Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 289 Opening of the World Cup

After finishing the training in the afternoon, all the players of the Chinese national team conducted post-training relaxation training under the leadership of the coaching staff to relax the muscles of the body and avoid physical discomfort after training.

This is a regular routine after every training session.

The amount of training Shi Guidance is not small, so the relaxation after training is particularly important. If anyone wants to be lazy in this session, the fatigue accumulated in each training session may explode at any time.

No international footballer hopes that all of them have gone to the United States, but they missed the World Cup due to injuries during training, and returned to their hometown in China in despair...

Two days ago, bad news came from the Dutch team:

The Dutch football superstar who played for the Madrid Pirates and the captain of the Dutch national team, Maxi Carey, collided with his teammates during training and injured his knee. He was unable to recover in a short time and had no choice but to withdraw from the Dutch national team and bid farewell to the World Cup.

For the 31-year-old Carey, it is really unknown whether he will be able to participate in the World Cup in the future.

In other words, Maxi Carey, the big brother in Dutch football, is likely to bid farewell to the World Cup in this very unexpected way.

Although Carey was still acting cool when he was being interviewed at the airport, saying something like "Do you regret missing the World Cup? No, it's not my regret that I can't participate in the World Cup, but the regret of the World Cup", but on his face Covered by sunglasses that even flashlights can't penetrate, no one knows whether his eyes are red or not.

The tragedy of Maxy Carey sounded the alarm to all the players participating in the World Cup, especially the players of the Chinese team, because they cherished this opportunity very much.

For many people, this may even be the only chance to participate in the World Cup in their careers.

So in the matter of avoiding injuries, everyone is very careful.

Two days after Kaili's accident, Jiang Wanqing and Gao Chen had a conflict because of excessive moves in the team confrontation during the training of the Chinese team.

When Gao Chen was holding the ball in the midfield and turned around to go forward, Jiang Wanqing knocked him down from behind.

Although Jiang Wanqing was going for the football, and he did tackle the ball first. But Gao Chen, who was brought down to the ground, still got up from the ground very unhappily, and pushed Jiang Wanqing. Not to be outdone, Jiang Wanqing immediately pushed back, and the two sides were on top.

Fortunately, there were no reporters on the sidelines of the training ground at that time, otherwise this matter would have become a big problem...

The coaching staff and other players quickly intervened and pulled the two apart.

Gao Chen was seriously injured by South Korean player Park Sung-hing in a game against the South Korean team, which directly led to a precipitous decline in his career—from being a sharp knife in the future of Chinese football to being given to Hu Lai, Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai played the role of substitutes.

Gao Chen, who has returned from injury, has lost his explosive power, and he is not as confident in playing football as before. Moreover, he obviously has a psychological shadow now, and he is particularly concerned about this kind of physical confrontation. Especially before such an important game as the World Cup.

So his sensitivity is understandable.

And Jiang Wanqing once lost to the national team after Shi Wuyin came to power. This time when he returned to the national team, there were rumors that he was able to return to the national team because of his relationship and favor. Therefore, he wanted to show Shi Wuyin his attitude and ability.

So I am very active and desperate in training.

Such a mentality is also understandable.

In the end, under the mediation of Shi Wuyin and the national team leader Hong Renjie Enwei, in front of the whole team, the two shook hands and made peace.

Jiang Wanqing first apologized to Gao Chen, who was younger than himself. After all, he tackled the ball from behind first, which was indeed a very dangerous move.

Gao Chen also apologized to Jiang Wanqing for his irrational behavior.

On the surface, even if this is the end.

But the aftermath echoed in the hearts of every player who witnessed this scene for a long time.

Everyone feels the tremendous pressure brought by the approaching World Cup. Even the 33-year-old veteran Jiang Wanqing and Gao Chen, who is famous for his good temper in domestic football, have become irrational beasts under this kind of pressure...

Although the conflict was pulled away not long after the conflict started, the way the two yelled at each other and waved their fists was deeply imprinted in the hearts of every player.

This is the World Cup!

It is the World Cup that each of them is looking forward to, but it is the World Cup that makes them feel afraid...

Can I get a chance to play? What if I don't perform well? If I lose to Algeria, will I become a sinner of Chinese football?

All kinds of similar thoughts linger in the minds of many people, which makes people breathless.

After the conflict between Gao Chen and Jiang Wanqing, it was obvious that everyone didn't dare to do movements during training. On the one hand, they were afraid of getting hurt, and on the other hand, they were also afraid of causing another conflict.

Gao Chen and Jiang Wanqing were lucky that time, the reporter was not there.

If there is a commotion when the reporters are present next time, let’s not talk about the performance of the Chinese team in the game. Those who have conflicts on the training ground will definitely be blamed, and the Chinese team will be eliminated by then. , If the performance is not good, it is all the reason for the team's internal strife!

Then whoever provokes the internal strife is the culprit looking back, the sinner of Chinese football!

In this situation, the coaching staff actually sees it, but they have no good way to solve this problem.

Let everyone go all out in training? Who is responsible if the player is really injured?

Fortunately, the most critical part of the training was completed during the domestic training camp. The main purpose of coming to the Atlanta training camp is to adapt to training, and then there are various set-piece tactics.

As the weakest team in the entire group, if the Chinese team really wants to do something in the World Cup, they have to rely on set kicks.

For this reason, Shi Wuyin also turned out all the set-piece tactics taught by Hu Lai in the Olympic team, and asked the whole team to train, hoping to be useful in the game.

When training this set of set-piece tactics, many people on the training ground burst into laughter. Everyone rushed to make fun of Liu Yan, the only representative of the Poseidon team: "Liu Yan, does this look familiar?"

Facing a group of bosses, Liu Yan had no choice but to cover his face and smile wryly.

This may also be one of the few more relaxed and happy moments in the Chinese team training before the World Cup besides the fellowship with the local Chinese and overseas Chinese organizations in Atlanta.

※※ ※

After the relaxation training, all the players gathered, and the assistant coach Li Zhifei announced one thing: "Everyone, don't procrastinate when eating dinner, and gather in the meeting room after eating. Let's watch the opening game of this World Cup together!"

The players looked at each other in blank dismay, not quite understanding why they were allowed to watch the World Cup opening game.

Li Zhifei continued to explain: "Understanding the details of the World Cup matches and feeling the atmosphere of the World Cup by watching other teams' games will help us adapt to the World Cup games faster. Watching football is also a kind of learning! As long as there is no time conflict, we will try our best. Arrange for everyone to watch the live broadcast of the World Cup!"

Someone raised his hand, it was Chen Xingyi.


"Is that... just watching the game?"

"Of course not. Discussions can also be held while watching the game. The coaching staff is there. You can ask any questions you have. If you don't understand, the coach will answer for you. You can also discuss with each other. As a professional Players, of course you can't just watch the fun, you have to watch the way!"

Xia Xiaoyu, Wang Guangwei and Zhang Qinghuan looked at each other again.

They are no strangers to this learning method, because they were called by Lin Ge to watch Hu Lai's Premier League game together when they were in Flash Star. As long as it's not the game in the second half of the night, they will watch it.

In the process of watching the game, everyone can also speak freely, ask questions about the situation in the game, and discuss with each other.

In this way to accumulate experience and "increase the ball" in disguise.

They are very used to this way of watching and learning.

I didn't expect them to go to the front of the national team...

"Does anyone have any questions?" Li Zhifei asked three times, and when no one raised his hand, he slapped his hands: "Dismiss!"

※※ ※

After dinner, the players of the Chinese team came to the conference room of the hotel one after another.

The projection screen in the room has been opened, and the staff is debugging the equipment.

Soon the aerial footage of Pasadena Stadium in Los Angeles appeared on the curtain. The maroon stands were full of seats. Enthusiastic American fans filled this super stadium that can accommodate 100,000 people to the brim.

This is the game of the host team, the United States, and Americans with strong patriotic enthusiasm will naturally not be absent.

Before the game started, they had already created a terrifying momentum in the stands.

On June 15th, the World Cup kicks off. There is only one game today, and that is the opening game. The whistle blows at 6 pm local time.

The US team, one of the hosts, will face the South Korean team.

The reason why we want to watch this game is that the coaching staff of the Chinese team also hopes to use this opportunity to let the team quickly find the feeling of the World Cup.

After all, the South Korean team is a very familiar opponent they have played against in the World Cup qualifiers.

Then through the South Korean team as a reference, they can quickly build up their understanding of the World Cup in their minds.

When Park Chun-tae wore the captain's armband and led the players of the South Korean team onto the turf of the Pasadena Stadium. The players of the Chinese team in front of the projection could clearly see the dignified look on the experienced South Korean captain's face, as well as the nervousness displayed by the other South Korean players behind him.

Of course, this may also be because the South Korean team's World Cup opening game is the opening game against the host, so it is more nervous than the usual World Cup games.

The momentum created by nearly 100,000 American fans at the scene is indeed very easy to make people feel great pressure.

But in any case, the tense faces of the South Korean players who have participated in the World Cup finals for nine consecutive times still shocked the players of the Chinese team who participated in the World Cup for the first time. Such a Korean team!

※※ ※

Ninety minutes later, the happy call sign of the American TV commentator and the cheers of the American fans at the scene were transmitted to the conference room of the hotel in Atlanta through the TV signal.

The Chinese players in the room were silent.

They all stared blankly at the projection screen.

Up there, their old rivals and mortal enemies, the South Korean players were crying bitterly.

The 2:0 score actually does not fully reflect the strength gap between the 20th-ranked US team in the world and the 41st-ranked South Korea.

In this game, facing the menacing situation, the South Korean team must take away the hosts who had a good start, and chose a defensive counterattack style of play-in Asia, the opponents of the South Korean team have always adopted defensive counterattacks. In the World Cup, the South Korean team defended and counterattacked, which shows the difficulty of the World Cup-attempting to rely on Park Chuntae's personal ability and speed to fight back.

But even so, their line of defense failed to withstand the indiscriminate bombing of the American team.

Only conceded two goals, which is actually not bad.

Pu Chuntai basically didn't get a good chance in the whole game. As a counter-attacking forward, he usually retreats actively to help defend at the front of his penalty area, and then sprints tens of meters to run up to counterattack-this is how he played. After most of the game, I had no energy at all.

In the end, he simply ran and cramped, but at that time the South Korean team had used up three substitutions, so he could only limped on the court.

In fact, the South Korean team has no chance to counterattack at all. They retreated across the board and tried not to concede the third goal against the US team, which was still onslaught despite the wild cheers of the host fans.

Although they succeeded in the end, when the final whistle sounded, many South Korean players still covered their faces and wept.

The first appearance of the Asian team in this World Cup ushered in a failure.

The players of the Chinese team, who basically never sympathize with the Koreans, also felt that "things hurt their kind" after watching such a game.

The Korean team is still like this, what about us?

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