Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 276: The Dust Settles

"There is no suspense about the outcome of this game..."

Commentator Matthew Cox said as the Leeds City players returned to their own half after celebrating the third goal.

Although there were still about twenty minutes before the end of the game, no one in their right mind would think that Cox's remarks were contemptuous of Northumbria.

Look at the Northumbria players on the pitch, they don't think they can beat Leeds City...

While the Leeds City players frantically celebrated the third goal, the Northumbria players stood there dumbfounded one by one.

They didn't even remind the referee that the players protesting Leeds City's celebration of the timeout were taking the opportunity to delay the time secretly.

Just watched Leeds City celebrate under their noses for several minutes.

From this detail, it can be seen that Northumbria has no intention of winning...

In fact, it is true, they have already relegated ahead of schedule, and they have not qualified for the European competition next season, so they are still here desperately... What are they fighting for?

In the beginning, it was indeed a bad thing that wanted to ruin Leeds City, but it was just a matter of convenience. Now that it is discovered that there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and Leeds City's victory is not something they can do badly at all, then naturally there is no need to continue to fight against Leeds City...

The players have lost their will to compete for strength. Is there any suspense about the outcome of this game?

of course not!

That's why Cox dared to say that, and he was not afraid of being slapped in the face.

Five minutes after Houlay scored twice, Tony Clark brought him off early. At this time, there are still about fifteen minutes before the end of the game.

Clark's substitution was to allow Hu Lai to enjoy the applause from the fans alone.

Although in previous games, Hu Lai also enjoyed this kind of treatment when he was substituted.

But things are different today.

Because today is the last game of Leeds City this season, and it is also the game that determines the championship.

At this time, Hu Lai was replaced in advance, and only he was allowed to accept the applause and cheers from the fans. This was Clark's preference for Hu Lai.

At the same time, it is also a reward for Hu Lai's outstanding performance this season...

Sure enough, when Hu Lai was off the field, all the Leeds City fans stood up and applauded, sending cheers and applause for Hu Lai.

In the box at the Flanders Stadium, after applauding Hu Lai, Yong Jun turned his attention to the VIPs in the box.

They were all applauding for Hu Lai too.

This scene made Yong Jun quite embarrassed.

He still remembers the attitude of those fans towards Hou Lai when he and Hou Lai first set foot in the city of Leeds.

Even the joining ceremony requires the club to spend time finding Chinese students to support the venue... It is conceivable how much they do not welcome Hu Lai's joining.

Yong Jun was very worried for Hu Lai at that time. After all, a new player offended the fans just after he arrived, and it is conceivable how difficult it is to adapt to this unfamiliar environment.

In the end, he didn't expect that what seemed difficult to him was easily resolved by Hu Lai.

He remembered what Hu Lai said to himself back then:

"Uncle Yong, football is very simple. If you perform well, people will like you and support you... Leeds City fans don't like me, so what? Could it be that I scored goals for the team, and they can't give it to me?" Am I cheering?"

This kid really hit the spot!

When he kept scoring goals one after another, even the Leeds City fans who had been prejudiced against Hu Lai before all switched sides.

Look at such a spectacular scene now... that's all in exchange for Hu Lai's goals!

After joining the team for one and a half seasons, he scored 43 goals and assisted three times. Helped the team successfully relegation, and helped the team win the Premier League championship...

Thinking of this, Yong Jun sighed lightly, then smiled.

That kid always seemed to have the ability to simplify complex problems and use balls to simplify them.

Maybe it's because Hu Lai is still a teenager in essence, and doesn't have so many messy thoughts. Just like his football style, he only does one thing and does it to the extreme...

In the face of this kind of energy, many difficulties were easily solved.

As the time spent in contact with Hu Lai gradually increased, Yong Jun became more and more aware that this kind of purity and focus was the biggest reason for Hu Lai's success.

Professional football is actually a huge vanity fair. Few people can completely resist the temptation of the colorful world, especially when they are young, they will more or less take some detours, such as Qing Huan.

The difference is that some people can get back to the right path from the detour, but some people are completely lost in the detour and can never get out again.

But Hu Lai never lost his way in this colorful world. He seemed to know which way to go, which direction to go.

To be honest, when Yong Jun realized that Hu Lai had such an ability, he first thought of Qing Huan. If Qing Huan had been as clear-headed as Hu Lai back then, how much he would have achieved now!

It's not like going abroad at the age of 26, and you can only go to a team that ranks in the middle and lower reaches of La Liga...

But at the same time, Yong Jun also knew that Qing Huan was lucky, after all, he got out of the detour and got back on track. There are many geniuses like him who simply disappeared from the crowd.


When Yong Jun recovered from his contemplation, Hu Lai had already returned to the bench. The Leeds City fans in the stands also turned their attention back to the game-this is not accurate, the attention of the Leeds City fans is actually no longer on the game, and their minds are now full of the award ceremony for a while, and after celebrations.

Leeds City fans stood in the stands, singing and dancing, jumping and jumping.

They sang almost all the cheering songs.

I was stunned to turn a Premier League game into a concert abruptly.

Although England fans are particularly good at expressing their emotions and meanings with singing, it is still very rare to sing so intensively like now.

It says a lot about how excited the Leeds City fans are right now.

After they had all sung the song in turn, there was a sudden silence.

Because there is no song for them...

People look up to find the game time, the game has entered stoppage time, it is the last minute.

The Leeds City fans fell silent, waiting for the whistle with some solemnity, preparing for the most important moment in their fans' lives.

They didn't have to wait long. When the three-minute stoppage time came to the end, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game!

"The game is over!!!" Cox shouted excitedly, "The history of the Premier League has turned a new page! Leeds City they won the league championship!! Along the way they defeated Stan Park Rangers, Tela Dmitry, Manchester Athletic...and other traditional BIG6 have also defeated the new Premier League force like Northumbria, as well as the backbone of the Premier League...they have all been trampled underfoot by this civilian team!"

"The game is over - Leeds City is the champion! Hu Lai is the Premier League champion!! Beautiful!! Awesome!! The first Premier League champion for a Chinese player! The first Premier League champion for an Asian player!!! Amazing! Hu Lai Amazing!! You are not only the 'hope of the whole village' in Chinese football, but also the light of hope in Asian football!!"

What the Chinese fans heard was He Feng's hysterical roar.

Although when Hu Lai was replaced, many people knew that Leeds City, the league champion, hadn't run away.

But when this moment really came, they were still too excited to control themselves.

At this moment in China, I don’t know how many fans shed tears of excitement, or shouted excitedly, and drank the wine in the cup...

Many of them were actually not fans of Leeds City before. Not only did they not support Leeds City, they were even fans of Leeds City’s rival Premier League BIG6 this season. In a trench.

After all, apart from being fans of their respective Premier League giants, they are all Chinese.

They are all "proud" of Hu Lai's success.

After all, this is the real "one of us"!

This kind of national pride from the heart is something that those Premier League giants did not have after winning the championship. It is also a brand new experience for many Chinese fans.


In the Flanders Stadium, accompanied by the referee's three whistles, there were deafening cheers from the stands.

Immediately afterwards, from an unknown direction, Leeds City fans stepped over the LED billboard and rushed into the stadium.

Like a signal light, more and more Leeds City fans poured into the stadium, as if opening the floodgates.

In a very short time, the fans poured down from the stands, rushed into the stadium, and filled the pitch...

These fans went to every Leeds City player, hugged them, high fived them, took pictures with them, and then... carried them up!

The experienced Hu Lai knew that the fans were not here to pick up his pants this time, so he didn't resist and let them lift themselves up to have fun with the fans.

Being carried on the shoulders by the fans, he looked around and saw the black crowd and excited smiling faces.

The last time so many of them flooded into the stadium was to celebrate their success in relegation.

But this time, they still poured into the stadium to celebrate the Premier League champion!

He felt a great sense of accomplishment enveloping him, warm and proud.

"Ahhh! We are the champions!!!"

He pumped his fist and chanted to the excited fans.


PS, with Hu Lai's first Premier League champion, ask everyone for a monthly pass!

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