Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 2 Struggle Each Other

"Star! Press it up! Very good!"

After Chen Xingyi completed a very active side attack, he was praised loudly by the assistant coach on the field.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Athletic Amsterdam coach Jopp Munster told the club's director of football Gus Hunt, who stood beside him: "He has a good rhythm, not what we used to think. Like the Chinese players, he is slow like an old man."

Hunter laughed: "I think he should be very happy to be rated as the third scorer in the history of the Dutch national team."

The top scorer in the history of the Dutch national team is currently Maxi Carey who is playing for the Madrid Pirates. He has not retired yet. And Jopp Munster was the top scorer in the history of the Dutch national team when he retired. He played a total of 75 times for the Dutch national team and scored 41 goals with amazing efficiency. He used to be a world-renowned Dutch football superstar, and Athletic Amsterdam was where he made his debut. He helped Athletic Amsterdam win a Champions League championship here, and then moved away. After retiring, he returned to Athletic Amsterdam and became the head coach of this team.

"But it's just the beginning, and it doesn't mean anything." Munster, who was praised by Gus Hunter, said indifferently. "There are many factors that determine whether he will be successful in the Netherlands, football itself may not be that important..."

"This is where I am very moved." Hunter said, "He communicated with us in English on the first day he came, and he was actively learning Dutch-he did not wait for our club to arrange. The brokerage company has already hired a Dutch teacher for him. And I heard that not only him, but also several other Chinese players who have transferred to Europe are like this. The Chinese are really ambitious this time..."

"This may have something to do with the Chinese player they played in Veronica last season. It is said that he was unable to communicate with his teammates after coming to Veronica, which made him unable to play in the first half of the game. …And after he finally overcome the language barrier, he played in Veronica and performed pretty well, but there was not much time left for Veronica and him, and Veronica was relegated in the end... "

As a coach at Athletic Amsterdam, Munster naturally knows the only Chinese player who played in the Eredivisie last season.

And to be honest, although Veronica was finally relegated last season, Roquet still left his name in the Eredivisie - he scored goals and assisted.

Not nobody.

Hunter also knew him and nodded: "It seems that he has extended his lease to Veronica this season, but they can only play in the second division."

"We assume that Xing's talent is the same as his talent,

So with a stronger adaptability, it is clear that the future development of Xingxing will be better. "

Hunter said: "But there are still media outside who think that we signed him only for the Chinese market..."

Munster snorted: "What do those idiots know? They sucked blood from Dutch football and supported themselves, but they didn't help the development of Dutch football."

Hunter laughed when he heard Munster's extreme words, but didn't answer.

This is a personal grievance between Munster and the Dutch media, and it is inconvenient for him to get involved.

Although Joap Munster was in charge of Dutch football before retiring, his relationship with the Dutch media has never been good. The media thinks that he is arrogant and arrogant, and lacks the most basic respect for the media. Munster thinks that the media is a group of paparazzi holding a magnifying glass to criticize, so he refused many media interviews when he was playing football.

As a result, when he retired, the Dutch media did not report much on the commemoration, which made his retirement deserted.

This seemed to make Munster even more unhappy with the Dutch media.

So the war between the two sides has been fought until now.

Although Sporting Amsterdam won the Dutch Cup last season, they lost the league championship, so Munster was scolded bloody in the media. If you only read media reports, you would think that his handsome position is precarious in the wind and rain, and he may be swept out by the club at any time.

But in fact, inside the club, most people still support this talented coach when he plays football.

After all, he led the team to the semi-finals of the Champions League last season, which is a remarkable achievement-it was thirty years ago that they reached the semi-finals of the Champions League last time.

The club is optimistic that he will continue to lead the team to achieve the revival of Athletic Amsterdam in the Champions League.

The topic fell into a cold spot when it came to the media.

Hunter didn't speak, neither did Munster, and the two continued to pay attention to the training on the field.

The Chinese player on the field is still active.


After a day of training, Luo Kai followed his teammates back to the locker room. As soon as he sat down, a person came up next to him. It was the team's forward Alan Hupertz, a high center forward with a height of 1.9 meters.

Although both of them are forwards, they have a good relationship, because Luo Kai has given him assists in both training and games--Luo Kai is very comprehensive and not as unique as some people think.

"Luo, I've wanted to ask a question for a long time, but I don't know if it's suitable..."

"There is nothing inappropriate, Alan. Just ask." Luo Kai replied in Dutch.

"That's great. I'm just curious, why did you come back? The loan contract you signed with Veronica was supposed to be only for half a season? Why did you come back to play in the second division? I don't think it should be special. Ramed's decision, right?"

Luo Kai explained: "It took me a long time to adapt to life in Veronica. Wouldn't it be a pity if I left after half a season?"

"Just because of this?" Huppertz's eyes widened, as if he didn't quite believe Luo Kai's explanation. If it's just because he doesn't want to adapt to the new environment again, he would rather stay and play in the second division... How low is the adaptability of this professional player?

"And...I'm sorry that I couldn't play a role when the team needed me most last season. So I want to stay for another year, hoping to help the team re-upgrade." Luo Kai gave another reason .

This reason made Huppertz more or less acceptable. After all, everyone saw Luo Kai's performance last season. If the team can play according to his performance in the final stage as soon as he comes, in fact, Veronica really has a chance to avoid relegation.

Luo Kai went on to say the third reason: "In the end, I think that being able to stay in Veronica and get a stable chance to play is what I want most, rather than being loaned to a new team to take risks. So I choose Stay here."

Hupperts was very puzzled: "But we are playing in the second division, and the level is not high..."

"My level is not high." Luo Kai said.

Huppertz felt that Luo Kai was being modest, and he said in an exaggerated tone: "My God... your level is not high, Luo? You are the only player in our team who participated in the World Cup! You are even the only player in the World Cup." The player who scored the goal!"

Luo Kai thought to himself: What's so great about this? There is a man who is the golden boot of the World Cup...


"Juan'er, do you have any news about Zhang Qinghuan?" When Sun Juan walked into the nurse's station, the head nurse, Sister Ma, asked her.

Sun Juan shook her head: "It's nothing special, he just trains and competes in the new club step by step..."

"That's right, what I'm talking about is the game. Has he already played in the game?" Sister Ma asked.

"A warm-up match, not an official match."

"The warm-up match is also a competition. How is his performance?"

"Fair enough..." Sun Juan replied.

"What do you mean by 'moderate'?"

"It's not good, it's not bad... Oh, sister Ma, after all, he just went there, how can he adapt to the new team so quickly?" Sun Juan defended Zhang Qinghuan.

"Hey, Sun Juan, is there a TV broadcast for the warm-up match?" colleagues asked curiously.

"Not in China, but there are local TV stations in Spain that broadcast live."

"Then how did you see it?" Everyone was even more curious.

"There are live broadcast resources on the Internet, so I looked for them to watch..."

"What? You can look for this?" The colleagues' eyes widened.

Sister Ma scolded her: "No wonder you sometimes feel that you are not in good spirits... You have to take it easy, the time difference in Spain is far from ours, and you always stay up late to watch the game, so don't let your body break down."

A colleague echoed: "That's right, staying up late hurts the skin!"

Sun Juan smiled slightly, accepting everyone's kindness, but did not intend to change it: "Thank you, Sister Ma, but it's okay, I'm used to it."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed: "Sun Juan, you have true love for Zhang Qinghuan!"

Sun Juan disagreed with this statement, she corrected: "I'm just his fan."

Sister Ma sighed: "Forget it... next time you want to watch his game, let me know in advance, so that I can arrange a shift for you, and I won't let you come to work in the morning."

Sun Juan's eyes lit up: "Sister Ma, you are so kind!"

"Oh, Miss Ma, we want it too!" the other girls booed.

"Go, go!" Sister Ma waved them away, "Juan'er is really watching the game, and you are watching the game!"

"Hi! Sister Ma, don't you think we are so heartbroken! See if the handsome guy can't move?"

"Climb, climb!"

The women frolicked, but Sun Juan didn't join in, but stared at the sky outside the window in a daze.

She actually knew that Zhang Qinghuan's situation in Spain was not as light as she said.

But she can't help much, so she can only silently bless him, hoping that he can adapt to the new environment as soon as possible, and let people see that handsome figure on the court again...

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