Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 251 The game over there

Xie Lan, who was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, suddenly looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, then she put down her mobile phone, picked up the TV remote control, and turned on the TV.

At the same time, she yelled in the direction of the bedroom: "Old Hu, come to watch the game!"

"What game are you watching? The game between Leeds City and Abion kicks off at eleven o'clock in the evening..." Hu Lixin's voice came from inside.

"Watch the game between the Stan Park Rangers and the Warship Harbor first!"

"What's so interesting about their game?" Although Hu Lixin said so, he still walked out of it.

"Know the opponent's latest movements! Come on!" Xie Lan patted the sofa cushion beside him, making a bang bang sound.

"You need to understand, why don't you just wait until the end of the game to find out the result?" Hu Lixin muttered, but he came over and sat down obediently.

"That doesn't have a sense of ritual. You have to have a sense of ritual in your life, and you have to have a sense of ritual in watching football."

"What does this have to do with the sense of ritual?" Hu Lixin frowned and turned his gaze to the TV screen.

There was already a live signal from Stan Park in the middle, and players from both sides were about to play.

Stan Park Rangers captain Harry Bernard stood at the front of the team, wearing the captain's armband, holding the team flag in his hand, and holding the ball boy in the other hand.

The little caddy led by him was looking up at Bernard slightly, his eyes widened, and he seemed to be a bit unbelievable that he was actually holding hands with the Stan Park Rangers flag.

Probably feeling the gaze of the little caddy next to him, Bernard bowed his head and gave him a smile.

The little caddy who got the response almost jumped up happily.

At this moment, the team moved, and players from both sides came out!

His wife Xie Lan was still talking excitedly beside him: "After watching this game, our son's game will follow...Tonight is really a feast of football!"

It wouldn't be a football feast if the Stan Park Rangers won...

Hu Lixin turned his head and glanced at his excited wife, but he didn't dare to say this from his heart.


When Holly and Charlie Potter knocked on Williams and Kamala's door,

It was found that the live broadcast of the game was being broadcast on the TV screen in the room.

"Hey, are you still watching the game? You'll be leaving soon." Potter bluffed when he saw this.

"What's the score?" Hu Lai glanced at the screen and found that the score was still 0:0.

After the game between Stan Park Rangers and Warship Harbor at home, there will be a game between Leeds City and Abion, but because Leeds City is playing at home, they all live directly in the dormitory of the training base next to the stadium. Like playing an away game, you have to take a bus from the hotel to the stadium first. So they can leave for the stadium a little later.

This gives everyone the opportunity to watch the Stan Park Rangers and Battleship play.

Not only Williams and Kamara, I believe that many other Leeds City players are paying attention to this game.

Not just the players, but also the coaches of Leeds City.

After Hu Lai and Charlie came in, they sat down on the bed and watched the game together.

Thirty-five minutes into the first half, the Stan Park Rangers were attacking in the live broadcast.

But when their offense hit the front of the warship port penalty area, they were stopped by the central defender Timo Brandon of the warship port.

Brandon then handed the ball over to right-back Mark Murphy who raced down the wing.

Warship Port launched a wave of quick counterattacks!

"Huh?" The four people in front of the TV all shouted after the initial stupefaction: "Opportunity!"

I saw Warship Harbor play a standard quick counterattack, two passes, and the football hit the halfway line and entered the half of the Stan Park Rangers!

Although Bernard defended to the wing and risked a foul, he failed to stop the attack of Warship Harbor.

After the referee made a favorable gesture for attacking, he followed the attack of Warship Harbor and ran forward.

Soon the football hit the Stan Park Rangers' penalty area.

Navyport's American forward Carl Lambert made a change of pace after receiving a pass from a teammate, swinging up to block his Stan Park Rangers defender Eric Jacobs, then on the line of the penalty area Take a shot!

The football ran to the lower right corner against the turf!

Despite the best efforts of Stan Park Rangers goalkeeper Victor Lemos, he was unable to catch Lambert's tricky shot...


Before Cox made a sound, the four Leeds City players in front of the TV took the lead in raising their arms and shouting.

At the same time, they also heard cheers coming from other rooms in the dormitory building!

Obviously, the four of them are not the only ones paying attention to this game!


"Lambert Shot - GOOD!! Brilliant!! Fleetport leads Stan Park Rangers 1-0 away! Great!!"

"Great!" Xie Lan cheered along with the commentator He Feng on the TV.

Why did she want to watch the Stan Park Rangers vs. Navy Fleet game?

Waiting for this moment!

Warship Harbor already has a goal, and it would be best if they can beat the Stan Park Rangers away.

But even if you can't win, a draw is fine.

Better than the Stan Park Rangers to score first, right?

And maybe the ball from Warship Harbor can disrupt the plans of the Stan Park Rangers and make the Stan Park Rangers players flustered?

Just like the performance of the Stan Park Rangers players in the last round of the league after knowing that Leeds City defeated Boscomb 3:1, it was like sleepwalking on the court!

Hu Lixin, who was sitting next to Xie Lan, obviously also thought of these possibilities, so he couldn't help but slapped his hands beside him.

Seeing this, Xie Lan proudly pointed to the TV screen and asked her husband: "Do you think it's useful to watch this game? Can knowing the result after the game be the same experience as watching a live broadcast?"

Hu Lixin nodded: "Yes, yes, you are right..."

Xie Lan on the sofa straightened her waist, put her hands on her hips, and laughed loudly.

TV commentator Yan Kang was analyzing for the audience: "The Stan Park Rangers wanted to win this game too much. They pressed out to attack from the very beginning of the game. It is a bit too risky to play like this... But in Leeds City Even the Stan Park Rangers can't bear the pressure. As long as they think that they are only one point ahead of Leeds City, the players of the Stan Park Rangers may not be able to calm down...Warship Harbor is well used The Stan Park Rangers' eagerness for success, counterattacking their offense, really paid off towards the end of the first half!"


In front of the home team's bench, Stan Park Rangers coach Scott Brooks, after the initial anger, turned to assistant coach Brown and said, "Let Palacio hurry up and warm up. I'm going to let him go to the change at halftime. room."

Brown knew that Brooks was going to replace Palacio, who had just returned from injury, at halftime in order to strengthen the team's offensive firepower.

In fact, Palacio, who had just recovered from his injury, did not score very well in the results of his pre-match physical examination. So Brooks didn't put him in the starting roster.

But now that the situation is critical, Brooks can't care about that. Palacio must be sent in to try to equalize the score quickly. The longer it takes to let Warship Harbor lead, the worse it will be for the Stan Park Rangers.

Brown also knew the seriousness of the situation, no nonsense, turned and ran to the bench, called Palacio up from the chair, and asked him to warm up.

The shouts at Stan Park were a bit messy, and Palacio's footsteps running to the warm-up area were also a bit messy...


"Let's go!"

Facing the TV screen where the advertisement was playing, Hu Lai got up and tugged at the pants that were stuck together with sweat and buttocks, and then said to the three people in the room.

"What a pity! Why didn't Lambert score that kick just now!" Williams said regretfully.

"That's right, one goal is enough. No wonder such a striker can't even score twenty goals in a season!" Charlie Potter spat towards the TV screen.

Carl Lambert scored a total of 17 goals in the Premier League this season, and he is already the top scorer in the Warship Harbor team. It is no wonder that Warship Harbor ranks so badly in the Premier League this season...

They're talking about that attack towards the end of the first half, with Harbor Harbor threatening the Stan Park Rangers' goal again. It's just that Lambert's shot was weak in the end. It was not so much a shot as a pass back to the goalkeeper.

"Hu." Kamara stopped Hu Lai, who was about to leave, "This ball...would have scored if it had been you?"

He asked Hu Lai in English.

Hu Lai who was stopped looked back at him with a smile on his face: "Look at what you said... of course."

Then he urged the three of them again: "Should we go? It's too late, the boss asked us to sit on the bench together!"

Only then did the three hurriedly follow Hu Lai's figure, walked out of the dormitory room, and walked towards the air corridor.


When the Leeds City players began to warm up, the Flanders Stadium was already full of Leeds City fans.

At such a critical moment, they all want to witness history.

While their team's game hadn't started yet, they were all using the radio to learn about the situation of another game.

Then they heard the news that the Stan Park Rangers had tied the game.

These fans couldn't control their emotions for a while, and booed one after another.

Like they were at Stan Park, thinking that the Stan Park Rangers tied the game right under their noses...

The Leeds City players who were warming up on the field raised their heads in astonishment, and an idea even popped up in someone's mind-did the Stan Park Rangers overtake?

But soon the assistant coach Randall shouted to stop their behavior of not warming up properly: "What are you doing!? Do your own thing! If you don't warm up well, are you going to get injured when you plan to play?!"

Of course, Randyll also knows what the players are guessing. If this matter is not made clear, I am afraid that it is impossible for the players to really calm down with their own two voices.

So he added: "It's just that Stan Park Rangers tied the score in the 85th minute."


"Quick! Go back to halftime!"

Captain Harry Bernard was waving loudly to his excited team-mates amid a huge cheer at Stan Park.

Palacio himself, who scored the goal, was also running back with the football, and beside him, the other Stan Park Rangers players accompanied him.

And those Stan Park Rangers players in the backcourt didn't go up at all, and stayed in their positions honestly.

Palacio's goal in the 85th minute pulled a team that was slipping into the abyss.

But it's just slowing down the speed of the slide. If you can't score another goal, you will still die in the end.

Everyone in Leeds City must be watching at this time, and they must not let them feel that their chance has come!

Brooks looked dignified on the sidelines, and he didn't have the joy that he should have after scoring a goal.

For Stan Park Rangers, there is no difference between a draw and a loss. Only a win can continue to maintain the lead over Leeds City. Only if they win, can they sit back and watch the tigers fight, and watch the match between Leeds City and Abion with a smile...


Although it is known that the Stan Park Rangers just equalized the score, the players who are warming up are still a little absent-minded.

After all, there is a possibility that the morale of the Stan Park Rangers will be boosted, and they will score another goal in the last few minutes to completely reverse and win.

And it might be big.

That's Stan Park, the once undefeated stadium!

If you play in that stadium, the Stan Park Rangers will definitely have a BUFF bonus.

So even if they were reprimanded by the assistant coach, the players still couldn't help but think wildly during the warm-up, wishing that the live broadcast of the game between the Stan Park Rangers and the Warship Harbor would be played directly on the big screen of the Flanders Stadium.

In this mood, minutes seemed eerily long.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the Flanders Stadium was suddenly enveloped by a huge cheer.

The cheers sounded from every corner of the stands almost at the same time, and then quickly filled the entire stadium.

The Leeds City players who were warming up looked up, and everywhere they looked, all the Leeds City fans in the stands, regardless of gender, age or age, were cheering.

So, the players of Leeds City understood-the game over there was over, and the Stan Park Rangers failed to win the Warship Harbor!


PS, it's the end of the month, please ask everyone for a monthly pass~~!

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Qin Shaoyou drools to eat.

Close the door, boil water, let's have dinner today!

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