Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 322 Level 1 Rocket

Li Zhifei and Shi Wuyin tiptoed through the corridors of the hotel until they reached the elevator room before they met, and then whispered their own messages:

"I'm all asleep. Anyway, I didn't hear any big movement in the house..."

"Yes, me too."

As soon as the voice fell, the elevator arrived, and the door was opened to wait for them to enter.

After the two entered, they pressed the floor they were going to, and the elevator door slowly closed again, and the two looked at each other and smiled:

"Why do you feel like the two of us are thieves? Be careful..."

"Haha!" Shi Wuyin was amused by Li Zhifei's words.

"But this time the mentality of the players is completely different from before the first World Cup group match. This time they were able to go to bed on time and fell asleep..."

"It shows that our players have indeed made progress during the World Cup and have grown up." Shi Wuyin sighed as he spoke, "It's only been less than half a month... What a group of good saplings!"

"They are no longer saplings in the nursery." Li Zhifei narrowed his eyes and smiled, his dark and rough skin was full of squeezed wrinkles, he looked very much like an old farmer who worked day and night in the fields.

"You have also improved, Xiao Shi." Li Zhifei said to Shi Wuyin, "Before the first World Cup match, you were also very nervous. Now you can talk and laugh with me."

"After all, it is the last group match, and there are no performance requirements, no pressure, and naturally we will not be nervous. We have already greatly exceeded our expectations this time..."

Just as they were talking, the elevator reached their floor, and when the two walked out, they saw the team leader Hong Renjie standing outside, looking at them with a smile.

"Have you gone to rounds?" He asked.


"How about it?"

"They're all asleep."

The smile on Hong Renjie's face grew stronger: "Enjoy the last game tomorrow. I just received a domestic call. No matter how the game is played tomorrow, the leader has decided to commend you."

Li Zhifei smiled and said, "Thank you, leader!"

"The other thing is...Xiao Shi,

Can you talk about the contract renewal again? "

Li Zhifei glanced at Shi Wuyin and decided to avoid it: "You guys talk, I'll go first..."

The two of them didn't want to stay, they just watched Li Zhifei go back to his room, while Hong Renjie sent an invitation to Shi Wuyin: "Go to my room, I have good tea brought from China..."

He wanted to have a slow chat with Shi Wuyin, have a good talk, and persuade him to change his mind.

But I didn't expect Shi Wuyin to firmly reject Hong Renjie's kindness: "No need, Lao Hong. The two of us have a lifelong friendship——I still remember when you bet your own future as a guarantee for me. "

When Shi Wuyin submitted the application, Hong Renjie laughed: "I was really betting at the time, but I didn't expect to bet right—I never won a lottery in my life, but I won a super jackpot. I feel that my life Luck is all on you kid."

Shi Wuyin also laughed. When he rolled up his sleeves and went to Hong Renjie to ask for an explanation, he never expected that one day they would be able to create such a Chinese football together.

"But friendship is friendship, Lao Hong. I will not change my mind. If I say that I will step down after the World Cup, I will definitely step down after the World Cup. I will not continue to coach the Chinese team..."

Seeing that Hong Renjie seemed to want to persuade him, Shi Wuyin made a gesture to signal him to wait a moment, and continued: "It's not that I don't want to take the Chinese team, but I can't take it. There was a saying on the Internet before, but I actually think it's true. It makes sense. That is to compare the development of Chinese football to a rocket sending a satellite into the sky...Rockets are divided into first-level, second-level, and third-level...Each level has its own mission and goal. After achieving that goal, it will separate and crash .This is normal. You can’t rely on the first-stage booster to put the satellite into orbit, can you? As for me, it’s the first-stage rocket. The task is to bring the Chinese team into the World Cup, and then let the young people in the World Cup without interference learning and growing...I can only bring the Chinese team to this height, and if you go have to find another coach with a higher level than me."

Hong Renjie quickly said: "Don't say that, Xiao Shi. We have studied it carefully, and there may not be any coaches in China who are better than you..."

"Old Zhao, Zhao Kangming is actually pretty good..." Shi Wuyin shook his head first when he said this, "Oh no, the club is the most suitable for Lao Zhao, and the national team has too high requirements for the team's performance, so it is not suitable for him. Don’t go looking for Lao Zhao, just let him farm in Xingxing, it’s good. We need such a head coach who can work quietly in the club and cultivate talents for the country. In short, it’s you who are looking for to replace me I will leave get out of class after leading this World Cup. My ability is limited, so I can’t help you, Lao Hong.”

Hong Renjie shook his head: "A head coach who led the team to a draw with Algeria and Russia said that his ability is limited. You are slapping the face of all Chinese coaches!"

"Hey, I can't say that. There is an element of luck to draw these two opponents. And as the head coach, in fact, I don't do much work. The main reason is that the players' performance on the court exceeded expectations. After these two games, the outside world Didn’t some media say that I made this team into a whole, so that they have an extraordinary tacit understanding on the court? It’s really what I’ve been doing to make it into a whole, to be able to make it so well… …It’s the same as sticking it with 502 glue, it’s really beyond my ability. I don’t know why, I can only say that those players are far better than we thought…”

Shi Wuyin smiled.

"Really, I didn't lie to you, Lao Hong. I'm not being humble. You can't think that I can lead the team to greater glory just because of the results in this World Cup..."

Hong Renjie quickly waved his hand: "No, no, we don't have such an idea. As long as we can reach the World Cup finals again..."

"This is the problem, Old Hong." Shi Wuyin said seriously. "I said before that reaching the World Cup finals should be the beginning, not the end. If we only set the goal of the future development of Chinese football as 'reaching the World Cup finals', then we will never make progress. That's why I'm leaving. Because I lead this team and I can't give them any room to improve, then there's no point in me staying in this position. This group of players is so good.. Just content to do it again Reaching the World Cup finals is a waste of their talent."

"Okay, I'll let you finish everything..." Hong Renjie spread his hands helplessly.

Shi Wuyin smiled: "That's the truth, Lao Hong. This time we entered the World Cup and scored two draws and three goals. It looks pretty good. What about the next World Cup? Should we hope Can we win at least one game? Can we try to qualify for the group stage? Only by thinking like this can we improve. Otherwise, we will be satisfied with reaching the World Cup finals...Maybe we will not be able to make it again sometime ?”

Hong Renjie was silent.

"Isn't there a saying on the Internet? Oh, it's not just on the Internet, I think the media is also mentioning it now. Hu Lai, Luo Kai, Chen Xingyi, Zhang Qinghuan, Wang Guangwei, and Xia Xiaoyu, Zhou Zijing, Lin Zhiyuan who are younger than them They are the golden generation of Chinese football. I is quite right. Isn’t it the golden generation when so many talented and motivated young people suddenly emerge? With such a group of players, we can certainly Be bold. I have laid the foundation for you now, brought them to the World Cup to gain knowledge, and then it is the turn of people more capable than me to make them grow stronger instead of dying halfway."

After finishing speaking, Shi Wuzhen waved his hand: "So I will definitely not renew the contract with the Football Association. I can't let them ruin it in my hands-letting them become mediocre is ruined."

Seeing Shi Wuyin's firm attitude, Hong Renjie could only sigh: "Forget it. I won't force you..."

"Ha!" Shi Wuyin smiled happily, "Relax, Lao Hong. Don't worry about who the next head coach of the Chinese team is, and enjoy tomorrow's game first. It is very likely that Our last game in this World Cup."

"It's as if I can really enjoy something..." Hong Renjie muttered, he was just rejected by Shi Wuyin with irrefutable reasons, and he was not in a very high mood.

"Based on my understanding of those boys, they will at least... score goals in tomorrow's game." Shi Wuyin smiled. "Goal into world champions Brazil."


"How did you sleep last night?"

"Not bad, how about you?"

"I'm fine too, it's really rare to say... I was so nervous before the first game that I couldn't sleep..."

"Ha! Who is not? Now there is no reaction at all."

At breakfast time, the players of the Chinese team would greet each other like this after they met in the restaurant, and the answers they got were similar.

"Xiaoyu, did you sleep well last night?"

Wang Guangwei put the plate on the table and asked Xia Xiaoyu who was sitting at the same table.

Xia Xiaoyu nodded: "I slept well, Zhou Zijing said that I actually snored."

Zhou Zijing looked a little tired: "Damn, I didn't sleep well! Can you imagine Xiaoyu, a thin and small person, snoring as big as a bear?! Do it!"

"Hahahaha!" Everyone else at the table laughed.

Xia Xiaoyu blushed: "What are you talking about? How can it be so big!"

"Speaking of which, everyone slept well." Zhang Qinghuan said with emotion.

"After all, it's the third match, so I'm used to it." Chen Xingyi said.

"Maybe it's because we don't have much pressure in this last game? It doesn't matter whether we win or lose, just do our best." Wang Guangwei analyzed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that everyone was looking at him.


"It's nothing..." Zhang Qinghuan looked away and shook his head with a smile, "I just didn't expect it to be the last group match. It feels like these ten days are both fast and long."

"This World Cup is different from what I imagined..." Chen Xingyi also expressed emotion.

"What do you think?" Everyone was curious.

"Losing all three games, failing to score a single goal, and then being called a dog when I returned home..."

"Fuck, I didn't expect you, Little Xingxing, to be masochistic!" Hu Lai exclaimed.

"You have the tendency to be masochistic! Isn't it true that I think so?" Chen Xingyi glared at Hu Lai, and continued, "But after we came here, I realized... Hey, we are not as strong as we thought. Bad."

Wang Guangwei pointed to himself: "I didn't expect that I could defend against 'Ivan the Terrible'. When I watched the Serie A live broadcast before, I felt that Romanov could do whatever he wanted in front of the opponent's goal. The opponent's central defender was in front of him. Same as Chick...Of course, Romanov is older than before, but I still didn't expect..."

He didn't continue talking, but shook his head.

He will cherish the jersey exchanged with Romanov. Not because this is the first jersey he exchanged with his opponent in the World Cup, but because this jersey is proof that Romanov recognized him.

Xia Xiaoyu said: "I didn't expect that I could still play in the World Cup and get assists..."

He didn't expect to be able to start... But he benefited from Gao Ruimin's injury and retirement, so Xia Xiaoyu didn't mention it.

Hu Lai: "I didn't expect that I could score goals in the World Cup... No, I thought of it! Unlike you, I knew I would definitely score goals. The real strong are so confident!"

"Do it!" A group of people pointed their middle fingers at Hu Lai.

Another table laughed. Looking at the reputation, it was Yao Huasheng, Hao De, Jiang Wanqing, and Mao Junzheng, the four veterans of the national team. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they suddenly laughed.

Everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

As if instead of playing a World Cup game, they were going to a big holiday party.

Shi Wuyin, Li Zhifei and Hong Renjie, who happened to enter the restaurant, saw this scene. He said to Hong Renjie next to him: "Look, Lao Hong. Put aside the head coach candidate and the future of Chinese football for now, and simply enjoy the World Cup." .This is a great event in world football, ha!"


PS, there will still be one update tomorrow, but the third update will start the day after tomorrow!

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