

Brooks looked away from the window and continued: "And this rain is really not a good thing for Gutierrez's Manchester Athletic. But it may not be the case for Leeds..."

Pointing to the TV screen, Brown disagreed: "But they don't have as many opportunities to attack."

"Indeed." Brooks did not object to the assistant coach's opinion, "But they don't need tons of opportunities like Manchester Athletic. Have you forgotten who they have?"

Brown was taken aback for a moment, then realized: "Huh!"

Almost at the same time, the narrator Cox shouted from the TV: "HUUUUUU——!!"

They looked at the screen at the same time, and saw Hu Lai running to the top of the free throw arc, then turned around, turned his back to the attacking direction, and raised his foot to catch the ball. To his left is Athletic Manchester centre-back William Nelson, and not far to the right is another centre-back, Sam Hobson.


Jay Adams noticed that Athletic Manchester's centre-back combination was a little under-pressed and there was space behind him, so he tried to pass the ball directly from behind the center circle to Hou Lai in front.

Hou Lai also ran forward when he passed the ball.

It's just that this pass and run was also noticed by Manchester Athletic's defense, so now the two central defenders, Nelson and Hobson, are beside Hu Lai, one left and one right, forming a defensive situation.

Seeing this scene, Adams rushed up quickly.

He did not stay in the backcourt to prepare for defense, but tried to get closer to Hu Lai to meet the opponent.

He expected that after the ball stopped, facing the defense of the two central defenders behind him, there should be no way to turn around. As a midfielder, he must actively press forward to support the striker.

That's what manager Tony Clark expects of midfielders in the game.


After Hu Lai ran forward to the top of the free throw arc, he turned around and saw that the football had fallen, and at the same time raised his foot to stop the ball.

At the same time, Nelson quickly moved closer to him, ready to stick up and interfere with his possession of the ball. Even if you stop, you can't turn around easily.

At the same time, Hobson was still watching from the side, planning to come up to defend - against Hu Lai alone, Manchester Athletic used two central defenders. As for the other Leeds City players, their priority was obviously not as high as that of Hu Lai.

Williams also saw the predicament Hu Lai was facing, so he, like Adams, rushed forward and shouted: "Pass back!"

He wanted Hou Lai to pass the football back to him directly, because he had seen that the captain next to him, Lorenzo, was free. As long as Hou Lai could pass the ball back, he could pass it directly to Lorenzo. side.

But Hu Lai didn't respond to Williams' shout as if he didn't hear what Williams said. He slightly raised his head and stared at the football flying through the rain and fog from the sky.

The dense rain fell on his face, and he squinted his eyes to protect the rain from dripping in, staring intently at the football.

Lift your right foot at the same time.

The football landed precisely on his instep.

Turn around and continue, sending the football forward with your right foot!

Just like that, he changed from facing away from the goal to facing directly, and at the same time waded the football into the penalty area!

"Hey, this ball? It's beautiful!!!"

With the exclamation of the commentators, Hu Lai strode towards the football and entered the penalty area.

At the same time, Nelson was completely fooled by his unexpected action and froze in place. On the contrary, Hobson, who had been entangled with Hu Lai for the entire match in the last match, reacted quickly and had already killed him.

But he was still too late.

The moment Hu Lai turned around, he was stuck behind Hu Lai.

In a hurry to chase back, he didn't care so much, he grabbed Hu Lai's shoulder with his hands, and at the same time stretched out his feet to try to kick the ball.

He didn't kick the ball, but because he couldn't stop the car due to inertia, he knocked Hu Lai sideways to the ground!

In the pouring rain, the Flanders stadium thundered:

"Penalty -!!!"

At the same time, the referee's hand clearly pointed to the penalty spot!

The cheers from the stands overwhelmed the patter of the heavy rain.

The thunder turned into a thunderstorm!

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