Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 245 Kickoff at Noon

After Leeds won against Athletic Manchester, the pressure came to Stan Park Rangers.

But even if it is an away game, it is not too difficult for the Stan Park Rangers to play a team like Burleigh.

In the end, they defeated Burleigh 2:1 in the drizzle and continued to maintain a four-point advantage over Leeds City.

There are four rounds left in the league, and the Stan Park Rangers are getting closer and closer to successfully defending their title.

Of course they must first beat Athletic Manchester away.

Manchester Athletic, who lost in this round, may not let them go so easily.

At the same time, because Tramed, the fourth in the league, defeated Holt 3-0 away in this round of the league, Athletic Manchester is now only two points ahead of its rivals Tramed.

Although Athletic Manchester has locked in the qualification for the Champions League next season in advance, if they are overtaken by Tramed in the end and drop from third in the league to fourth in the league, then they will have to start from the qualifying round for the Champions League next season. The preparation time is shorter than the third in the league, which has a great impact on the team's pre-season training.

At the same time, being overtaken by a deadly enemy in the same city, it doesn't look good...

Therefore, Manchester Athletic, who lost to Leeds City in the away game, will definitely go all out after returning home.

※※ ※

In the thirty-fifth round of the league, Leeds City will still play first.

They challenged Boscombe in an away game. This is a relegation team-so far, Boscombe ranked 18th with 28 points, third from the bottom, just in the relegation zone.

At the same time, they are three points away from the seventeenth and sixteenth teams in the league.

It's just a game.

This means that Boscombe will definitely fight hard at his home court and Leeds City.

Generally speaking, the closer to the final stage of the league, the more difficult this kind of relegation team is to play, often more difficult to play than the championship team.

After all, people are fighting for survival.

Leeds City must know more about this than anyone else,

Because they were also such a relegation team last season.

Stan Park Rangers are also hoping Boscombe can stop Leeds' progress.

And there is such a good thing, that is, the game kicks off at 12:30 noon.

Although it has become a habit to play games at noon in almost every round of the Premier League, no team manager would think that playing at this time is a good idea.

※※ ※

In the live broadcast, strong sunlight shines on the seats in the stands opposite the camera. In the overexposed footage, the stands full of Boscomb fans wearing red jerseys turned pale.

Seeing this scene, Xie Lan pointed to the TV screen and asked her husband, Hu Lixin, "What time is it in England?"

Hu Lixin glanced at the clock hanging on the wall: nineteen forty-four.

"Twelve forty-four."

"It's noon?" Xie Lan frowned, "Isn't that why we just played the game without eating?"

"You still have to eat, but you must not have eaten much. After all, eating too much is not good for the competition..." Hu Lixin explained.

"What if you're hungry in the middle?"

"The halftime break will replenish energy."

"I always feel that this is not the time for serious competition..." Xie Lan muttered, frowning.

Hu Lixin was delighted when he heard her say this: "You're right, it's really not a time for serious competitions. After all, it's lunch time."

"Then why arrange it at this time?"

"It's not to take care of Asian audiences like us." Hu Lixin explained. "Although the Premier League game is earlier than La Liga, it is not so early. It is because of the TV broadcast. In order to facilitate the Asian audience to watch the game, a large number of games are arranged at noon and afternoon..."

Xie Lan interrupted Hu Lixin: "Then why do you want to take care of Asian audiences?"

"Because Britain had many colonies here in the past and had a great influence. So of course we must take care of the audience here-football is also a way to deepen Britain's influence on the colonies, and it is a good way. Look at twelve o'clock at noon It’s 7:30 p.m. here, which happens to be the prime time. You don’t have to stay up late to watch the game, and of course you can attract more people to watch it. The reason why La Liga’s influence has not been able to rise before is not because of their game time. It's too late, it's always two or three o'clock in the morning..."

Xie Lan nodded, she felt her husband was right. For more than a year, she rarely had the experience of watching her son's game in the middle of the night. Most of the time, like today, it was during the prime time of the night.

But I enjoy watching the football, how does my son feel when he kicks it?

They definitely have to eat very early, they still can't get enough to eat, and noon is the hottest time of the day... how much can they perform at such a time?

She turned her gaze back to the TV screen. Fourteen minutes into the game, the score was 0:0.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Xie Lan always feels that the players are listless playing on the court, like crops that have been sun-dried...

Hu Lixin knew what his wife was worried about, and he comforted him: "Actually, there is nothing to worry about. Think about it this way - the game at noon is not good for Leeds City, but Bournemouth may not be able to adapt. So the game Time affects both teams equally."

※※ ※

"Kick-off at 12:30, and the team meeting will be held at ten o'clock... I really want to thank the Premier League for not scheduling the game in the morning, otherwise our team meeting will be moved to the early morning..." Sam Randall looked at the game in front of him and sneered.

Clark smiled when he heard him say this: "I thought you were used to it. This season we are often arranged in the afternoon."

He was right, because of the presence of Hu Lai, there are indeed many games in Leeds City this season that are scheduled to be played in the afternoon, and there are also games that kick off at 12:30 noon.

Everyone knows that this is to take care of the Chinese audience and make it easier for them to see the performance of their national football heroes. TV broadcasting pursues the highest ratings, so of course it is impossible to leave such a big piece of cake without eating it.

"That's different, Tony." Randall shook his head. "It doesn't matter what the previous games were. But now is the critical moment for us to compete for the championship. I don't want some off-court factors to affect the team..."

"I don't think it matters, Sam. Tohu's blessing, we have many afternoon games this season, and the players will definitely adapt to this time period of the game better than Boscomb's players. You can't see Hu. Are you very positive?" Clark said, looking at Hu Lai on the field.

In his eyes, Hu Lai was actively turning back and running under the scorching sun, raising his hand to his teammates for the ball.

※※ ※

Hu Lai seemed very comfortable with playing games at noon, because he was still running on the court during this time period, which reminded him of his high school years.

During that time, he would receive special training from Coach Li Ziqiang in the empty school stadium at noon every day.

Under the scorching sun, I poured my head with tap water, and my wet hair dried quickly. The artificial turf on the school field is hot to the touch. If you fall to the ground, you have to get up quickly, or you will feel uncomfortable.

In the beginning, there was no one on the court, just him and the coach.

Later, with more and more teammates, everyone joined in, and a scale was formed. By the end, the whole team gathered on the pitch for training. At first, this was just Hu Lai's personal special training period, and it became the tradition of the entire Dongchuan Middle School...

It is said that the Dongchuan Middle School football team still conducts training at noon.

So what's wrong with kicking off at 12:30 noon?

No, that's right!

Playing football during this period of time, Hu Lai felt as if he had revisited his hometown and returned to his high school days.

His body has developed muscle memory of this time period.

Speaking of this, I really want to thank Li Ziqiang, the coach of his high school team...

Many of the trainings he conducted on himself have become valuable possessions, and Hu Lai has benefited himself from high school to professional times.

※※ ※

When Leeds City right-back Josh Lawler took the ball wide, Boscombe centre-back Roy McArdray noticed Houlay's sudden acceleration towards the point in front of goal and he immediately Also started to rush forward and got stuck between Hou Lai's and the goal.

Josh Lawler passes the ball to Charlie Potter who runs in behind along the touchline.

McCardry quickly turned his head to look for Hu Lai, and sure enough, he saw Hu Lai turning back halfway and pulling to the outside. He was trying to get rid of himself!

Immediately McArdle moved out as well, getting stuck in the path of the ball to Holly.

At the same time he looked to the wing again, and Charlie Potter kicked in a cross.

For the third time, the Northern Ireland player looked back to confirm Holley's position, but this time he saw nothing!

Hu Lai disappeared from under his nose!

McAdrey was startled, and then turned to look in another direction—inside!

I saw Hu Lai jumping up with his arms outstretched to keep his balance, shaking his head and pushing the flying football towards the goal!

"Hu Lai header!!"

McAdrey was just a little bit outside Holley, just turning his head to watch his goalkeeper teammate Piers Thompson soar into the air, pointing back and extending his arms, trying to fish out the football...

But he didn't do it!

He missed the ball!

Amidst the huge noise, the football flew into the goal!

"huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu—he scored in four consecutive games. When the team needed to score the most, Hu Lai, who was full of firepower in the first half, came back!!"

During the shouts of Matthew Cox, Hou Lai, who scored the goal, looked back to confirm after landing, and then ran to Charlie Potter who passed the ball for him with open arms.

"The Eastern spell is working again, Charlie! Congratulations on reaching double figures in assists in the league!" He hugged Porter tightly.

Potter grinned extravagantly.

"Fortunately I listened to you, huh! Didn't wash off the! Be me!"

"Yes, be yourself, Charlie!"

Williams, who was running up to celebrate the goal, hesitated for a while when he heard the conversation between the two men, and finally slowed down, not jumping on the two men at the first time - he didn't want to be with these two idiots...

But behind him, excited teammates rushed up and rammed him into Charlie and Holly. Then they clung to each other and huddled together, making it impossible for Williams to run away.

He can only be forced to join these two "idiots" and celebrate the goal together...

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