boom! boom! boom!

Give the dads three heads first!

8 tonight, please subscribe for support!

At 8 o'clock tonight, please subscribe and support!

At 8 o'clock tonight, please subscribe and support!

At this moment, what I want to say most is: Thank you readers and friends who have supported me for so many days! Without you, I couldn't make it through at all!

Because I basically write daily sweet essays, I worry every time whether I can't write well, so I don't have flowers, so I keep asking for flowers!

Many readers' fathers are also very kind and encouraged Huahua. Every time I receive flowers, I am as happy and excited as Liyue!

Readers, fathers, are my adults, the best and best adults!

This book lasted 13 days from 10.10 to today! Except for two days of physical and mental exhaustion in the middle, the daily update is very stable!

In those two days, many people said that I was slow to update. I said that I had a cold. Some readers may still remember it.

In fact, it's not a power outage, it's a power outage.

Don't be afraid of your jokes, I can't afford the rent.

I owe my friend more than 20,000 yuan, and my credit card and Huabei are overdue.

My mobile phone receives debt reminder messages every day, and my friends dare not reply when they call and send messages.

This time is like a street mouse.

I really don't know what I would do if it wasn't for the support of my readers.

The rented house has a deposit, which cannot be refunded, but the house is still liveable, but there is no electricity and hot water.

Starting from 10.10, I code words in the Internet cafe every day.

We have a small Internet cafe here, 3.5 an hour, twelve fast all night. But the equipment is terrible, especially the keyboard, which is hard and hard to press.

Recharge 100 and get 100 free on weekends. I still had 437 yuan left on me, so I charged 200 yuan in, and kept 237 yuan for dinner.

Careful readers can find that I start updating every day at 1:00 in the afternoon until 1:00 in the morning of the next day, which is basically the time period.

I woke up every afternoon, brushed my teeth and washed my face, set off from the rented house, and went to the vegetable market to buy steamed buns for two yuan and cold dishes for five yuan.

That's what I eat all day. I type very slowly. Others do three or four hours a day, but I need at least twelve hours to finish writing.

I have been sitting on a stool in an Internet cafe for a week, 12 hours a day. Every day I write until my head feels dizzy, and my back hurts every day during this time.

But what makes me most uncomfortable is nervous tinnitus. After coding all night and returning to the rental house every day, my ears will buzz as soon as I lie down, and it lasts for more than ten minutes each time.

I have no other choice, I dare not go home like this, my parents thought I was fine outside.

All my hopes are pinned on this book. Others told me that if my book gets 20,000 a day, it will definitely make money.

I think so too, but I'm too slow to type, and sometimes I slap myself when I can't figure out the plot!

Feel like a piece of shit! Why can't I when others can! Like a cripple!

I am very grateful to those readers who left me a message "Come on" in the book review area. Every time I can't persist, I will read those comments.

The extremely simple two words seem to be my life-saving straw. If it weren't for you, I would really...

I will humbly accept everyone's suggestions and opinions. Every time someone says something is wrong, I will quickly revise it, for fear of losing any readers.

This book is no longer my book, it is our book!

I dare not say that Power Generation for Love will write down no matter what the results are on the shelves. In front of me is a very cruel reality. If my grades are not good, I will even have problems eating.

But I can guarantee that as long as the results on the shelves are not too ugly, I can maintain my life.

I will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations of me, of this book!

Last month, I changed three accounts in a row and wrote the beginning of ten books.

But every book is not good, and this book gave me hope at the end of the month.

More than 1,000 favorites on the first day, the results are very good.

But because I wrote a book for the first time, I couldn't grasp the rhythm well, and lost many readers.

A colleague who opened the book on the same day as me did not score as well as me on the first day, but was surpassed by him in the next two days.

I can't write the mockery of Versailles, wasting such a good beginning.

At that time, my mentality exploded, and many author friends said that my writing collapsed, and the eunuch should start a new book as soon as possible.

To be honest, I really wanted to give up.

But I couldn't bear it. On the first day of book release, many people cheered me up by commenting and sending a lot of flowers.

I'm afraid I cut it and I'm sorry for the readers' support to me. More importantly, I took a deep breath in my heart!

I know I don't have the talent for writing, but I believe that hard work can make up for it!

I don't care about anything, I write every day when I wake up, it's like going crazy!

I remember one day, all the data in the book of that colleague was much higher than mine.

Looking at the data in my book, I felt more and more uncomfortable, so I left a message in the book, wanting to increase a data, and give myself some encouragement.

When I woke up the next day, there were two thousand more flowers!

My eyes were moist in an instant. I was in the Internet cafe and there were many people around. I hurried to the toilet to wash my face with cold water, and my emotions stabilized.

Forget it, let's not talk about this, I feel like I got sand in my eyes again as I wrote it... No, I got into iron mines...

And yesterday, the publishing fee was paid, and my manuscript fee card bug was gone after 500. I felt very sad. As a result, readers' fathers immediately sent me flowers, which was super touching!

Haha, it's going to be on the shelves soon. After so many days of hard work, it's all about this trembling!

Others have a signing push when they put it on the shelves, but it's the first time I write it, so I don't know if I wrote something that shouldn't be written.

The editor said that he would not recommend it to me, and let me fight for it myself. If the subscription data is high, he will help me apply for it.

I beg you, give me some subscriptions, even if it is one or two chapters!

Help me win a recommendation position, which can increase the exposure of this book! Of course, if you have the conditions, I will be grateful if you can make a decision!

Success or failure depends on one action, and it depends on readers, fathers, whether you are willing to give me a hand!

I have said so much in one breath, I am happy, and I am afraid that you will be too long-winded, so let me talk about the update problem after it is put on the shelves.

Within 24 hours of being on the shelves, even if I died suddenly in an Internet cafe, I would have to pay 15,000 words!

The first order is more than 300, 2 updates per day, 10,000 words!

The first order is more than 400, 3 updates per day, 12,000 words!

The first order is more than 500, 3 updates per day, 15,000 words! See you tonight at 8pm!

See you tonight at 8 o'clock!

See you tonight at 8 o'clock!

Finally, I would like to say that I am very grateful to the readers and fathers who support me!

Where there is a will, there is a way, and if the boat is overwhelmed, the Baier Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu! Those who work hard, live up to the heavens, and taste their courage, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu!

Celebrate the 7-day long holiday of National Day and enjoy reading books! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: October 1st to October 7th)

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