Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 248 Already doomed

When the Stan Park Rangers players returned to the locker room after warming up, they knew the bad news:

Leeds City has already led Boscomb 3:0 in the away game!

The news was told to them by their head coach Brooks.

At that time, assistant coach Stephen Brown looked at Brooks in surprise, not understanding why he had to take the initiative to inform.

Doesn't he know how much impact this news will have on the players?

Of course Brooks knew.

But he has no other choice.

It is impossible for him to really hide the news from the players, nor is it possible to deliberately avoid talking about it.

Players only need to pick up their mobile phones to know the real-time scores of Leeds City and Boscombe.

Then their head coach pretended that all this had never happened, deliberately not mentioning...

What will the players think?

They'll think their boss is scared!

So this could lead to a worse outcome.

The lesser of two evils, Brooks finally chose to generously take the initiative to tell the players the news of Leeds City to express his attitude: I don't care what the score is on Leeds City!

"I don't care what the score is over Leeds, guys. It doesn't matter if they make it 3-0 or 4-0. Because as long as we win the game, all their hard work is for nothing. It matters. What matters is not what happens to Leeds City, what matters is what happens to our side." Brooks continued following the topic of Leeds City.

"When you step onto the pitch, just remember - we're playing Manchester City, not Leeds City! If you win Manchester City, you win Leeds City! So it's simple, focus on your game Opponents, let Athletic Manchester taste our power!"

He waved his arms vigorously, and kept emphasizing hysterically, "Don't care about Leeds!" "Don't care about Leeds!" "Don't care about Leeds!"

But in his repeated emphasis over and over again, how could his players not care about Leeds City?

Originally thought that Boscomb could successfully stop Leeds City at his home court-the twenty-ninth round of the league,

Stan Park Rangers once played against Boscombe at home, and that game ended with Stan Park Rangers beating Boscombe 2:1. Although he won the game, Boscomb's tenacity in the game still left a very deep impression on the players of the Stan Park Rangers.

You know, it was still at the home court of the Stan Park Rangers, and Boscombe was able to lose only 1:2.

Now back to his home court, and it is a critical period of relegation, Boscomb must fight Leeds City desperately?

But why is the result completely opposite to what everyone expected?

0:3 ah!

The game is not over yet, and three goals have been conceded... Then look at the game time, what do you do with the remaining time?

Do you really expect them to score three goals in a row in more than 20 minutes?

When the playing time came and the Stan Park Rangers players walked out of the dressing room to the cheers of the head coach and assistant coaches, many of them still had their minds on Leeds City and Boscomb.

They still couldn't understand how Boscomb, who was fighting for relegation at home, could concede three goals?


The fans of Boscomb also couldn't figure out why their team conceded three goals in a row at home at the critical moment of relegation...

After the game resumed, there was much less movement in the sky above the stadium—many Boscomb fans didn't keep shouting and singing to cheer for the team as before, but all looked at the stadium in silence.

I don't understand why the score is 0:3.

That's right, the time for us to enter the game state is indeed a little slower... But that won't make the score 0:3, right?

After much deliberation, everyone felt that Leeds City's first two goals were too terrible.

If it weren't for these two conceded goals, the mentality of the Boscomb players would definitely be much calmer now. Nor would he rush and hit at the beginning of the second half, and finally gave Kamara the opportunity to counterattack and score...

So in the final analysis, it was because of Hu Lai's two goals!

It can even be said that the third ball has a lot to do with Hou Lai-after the video of Kamara's goal was posted on the Internet, many people on the Internet discovered the mystery of Hou Lai's running route.

Obviously, he ran towards Dyer and Wilmot on purpose, in order to prevent them from returning to defense.

He succeeded, with Kamara going one-on-one with Boscomb keeper Thompson with absolutely no interference and scoring comfortably.

There is a saying on the Internet that Hu Lai's goals are far more than his assists, which shows that Hu Lai is an extremely selfish player. Apart from scoring goals, his contribution to the team's overall offense is almost zero-he needs the whole team Come to serve him, and he can't repay his teammates, so it can be said that he is a very cost-effective striker...

But Kamara's ball proved that even if Hu Lai did not directly assist, his contribution to the team's offense is still not small, and he will be deeply involved in almost every offense:

Without Hu Lai's previous two goals, how could Kamara have such a good chance to fight back? If it wasn't for Hu Lai's diagonal running position, which blocked the return of Boscombe's two defenders, how could Kamara's counterattack be so smooth?

So no matter what the noise on the Internet says, Hu Lai is still the dream player of many coaches.

Clark said to Randyll: "Sam, you go to remind the players to stay focused and don't relax. We are only leading by three goals, not winning the game."

Randyll wanted to complain, but he admitted that what Clark said was right, even if he said it, it was quite embarrassing...

So he walked to the sidelines, made special gestures, and told the Leeds City players on the field not to be happy too early.

After doing this, he returned to Clark, covered his mouth with his hands, and teased Clark with a smile: "I'm afraid you are the only one in the world who thinks that it is not safe to lead by three goals with 20 minutes left in the game..."

"No." Clark glanced at his partner, "Hu will too."


"He also once said to me that a three-goal lead is not safe."

Randyll really didn't expect this to happen, he stared at Hu Lai on the field with wide eyes: "He said that...he hoped that he would not be replaced by you in advance after a three-goal lead, and he wanted to continue Goal?"

"For whatever reason. I think he's right."

"The two of you really... smell like each other!"


No matter which time and space it is, there have indeed been games where a three-goal lead was overturned.

But this kind of thing is a very small number of cases after all, and cannot be regarded as an inevitable law.

But it can't be said that Clark's worries are unreasonable.

Boscomb, who conceded three goals, did not give up after an initial period of frustration and confusion.

After all, now is the time to fight for your life. If you admit defeat in advance, what kind of "fight for your life" is it?

Their desperate style of play finally scored in the last ten minutes of the game.

It's just because the disadvantage in the early stage is too great, even if they pull back a goal, it won't help.

In the end, Leeds City won Boscomb 3:1 in the away game and scored a valuable three points.

Now the pressure is on the Stan Park Rangers side!


"Stones! Marvin Stones! OMG! It's his second goal of the game! His brace gives Athletic Manchester a 2-0 lead over Stan Park Rangers at home!"

With the roar of the commentator, Stones, who scored the goal, rushed to the sidelines and embraced passionately with his teammates and coaches.

Athletic Manchester's desire to compete for the league title is out of the question, but their main striker Stones can still compete for the Golden Boot with Leeds City's Hou Lai.

In the last round, after Hu Lai scored a goal and Stones failed to score, the goal difference between the two was four goals.

It's not entirely hopeless, either.

Hu Lai scored twice in this round of the league, and Stones immediately responded with a brace.

The gap is still four goals. With three rounds left in the league, it is not impossible to reverse Hu Lai and defend the Golden Boot!

The players of Manchester Athletic are celebrating wildly, and there are only cheers of Manchester Athletic fans in the air above the shuttle stadium.

This scene fell to the fans of the Stan Park Rangers, but it was like hell...

"The players of Stan Park Rangers don't know if they were affected by the result of Leeds City's 3-1 victory over Boscombe... They looked out of shape from the beginning of the game. The first half was not over, and they had lost Two goals... If this continues, it is almost impossible to beat Manchester Athletic away!"

"Stan Park Rangers are cornered! If they lose to Athletic Manchester in the away game, they will be caught by Leeds City by one point... There are three rounds left in the league and only one point ahead, which is really true. Too dangerous!"

In the televised footage, Stan Park Rangers coach Brooks waved his fists angrily on the sidelines, as if he was fighting someone who didn't exist in the air.

But his anger can only be vented in the air.

In fact, when the news of Leeds City's three-goal lead over Boscomb reached the ears of the Stan Park Rangers players, something was already doomed...

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