Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 333 We can also fight back

"Russia is ahead..."

Li Zhifei came up and informed Shi Wuyin who was standing on the sidelines of the latest situation of another match.

But in fact, no one cared about the situation of the other game, he was just a routine.

"Are you in the lead?" Shi Wuyin asked casually.

"Well, Algeria has been tenacious."

Shi Wuyin laughed and said half-jokingly: "It makes our group look like the death group, ha..."

His laughter stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face froze at the same time.

Li Zhifei turned to look at him strangely, not knowing what happened to Shi Wuyin.

At this moment, Shi Wuyin suddenly said to him: "Lao Li, call Zhou Zijing back!"

Li Zhifei was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions. He turned around and ran to the warm-up area for the Chinese players.

At the same time, the Chinese team is besieging Brazil on the field.

Yes, that's right, the Chinese team is besieging the Brazilian team!

There have been "tucao" about this scene on the Internet:

"I suspect that the two sides are wearing the wrong clothes. In fact, it is the Brazilian team in red, right?"

"The Chinese team shot twice in three minutes, threatening the goal of the Brazilian team... I know that the national football team has improved in the World Cup, but I didn't expect to improve so much!"

Shi Wuyin also saw this momentum, but at the beginning he was only pleased with the team's performance and didn't think too much about it. After hearing the news of the match between Russia and Algeria just now, inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

A bold idea popped up:

Can we try to...beat Brazil?

Once this idea appeared in Shi Wuyin's mind, it couldn't go away.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it could be done.

Anyway, in the last round of the group stage, there is no requirement for the results, no matter what the performance is, it is acceptable.

Losing is acceptable,

Winning is certainly more acceptable.

And because there is no requirement for results, it in turn creates a loose space for the team to try boldly.

It is very difficult to beat Brazil, you need to do your best, and it depends on luck.

If the Chinese team is carrying a heavy burden and wants to win but is afraid of losing, then it will definitely not work.

But now no matter what result the Chinese team gets, they can accept it. If they want to win, they definitely want to win, but there is no psychological burden of "fear of losing".

This is simply the best opportunity to try boldly. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

That's why he decided to switch to Zhou Zijing and give it a go, hoping to change his bicycle into a motorcycle.

If the Chinese team can really beat the Brazilian team, they can get the right to qualify for the group stage with one win, two draws and five points!

Reaching the knockout stage for the first time in the World Cup...

This goal is too tempting!

Even if Shi Wuyin did participate in the World Cup with the purpose of learning, it doesn't mean that he would be indifferent when the possibility of advancing was in front of his eyes.

In place of Zhou Zijing, he used his physical advantage and header advantage to serve as the Chinese team's offensive bridgehead and further strengthen the Chinese team's offensive in the frontcourt.

At the same time, support Hu Lai and disperse the Brazilian team's defensive forces against Hu Lai.

As for replacing the water with Zhou Zijing, Shi Wuyin also had some concerns in his heart.

Since it is to strengthen the offense, it is impossible to replace anyone in the trident. Chen Xingyi was replaced in advance for two consecutive games before, because Chen Xingyi's performance was indeed outstanding, so it didn't matter if he was replaced.

But he performed very well in this game today, and it is possible to help the Chinese team more by keeping him on the court.

Luo Kai and Hu Lai are currently the two highest-level players in the national team, and it is impossible to replace them.

Zhang Qinghuan and Xia Xiaoyu are also difficult to replace because of offensive considerations.

In this way, only Jiang Wanqing, who specializes in defense, can be replaced.

Only in this way, if the defensive midfielder is replaced, the defensive strength of the Chinese team in the midfield will definitely be affected...

This makes his substitutions seem like a gamble.

Stud directly, lose and go home to move bricks, win the club...

Of course, this is also normal practice. After all, with the goal of defeating the Brazilian team, one cannot look forward and backward.

Besides, Xia Xiaoyu can also defend part-time, and Wang Guangwei can also step up at critical moments.

The Chinese team's midfield is not entirely wide open.

The biggest difference between us and the Brazilian team is that whether we are attacking or defending, we rely on the overall cooperation, rather than a single individual performing alone.

※※ ※

Zhou Zijing ran back from the warm-up area.

Shi Wuyin glanced at him, then looked behind him, Li Zhifei was still behind and hadn't caught up.

So he smiled and said, "You're quite active, kid."

"Of course I'm going to play positively, Guidance Shi!" Zhou Zijing was not polite.

"Very good." Shi Wuyin nodded with a smile, "Your task after entering the field is very simple. Play double forward with Hu Lai, and you stand at the front and act as a bridgehead..."

He began to explain the arrangements for Zhou Zijing after playing, and Zhou Zijing listened attentively.

Li Zhifei finally returned to Shi Wuyin's side, without interrupting, just stood beside him and waited.

Shi Wuyin finally explained, he pushed Zhou Zijing towards the fourth official: "Go!"

Zhou Zijing greeted him with his entry card.

After checking his card, the fourth official begins the procedure before the substitution.

Zhou Zijing was waiting beside him.

Anyway, the game has not yet entered a dead ball, so he has nothing to worry about.

He also took the opportunity to observe the situation on the field first, and then fantasized in his mind how he would play after he came on the field for a while.

Well, their central defenders don't look very strong, they are worse than Russia's... I don't know if I can overwhelm them in physical confrontation after I go up?

Hey! Bai Di's cross was pushed out... Alas, if only I were good on the court, I could win the ball...

Ouch, the head of the Brazilian central defender is really far away...Eh? Eh, no!

Zhou Zijing's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw the football pushed out by the Brazilian central defender Payson flew to the front of the Brazilian forward Cesar Tavala.

But Tavala did not take the ball forward, but dodged to block Jiang Wanqing behind him, and then... flicked his foot to the side, and at the same time Kabangka passed by him at high speed, and then forcefully swiped the incoming ball Soccer trip!

In this way, we rushed to the half of the Chinese team!

Jiang Wanqing turned around to chase after him, but was directly left behind by Kabanka. He even staggered and almost fell to the ground...

"Kabanka - go up! Brazil's counterattack!"

"Kabanka is so fast! This is Brazil's chance!"

"Eh? Eh? Eh!! Be careful! Be careful!"


There were exclamations one after another from the commentary seat again.

Behind Kabanka was Luo Kai, who returned to defense immediately and passed Jiang Wanqing at high speed. Seeing this, Jiang Wanqing quickly dropped Kabangka, who was unable to catch up, and ran to the middle to defend.

Luo Kai was about to catch up with Kabanka, but just when he seemed to be able to grab Kabanka's arm, the latter strode the football away and opened the distance from him again... …

So Luo Kai had to speed up to catch up again, but this rhythm change of constant deceleration and acceleration made him very uncomfortable.

"Kabangka's dribbling rhythm is very good!"

"Kabunka! Kabunka! Kabunka—!"

Kabanka dribbled the ball across half the court amid the shouts of commentators from all over the world, and Roquet was always behind him, but he always had no chance to steal the ball-every time it seemed that he only had to stretch He can poke the football with his foot, and Kabangka in front of him can always kick the football out with his foot, leaving Luo Kai in the air.

It was also for this reason that before he was absolutely sure, Luo Kai did not dare to act rashly, for fear of being thrown away by the opponent.

As the commentator said, Kabanka's dribbling rhythm is very good, and the distance of each pass of the ball is just right, and he can always take the football out again in three or four steps. When he touches the ball, he doesn't need to decelerate to deliberately control anything, which ensures that his speed will not drop, making it impossible for the opponent to catch up.

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Very entertaining - for Brazilian fans and those who are neutral fans, this is certainly a pleasing and exciting picture.

But for Chinese fans, it means great danger!

After the Chinese team's repeated bombing just now, the formation is getting higher and higher, giving the Brazilian team an excellent opportunity to fight back!

The Chinese team always wanted to fight the Brazilian team's counterattack, but they didn't expect to let the Brazilian team play their counterattack now!

When Kabangka dribbled the ball into the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team, captain Yao Huasheng made a diagonal stab and rushed to Kabangka.

Here Kabanka finally slowed down and began to adjust his pace.

Yao Huasheng didn't go up too recklessly, but just made a tackle, and in that case, the opponent would make a penalty in all likelihood.

With his hands behind his back, he stuck inside and drove Kabunka out.

At the same time, Luo Kai also chased him back.

The two of them attacking back and forth will definitely be able to block the Brazilian team's counterattack!

But at this moment, Kabanka suddenly kicked the football to the middle!

The football passed Yao Huasheng's side.

"Wang Guangwei!"

Wang Guangwei and Brazilian striker Lima Bidou entangled and ran towards the football, trying to prevent Bidou from getting a chance to shoot.

But Bidu didn't even think about shooting, he just leaked the football behind him!

There, Brazil's right midfielder Marquios kicked and shot without defense!

The football drew an arc, passed by the goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan who turned back and flew into the goal from the edge of the far post!

"Be careful! Be careful... Oops! Marquios! He took the lead again for the Brazilian team!" After He Feng finished speaking, he fell silent.

An indescribable sense of powerlessness welled up from the bottom of his heart, making him unable to speak.

The yellow "ocean" half of the Pasadena stadium was churning again.

The cheers of the Brazilians resounded through the sky.

Jiang Wanqing, who ran all the way from the frontcourt before running back to the penalty area, saw the football fly into the goal, lost strength under his feet, and slipped directly to the ground.

He just lay there in the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team, his chest heaving violently up and down, panting heavily, and staring at the gradually blue sky in a daze.

If I had known...I should have fucking fouled Tavara in the frontcourt!

Infinite regret and self-blame filled his heart.

Marquios, who scored the goal, ran to the sidelines to celebrate and just passed by him. Grass and dirt from the spikes splashed on Jiang Wanqing's face without blinking his eyes.

Kabanka first swung his fist to the sky fiercely, venting all the emotions he had accumulated in his heart, and then ran to find Marquios.

"The Chinese team seems to have forgotten! We in Brazil also have speed and can fight back!" In the commentary booth, the commentator of the Brazilian TV station said happily.

※※ ※

PS, there are four updates today, the second update at 12:00 noon, the third update at 3:00 pm, and the fourth update at 6:00 pm!

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