Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1007: Han Batian's mind

Sitting in front of the tombstone, Xiao Shan, the rickety figure, suddenly grew older. In front of the old master, Xiao Shan regretted one thing. If he had been in front of the old master, the situation might be different.

Twenty years ago, in a struggle for the position of the heir, the old master who was originally a winner successfully became the new heir. After one night, I went to a ceremony the next day. Everything was arranged. .

Who knows that an unexpected accident happened so suddenly. In some cases, even brothers will eventually become enemies of life and death. In order to achieve their goals, they will not hesitate to start with their relatives. Xiao Shan had witnessed this battle with his own eyes.

So before that, Xiao Shan would say to Xiao Yi that the most terrifying and dangerous things in this world are not sharp blades and weapons, but a person’s heart. Good and evil are just a moment, one thought becomes a Buddha and one thought becomes a devil. The human mind is something that cannot be figured out.

From the Han family in S City, Han Batian returned from an outing and took it back to the room. Only this time, when Han Batian returned, his face was very gloomy. The servant at home knew that Han Batian had a temper, so Whenever he speaks, he is cautious, for fear of making Han Batian angry.

When he arrived in the room, Han Batian sat on a great teacher’s chair. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He raised his hand and patted the table suddenly. The wife beside him was shocked because he knew that Han Batian felt a little unhappy today. So don't blame Han Batian.

"It's really unreasonable. Han Batian has lived at such a young age. Wherever he has suffered from such a frustration, he is really becoming more and more presumptuous, and he doesn't put the Han family in his eyes at all."

Han Ba ​​Weather was annoyed. At this moment, Han Batian’s wife had also experienced such a thing, and she was very unhappy in her heart, just like Han Batian, but she was able to forbear and persuade. ,

"Don't be angry either. He has always had such a temper and personality. As long as he has the right moment, he will feel that he is great. You don't have to take it seriously."

"I also know the truth, but I just feel a little angry, but when it's his turn to say such things, he is really a tiger in the mountain, and all messy people want to ride on your head."

Han Batian said, after taking a few long breaths, Han Batian felt a little more happy, and he shouldn't lose his temper just now.

Since he left the military area, Han Batian stayed in such a courtyard house. He has gradually forgotten the right and wrong. He has become an old man who has nothing to do with the world, thinking that he is living at home. Leisure days.

This time, I was specially invited to the past. I didn't want to go. In desperation, Han Batian took a trip, but when he came back, he became like this. After more than 20 years, his temper was broken.

The wife also knows the whole story. She is the same as Han Batian. She has experienced this. Even if they encounter such a situation right now, what they can do is the same as before, to be an outsider.

"We have persisted in this way for more than 20 years, and we don't care what happened today. From now on, we will stay here and live our own chic life."

"I feel a little bit upset in my heart. The kid of that guy doesn't know what's going on now. If he takes everything he has lost and retakes it, where will it be the turn of these fleas to spread here."

Han Batian sighed. It was originally an unintentional sentence, but at the moment when his wife heard it, there was another smell in his ears.

This was the first time my wife heard this sentence, and had never heard Han Batian talk about it before, so when Han Batian said this sentence, she immediately reacted.

"What? What do you mean by that? You mean, his child is still alive?"

Asked his wife, Han Batian realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and initially promised Xiao Shan that everything about his children should be kept secret, and he should never talk to outsiders.

"I'm just saying that. If his child was still alive, he would be more than 20 years old by now. It's a pity that this can only be an idea, and it is not a fact after all."

Han Batian said that his wife always felt that Han Batian’s words had a strange smell. It seemed that there was something to hide, but it seemed that there was nothing. After all, the original accident has been confirmed. Three people all died in the fire.

It was Han Batian who said casually, so his wife didn't ask any more questions. What happened today was treated as an episode, and it didn't matter if it passed.

"By the way, what is Binger doing these few days? I see her busy, what is she doing?"

The wife asked Han Batian about Han Bing's tea. She has never been told about it. At present, only Han Batian knows, and Han Batian doesn't know how to say it. He thought it was a little funny.

"You... I don't know what kind of daughter I gave birth to. I kept clamoring about growing tea a few days ago. Let me see what I want to do a big business. I should be busy growing tea these days. thing."


Han Batian's wife didn't hold back, she spouted a sip of tea, and she really never thought that this kind of thing would happen to her daughter.

"Haha... I thought she was joking at first, but I didn't expect it to be true. With Xiaobing's character, where is the tea planting material, you are a father, so I don't know how to persuade you."

"How can I persuade, she is already an adult, and besides, she vowed to me that she will make a lot of money, which makes me admire."

Han Batian said, Han Bing is Han Batian's baby, no matter what Han Bing does, as long as it is not lawless things like murder and arson, Han Batian will support it, because the Han family is not short of money.

This time, Han Bing's unexpected behavior made the couple very puzzled. Why do they want to grow tea in a good manner? This is like a kind of full support.

"You talk about the child Xiaobing, why such a strange idea suddenly popped up in his mind? The family is not short of money. How much she can make from growing tea, even if she makes money, is only rare compared with the family industry. ."

"Don't worry about it, as long as she likes it, she can toss it as she pleases. It just happens that she is not in the military area, so she can avoid some dangerous things.'

Han Batian said that after the last time, Han Batian said that nothing would allow Han Bing to do such dangerous tasks in private, especially now that the world outside is chaotic.

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