Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 263 Too Fast

"Leeds attack from the right, Porter catches the ball and tries to cross... oops, it doesn't go! But he finds Holly... Holly! Holly... it's... eh? OK Ball!!! Kamala!!!"

When Kamara appeared in the middle and was ready to catch the ball and shoot, there were huge boos from the stands of the Red Roof Stadium.

Those seasoned Tramed fans have clearly guessed ahead of time what will happen next...

Hu Lai missed the ball...or what he did was really wonderful. After taking away three Tramed players by himself, plus Lorenzo pinned down another Tramed player at the back, so that As for the most dangerous middle lane, there is no Tramed player.

Even captain Connor Kirk, who had to follow Hou Lai, turned around and went back to intercept.

But how come?

Amidst their huge booing, the football was slammed into the goal by Kamara!

The boos are still going on, but they are much smaller, because many Tramed fans put their heads in their hands in pain and forgot to make a sound...

Wilson looked back at the football in the goal, and then quickly turned his head to look at Hu Lai, his wide-eyed eyes were full of incredible eyes. This kid can pass the football to his teammates like this? Is he fooled?

But Hu Lai smiled slightly under his surprised gaze: "Why do you think I took the initiative to run towards the football? Why do you think I jumped up again? In the end, why do you think I stepped on the football instead of directly on the heel Knock over? Because that's the only way to shake off your captain! Hey! All of this is in my calculation!"

After speaking, he dropped the stunned Wilson, turned around, laughed and ran to Kamara, who had rushed out to celebrate the goal.

He was late and captain Lorenzo was the first to hug Kamara, followed by Pete Williams.

Holly ran over side by side with Charlie Potter.

On the way, Charlie also excitedly said to Hu Lai: "Hu Lai's kick is really a magic touch! How did you think of stepping on the football to Ismail?"

Hu Lai glanced at the dumbfounded Wilson behind him, and said triumphantly: "Of course, after my careful observation and reasoning calculations, I found that if I directly knocked the football to Ismail, it would most likely be caught by the people behind me." Kirk blocked him so close to me that it was almost impossible to avoid it. So I just stepped on the football and let the football bounce, which just caught Kirk off guard and made him hard to guard..."

Charlie's face was full of admiration: "It's really you, Hu!"

Since the incident of the oriental spell, he has really admired Hu Lai. He even thinks that Hu Lai is like an oriental incantation, with some kind of mysterious oriental power in him. In this way, he has figured out a lot of previous things.

Otherwise, Hu Lai could score five goals in the first three games he came to lead the team? Otherwise, Hu Lai could score eleven goals in the first Premier League season? Otherwise, he could score twenty-nine goals this season, and there is almost no suspense about winning the Premier League Golden Boot...

Hu Lai has accomplished all these seemingly incredible achievements.

If it wasn't for him to have a mysterious power similar to the oriental spell, how could it be explained?

Of course conceding a goal is painful and frustrating, but captain Connor Kirk was the first to pull himself out of the negativity.

Then he saw Wilson, transfixed.

"Why? Are you scared?" Kirk was a little dissatisfied with the performance of the twenty-five-year-old young central defender after conceding the ball.

When Wilson came back to his senses, he saw the captain's serious expression. He quickly explained: "It's not...the captain. Hu said just now that he handled the ball like this on purpose..."

Wilson relayed to Connor Kirk what he had heard from Hu Lai just now.

But Kirk slapped him on the back of the head without even listening to it: "Idiot! He lied to you!"

"Ah?" I don't know if he was taken aback by the captain, but Wilson didn't realize it for a while.

"That kid is totally fooled! Otherwise, you can ask him to repeat the assist just now!"

Kirk finished speaking angrily,

Just leave Wilson behind to boost the morale of other teammates.

Just lost the ball, and most people haven't recovered from the blow yet.

Wilson, on the other hand, turned his attention to the Leeds City players who were celebrating, and landed on Hou Lai's back.

After being awakened by the captain's words, he now thinks that Hu Lai's assist should indeed have been deceived, without any suspense. But why did I believe his nonsense in the first place?

Because I subconsciously feel that this person can really do it?

Counting today's game today, Wilson and Hu Lai have played against each other three times. In the first two times, he was defended by the opponent when he was defending Hu Lai.

This is still a bit of a slap in the face for England international Steco Wilson...

Especially in the first confrontation, Hu Lai was just a newcomer to the Premier League at that time, but he was easily deceived by Hu Lai.

Before this game, head coach Locke even asked him to follow Hu Lai every step of the way, which shows how much he attaches importance to Hu Lai.

Wilson also didn't think there was any exaggeration in the head coach's arrangement at all, and even thought that it should be done if he wanted to freeze Hu Lai.

So he himself has unknowingly accepted the fact that Hu Lai is an opponent that needs to be dealt with with all his strength...

Because of this, he believed Hu Lai's words so easily. Because he believes that Hu Lai is really possible to do what he said.

The result is blind...

Wilson shook his head and smiled wryly. Am I scared out of my wits by that kid?

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"


After the goal in Leeds City, there were cheers in the big and small bars in Leeds City, but in the home team dressing room at Liverpool's Stan Park Stadium, there were only curses and complaints.

The Stan Park Rangers players who were singing and dancing just now and expected Tramed to beat Leeds City were all dumbfounded.

It was a bit of a gaffe to yell and curse, but they couldn't be blamed entirely.

It would be normal to simply equalize the score. With Leeds City's offensive firepower, the Premier League is the strongest. What's the fuss about scoring a goal at Tramed's home court?

But the problem is that Leeds scored a bit too fast...

Brooks glanced at the game time after the goal, twenty-eight minutes.

He asked Brown, the assistant coach beside him: "When did Tramed score?"

"Twenty minutes," Brown replied quickly.

"Eight minutes..." Brooks whispered.

Brown was silent next to him, knowing what Brooks meant by eight minutes.

It was too fast.

Leeds City equalized too quickly.

This reminded him of the game that Stan Park Rangers lost to Leeds City at home. In the final analysis, it was because Leeds City could quickly equalize the score after conceding a goal every time. This had the effect of maintaining morale, and also paved the way for the final victory of Leeds City.

Not only the coaches like them noticed this, but the Stan Park Rangers players who were watching the game in the locker room also recalled the loss at home to Leeds City because Leeds City equalized the score in less than ten minutes. After painful memories, he lost his composure to the point of swearing.

However, after scolding and scolding, most people gradually fell silent, and the originally bustling locker room cooled down quickly.

"Leeds equalized! Hu didn't score, but he sent a very, very beautiful assist! This assist is a perfect combination of imagination and skill! It's amazing that Hu can pass such a ball Come!"

On the TV, the French commentator enthusiastically praised Hou Lai.

In front of the TV, Li Qingqing gestured to the dumbfounded Lilith: "What did I say just now, Lilith? He is a person who can always surprise people!"

Lilith Raza shook her head: "It's a trick!"

"Whether it was a trick or not, the ball was indeed assisted by him." Li Qingqing retorted without showing weakness. "And dare you say you're not surprised?"

"I'm really surprised..." Lilith could only answer honestly, because when she saw Hu Lai passing the football to Kamala like that, she exclaimed directly, so she didn't even want to deny it now. Method.

"Then it's over?" Li Qingqing spread her hands.

Lilith looked at the righteous Li Qingqing, and suddenly laughed: "You didn't expect that either, did you?"

"I didn't expect him to assist his teammates like this, but I thought he would play a key role in Leeds' goals." Li Qingqing said confidently.

Lilith fell silent, and when it came to understanding Hu Lai, she thought she couldn't compare to the one next to her.

She didn't know the story between them, but she was sure of one thing.

That is……

She and him are by no means ordinary friends, the relationship must be extraordinary!

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