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255 Fellow Daoist, You Have Worked Hard! It Seems That You Are Going To Leave The Order? 1/4

"Thank you fellow daoist for telling all this!"

"From now on, if you need anything, Fellow Daoist, even if you mention it, I, as the Palace Master, can still help a little!"

Liu Qingsong nodded slightly, took out a transparent jade tablet from his bosom, and said solemnly.

"Fellow Daoist, please accept this little token, you can contact me anytime and anywhere with this token.

"Anyone who can dispatch the Four Great Mansions, as well as aliens on the Xingyue Continent who are friendly with the human race will help!"

"Pill Workshop, Medicine Workshop, Weapons Pavilion and other four. The businesses under the big mansion can dispatch all kinds of pill weapons anytime and anywhere."

"And, various secret realms, etc., I will pass all the things into the token later, so fellow Taoists can know."

"Although this token may not be of much help to fellow daoists, it is the best thing I can come up with."

"Star-Moon Continent, rely on fellow Taoists, please help me a lot!"

Liu Wenyu took the token and nodded.

He knew that this NPC wanted to bind him more, so that it would give him ten points more for the survival of the mainland. 26

The NPC looked at him like he was looking at an old monster, his cultivation level was unfathomable, how could he need these mundane things?

It is estimated that nine tenths of it is for the villain to practice.

Yang Baidao looked at the token, his eyes trembled, and his body was startled.

This token is more than what Lao Liu said, that's all.

There are some secrets that cannot be viewed by random people.

Dispatch 4. The people in the big mansion can freely use any resources in the mansion!

It's not an exaggeration to say that with this token, as long as you want to, you can dispatch those old monsters in the mansion casually, and you can wipe out a clan!

Using those elixir weapons in the mansion, you can pile up a great emperor again!

Not to mention, these are unlimited!

At the same time, it is also a status symbol!

Now, to give it to a young man so easily?

No, not young people.

Yang Baidao squinted his eyes to cover up the turmoil in his heart.

"Wherever it is, the survival of the Star-Moon Continent is our common goal.

"Moreover, the help this token has given me is timely rain!"

"By the way, I have something here, and I may need the help of fellow daoists."

Liu Wenyu nodded, and looked at the time marked in the mall.

There is still an hour, and the one-day possession card will expire.

Gotta hurry up and do business!

Since the token can dispatch any resource under the 4. Great Mansion, don't waste it!

Collect all the clans in the book of all clans, and you can get the treasure box.

This is the fastest way Liu Wenyu can think of to obtain mission values.

Wouldn't it be extremely convenient to use the token to directly mobilize the blood of all the races on the Star-Moon Continent and let it out?

"Is it raining in time? I don't know what you want. In some ways, I may be able to help!"

Liu Qingsong was slightly taken aback, he didn't understand why an old monster was needed so urgently.

"On the Star-Moon Continent, the blood or hair of various ethnic groups."

Liu Wenyu said bluntly, this collection is not only helpful for the mission value, but also helpful for this mission in Star Moon Continent!

After all, for some tasks, he still needs to go to the game in person to see clearly.

Ahem, definitely not because of villains.

"Blood or hair of all races..."

Liu Qingsong paused, thought for a few moments, and said softly.

"I don't know friend, it's..."

"I'll collect them to see if I can gather the bloodlines of various races to inherit the advantages and eliminate the shortcomings, so that each race can practice faster."

Liu Wenyu paused, not blushing at all.

Sighed, said softly.

"After all, all ethnic groups work hard to cultivate together, so that Xingyue Continent can survive more!"

"Of course, due to the problem of diligence, our human race will be a little ahead."

Liu Qingsong understood instantly, and a feeling of awe rose in his heart.

Even though fellow daoists say that all races should work together, the subtext must be to study the advantages of each race’s bloodlines for the sake of the human race!

Fellow Daoist, it’s hard!

Studying various ethnic groups is bound to be hated or even hunted down by all ethnic groups.

It is even more likely to be punished by heaven!

For the sake of the human race, fellow daoists have carried everything on their shoulders and kept it silently hidden in their hearts. What a hero!

"Fellow daoist, don't worry, I will definitely gather people from all races for fellow daoist! Let me, Liu Qingsong, bear the burden of this kind of thing!"

Liu Qingsong looked at the person in front of him complicatedly, and there was a little bit of golden light shining beside him, and he felt extremely shocked and moved in his heart for a moment.

"Burden? Well, okay, then I will trouble Mrs. Liu."

Liu Wenyu coughed lightly, looking at the expressions of the NPCs, without exception, he probably thought too much.

Still, it's good for 887!

Brain supplement, is a good thing.

Liu Wenyu shook his head and slowed down.

Looking around, he exhaled, and then smiled.

The surroundings are empty, except for a nutrition cabin, there is nothing else.

This is a private villa bought by Liu Wenyu.

Yes, he is back!

After discussing with the NPC to collect the blood of all races, I wanted to spend more time with the villain.

Who knew that the NPC would ask many questions again, so it was naturally difficult for him to refuse.

After all, cannibalism has short mouths and short hands.

Thinking of the surprised expressions of the two before leaving, Liu Wenyu smiled again.

"I didn't expect that when the time for possessing the card came up this day, the doctor would be eliminated directly on the spot."

"However, the game is actually real, and the villain is also real, so can I practice exercises from now on?"

"Flying into the sky, entering the earth, or even living forever?"

"However, the most important thing is that it seems to be out of the order?"

Cough cough, after the Spring Festival, and some trivial things at home, I am back again! Dads

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