Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 209 I'm Serious

"The Russian team made a pass from the wing!" He Feng's commentary voice was a bit shrill, and it sounded like an air defense siren being pulled.

And to the Chinese fans in front of the TV, this is indeed the case.

Every time the Russian team kicks a high ball, the hearts of all Chinese team fans are also lifted.

This is really because the Russian center Ivan Romanov's ability to control the air is too terrifying.

It is a veritable "air bully"!

The same is true this time, with the football flying towards the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team, Ivan Romanov leaps high in front of the goal, ready to head the ball!

Jumping up with him is the Chinese team's central defender Wang Guangwei!

He didn't jump on the spot, but made a slightly accelerated sprint and jumped towards Romanov.

This will increase his height and strength in the air.

Then he collided with Romanov.

He couldn't hit the ball.

Although Romanov hit the ball, but under Wang Guangwei's collision, he pushed the football up...

"Oh! It's dangerous!!"

Watching the football fly out of the baseline under the watchful eye of goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan, He Feng let out a sigh of relief.

The Chinese fans in front of the TV also let out a sigh of relief.

Whether it is height or strength, Wang Guangwei is at a comprehensive disadvantage. So every time we see him fighting for the top with Romanov, everyone sweats.

Fortunately, so far, despite the dangers, Romanov has not been allowed to score.

This is because the Chinese team does not rely on Wang Guangwei alone to defend Romanov. They adopt an overall defensive strategy, starting from restricting Russia's pass in the backcourt of the Chinese team, and ending with the combination of multiple defensive tactics in front of the goal. .

In this way, 20 minutes into the first half, the score is still 0:0.

Wang Guangwei got up from the ground - he lost his balance and fell to the ground after fighting Romanov for the top - panting heavily.

Twenty minutes into the game,

He felt almost tired after playing almost half of the game than in the last game.

This is caused by both physical and psychological fatigue.

Every time he competes with Romanov, he has to do his best. When he confronts Romanov, what he has to bear is not only the surging strength of the opponent, but also huge psychological pressure-he must not lose the ball first! Absolutely not! Because the guidance of this game is to hope that we will score first. If we lose the ball first, all our pre-match arrangements will be turned into empty baskets... all in vain!

How could Wang Guangwei not be tired in the competition under such circumstances?

But he had no choice but to grit his teeth and persevere.

And count on the teammates in the frontcourt to score goals as soon as possible...

Romanov put down his hands holding his head, just finished his regret for not scoring a goal, and saw Wang Guangwei who was panting.

He grinned and said in Russian, "Well done, boy."

Wang Guangwei couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but he stared at him without showing any weakness.

Seeing this, Romanov smiled, turned and ran away.

Although Wang Guangwei couldn't understand the other party's words, he could feel the other party's sense of superiority in the other party's expression and tone.

Yes, superiority.

What top predators look like to prey lower down the food chain.

Wang Guangwei's face was solemn, and he cast his eyes forward, over Romanov's back, and extended to Hu Lai's body.



He Feng's commentator's roar sounded on the TV.

"Hu Lai!!" The fans roared in front of the TV.

In the live broadcast, Hu Lai kicked the football towards the goal before the Russian central defender Pretnev!

The football went around Pretnev, but was blocked by another Russian centre-back, Kuzmin, who stretched his leg behind him...

"Ah!!" Just by listening to the voice, the Chinese fans could see He Feng holding his head in his hands on the commentary stand, looking up to the sky and sighing.

"What a pity! The timing of Zhang Qinghuan's pass is just right! Hu Lai's running position is also very good, with a decisive kick, but Russia's defense against him is really strict... Two people defending him at the same time is equivalent to giving Hu Lai a shot. Two locks!" Yan Kang analyzed to the audience in front of the TV.

"Since he scored twice in the first game and had a super world wave, Hou Lai has become one of the most popular players in the first round of the World Cup...any opponent will be strict with him when they meet him. I believe that both Hu Lai and Shi Guidance should be fully prepared..."

"I think Hu Lai can actually be used as an offensive bait to attract Russia's defensive attention, tear apart the defense, and create gaps. Other teammates follow up in time..." Here Yan Kang said a little cautiously.

Because Hu Lai, who scored two goals, was asked to make a wedding dress for his teammates, it is indeed a bit strange to say it.

After all, the only person in the Chinese team who can score goals and has the strongest scoring ability is Hu Lai. Leaving such a person unused, let him play as a support, and then let other players be responsible for scoring goals... Isn't this idea a bit of putting the cart before the horse?

There must be fans who think so and criticize Yan Kang's suggestion once.

Before the game, Shi Wuyin did not make such an arrangement. When he faced the reporter, he still said that Hu Lai would be the main attacker of the Chinese team in this game.

Apparently, Shi Wuji also felt that letting Hu Lai serve as the bait seemed to be a self-defeating approach to martial arts.

After the start of the game, there were indications that the Chinese team chose to use Hu Lai as the finisher instead of anyone else when attacking. This shows that Shi Wuji did not lie and deliberately set off smoke bombs.

"Come on, son!" Xie Lan waved his arms on the sofa.

As a mother, her most simple idea is that her son can score in two consecutive games and help the Chinese team beat Russia—she doesn’t care about the things her husband and Coach Li analyzed before the game.

After the game started, Xie Lan was very happy to see that his son was in good condition.

Li Ziqiang and Hu Lixin looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is something they did not expect before the game.

During dinner, the two drank a few glasses of wine, and the coach committed an occupational disease. He talked about how the Chinese team should line up for this game and what tactics they should arrange.

The two of them quickly reached a consensus on this, that is, Hu Lai will be closely guarded by the opponent. If the Chinese team insists on letting Hu Lai complete the attack, then as long as Russia can defend against Hu Lai, it will be equivalent to preventing the Chinese team's attack.

This is obviously not a good result.

If Shi Wuzhen is bold enough, then he should let Hu Lai feint to attract the attention of the Russian defense, and then create opportunities for his teammates.

This is the only effective offensive tactic they can come up with for the Chinese team.

As a result, after playing for 20 minutes in the first half, the Chinese team's offense was basically looking for Hu Lai.

Even if the ball is given to Luo Kai and Chen Xingyi, the two will find a way to pass it from the side to the center to Hu Lai.

Although Hou Lai is in good form today, there have been two shots that threatened the Russian goal before, forcing their goalkeeper Jan Arkin to make a wonderful save.

But there should be some changes.

Otherwise, do you really expect Hu Lai's small body to hit the mountain?


Shi Wuyin stood on the sidelines watching this scene with no expression on his face.

He remembered the training before the game. After he formulated the tactic of using Hu Lai as the bait, Hu Lai made a public suggestion.

He thought that if he simply let himself be the bait and let Zhang Qinghuan pass the football to Luo Kai or Chen Xingyi, this tactic would be too simple and not very useful. So he wanted to add something to this tactic.

To put it simply, let yourself be the main attacker at the beginning, and try to threaten the Russian goal as much as possible, so that they will be convinced that they are the main attacker.

Then at the most critical time, pass the football to other people, and they will complete the fatal blow-to put it bluntly, it is the success rate.

After all, now it is estimated that the whole world will think that Hu Lai is the main attacker-if the Chinese team doesn't use him as the main attacker, who else can they use? Who else has the ability to threaten Russia's goal?

Hu Lai suggested to take advantage of the opponent's psychological blind spot to intimidate them.

Shi Wuyin and the coaching staff studied it briefly, and finally agreed to Hu Lai's suggestion.

After all, those who undertake feint missions often have to do enough tricks before the enemy can be fooled.

So it was decided that after the start of the game, everything will continue as usual. Unless someone else has a particularly good opportunity, they will still try their best to pass the football to Hu Lai.

Create an atmosphere of business as usual.

So far, it seems so. Russia's defense against Hu Lai is very strict, and it took two people to block Hu Lai's shot in the penalty area.

Although Russia's overall defensive formation remains intact, Shi Wuqian believes that if the game continues like this, the Chinese team will indeed have a chance.

Moreover, in order to make this plan more realistic, Hu Lai showed an arrogant and domineering side when he was interviewed by reporters, publicly declaring that he would continue to score goals against Russia.

When Shi Wuyin saw this scene, he felt very speechless.

This time, the last time I played against the South Korean team, I held back my long shot and didn't need it...

The bad water in that kid Hu Lai's much is there!


"So far in the first half, the Chinese team has not lost the wind on the scene. It can play back and forth with Russia... awesome!" Shen Lang, the commentator of the Tengfei video, was full of praise for the performance of the Chinese team.

"In this game, Director Shi used the characteristics of the Chinese team to deal with the big guy in Russia. I didn't expect the effect to be quite good. The main reason is that Zhang Qinghuan finally played normally in this game. He was frozen by Sateri in the last game. There is no way Sort out the midfield and organize the offense. In this game, he is remarkable whether he is personally holding the ball or passing the ball. Under his leadership, the Chinese team's offense is much smoother than the previous game !"

Compared with the previous game, Shi Wuyin made personnel adjustments in two positions in this game.

One is to replace Gao Ruimin who was injured and left the team with Xia Xiaoyu.

The other is to replace Qu Lu, who is better at attacking but relatively poor at defending, with Jiao Qirui, who is better at defending.

In addition, the personnel in other positions are exactly the same as in the previous game, without any changes.

But when the team faced the Russian team, which is stronger than Algeria, its performance was remarkable, especially in terms of offense.

Zhang Qinghuan's performance is crucial here.

Hu Lai's shot just now was passed to him by Zhang Qinghuan.

Sitting on a chair in the coach's bench, Master Feng said triumphantly to the people next to him: "I said, it will definitely not affect his game!"

The people next to him gave him a thumbs up: "Old Feng, your skills are really good!"

"Hey, it's not a big problem in itself..." Master Feng was still modest.


Song Jiajia and Yong Jun were sitting in the VIP box of the Giant Rock Stadium in Miami, and they were watching the game between the Chinese team and Russia with Juan Pita, the sports director of the Barcelona Sarria Football Club in Spain.

After watching the game for more than 20 minutes, the two looked at each other calmly, and they both saw ease in each other's eyes.

Zhang Qinghuan's performance in the last game was not satisfactory, he only played well for ten or twenty minutes, and then fell into the quagmire created by Sateri. In the end, he was simply replaced by the head coach in advance.

Moreover, after the replacement, the Chinese team's offense improved, which made Zhang Qinghuan's performance on the field particularly unsuccessful.

This made the two people who sent Zhang Qinghuan to Saria a little nervous-during the World Cup, they all watched the football with Juan Pita, the sports director of the Saria club. Seeing Zhang Qinghuan's performance, would the other party see Feel like you've been cheated?

Fortunately, so far in this game, Zhang Qinghuan's performance has finally returned to normal. It was the "Chinese Francis" they were familiar with.

If Zhang Qinghuan can continue this performance, they will have an explanation in front of Peeta...

Just when the two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, they heard Peeta laughing and saying, "This is the level that Zhang should have, that's right!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the two Chinese who were a little confused, and continued to smile: "We didn't lie to you, the Sarria Club has been following him for a year and a half, and we know exactly how Zhang should behave. I don't know Is it because of his abnormal performance in the last game, so Russia did not pay enough attention to him in this game and gave him too much space to hold the ball. I think for Zhang, the space to hold the ball at the front of the penalty area is the most important. He's always been able to show his passing talent in this kind of place..."

Song Jiajia and Yong Jun looked at each other and laughed at the same time: "Yes, yes, this is the normal Zhang Qinghuan!"

"Mr. Peeta, you really understand Zhang Qinghuan!"


When the Chinese team once again intercepted the ball through the midfield and backcourt, they launched a counterattack.

Zhang Qinghuan received the ball at the front of Russia's penalty area.

As Juan Pita said, the Russian players didn't come up to press him first, which gave him the opportunity to turn around.

Turning around, Zhang Qinghuan quickly observed the situation ahead.

Hu Lai is still closely followed by Russian players, while Luo Kai and Chen Xingyi are not in a good position.

It stands to reason that at this time, he should pass the football back, or develop horizontally.

But a thought flashed in Zhang Qinghuan's mind - why don't I try to kick myself?

This thought crossed his mind, and he acted immediately without hesitation:

He flicked the football forward, and before the Russian defender came up, he suddenly swung his right foot and hit the ball!


"Zhang Qinghuan... Long shot——!!"

The football draws a slight arc and goes straight to the top corner of the goal!

Russian goalkeeper Arkin quickly soared into the air and hit the ball out of the baseline with a single punch!

"Oh!!" The fans on both sides in the stands exclaimed at the same time.

No one expected that Zhang Qinghuan, who had been passing the ball before, kicked so silently, and it was extremely threatening!

"Beautiful! Zhang Qinghuan! The Chinese team won a corner kick!"

"Although the goal was not scored, He Feng. But the offense of the Chinese team should be like this, with more changes, and don't always think about finding Hu Lai. Of course Hu Lai is very strong, but we have to make a fuss around him... Otherwise, such a good card is wasted!"

Hu Lai in the penalty area withdrew his gaze from the fallen goalkeeper Arkin, turned around and said to Kuzmin who was following him: "Brother, don't say I didn't remind you. My task in this game is to be a bait , if you continue to follow me like this, next time my teammates won't miss this opportunity again!"

Kuzmin's eyes widened: "Do you speak Russian?"

"Is Russian difficult? I just read a few books last night and learned it... Is this the point? The point is that if you don't defend my teammates and keep following me, you will not be far from conceding the ball! "

Although Kuzmin still didn't understand why Hu Lai could speak Russian, it really didn't matter, he sneered: "Don't think we don't know what you are going to do, you just want us to give up defending you, so you can Here's your chance. Your tricks are too naive to fool us!"

Pretnev nodded in agreement.

Hu Lai spread his hands when he heard the words: "Okay, you asked for it yourself."

After speaking, he ignored the two of them and went to find his place.

Kuzmin and Pletnev looked at each other and smiled—he really thought that we could trust him by just saying a few words? Besides, how can anyone tell their opponents about their team's tactical arrangements? Such a psychological warfare full of flaws is still showing off in front of us!

But it also shows that we have defended him hard enough, so he can only jump the wall in a hurry.



PS, three more today.

The second update is at 1:00 noon, and the third update is at 6:00 pm

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