Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1023: Mentorship

Of the six employees in the company, four chose to leave Tamron. This was what Xiao Yi expected, and it was also a sad thing.

After all, Meng Qi just now poached people from his company in front of Xiao Yi. It was like slap Xiao Yi in public. Before Meng Qi, Xiao Yi had no face. .

Fortunately, two people stayed in the end. For Xiao Yi, this was a comforting thing. The two people who stayed can be said to be the most loyal to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi also needs such manpower.

"Xiao Yi, you are so true. If you agreed to the requirements of the four people just now, they would not choose to leave like this. You know we encountered this kind of thing at the beginning of H city, but I brought six people. Backbone members."

While Wang Rong took advantage of the time when the two people were talking on the roadside, she came over to talk to Xiao Yi about what she had just done. She felt that it was a bit unreasonable for Xiao Yi to do this. If he had agreed to the salary requirements of the two people before, there would be no answer Things down happen.

"You can think about it, if the salary increase is just so casually set, in the future, how many people will pop up in the company, and want to use this as a threat to ask the company to raise the salary. Tamron is not me. One person has the final say, no rules can't make a circle. You should understand this truth better than I do."

Xiao Yi sighed deeply. What Wang Rong said just now, Xiao Yi did not think about it, but now that things have developed, it is no longer a problem that money can solve. If you simply agree to the requirements of the employees under your hands, there will be more people in the future. , To use this matter to ask Tamron.

Wang Rong thought about it for a while, and it was indeed the same as Xiao Yi said. Just now, she had not considered it thoughtfully and had forgotten the consequences behind this incident. Xiao Yi was right at the moment, but his vision was more profound.

"I forgot to consider this relationship. Fortunately, you, Xiao Yi, are present, so what should we do now? The rented office space is occupied by Lanhui, or I will take a look around here. Is there a suitable place."

"You don't need to spend such a lot of effort. Since Meng Qi is able to tell the truth about this matter, it also means that the next thing will be the same. With the strength of Lanhui, just say something around here. Someone will rent the place to us."

Xiao Yi said that Meng Qi came for him, and with the strength of Lanhui, it is very easy to do this kind of thing. If you just say something in H City, everyone has to look at Meng Qi's face and listen to Meng Qi. Commanded.

This is nothing more than a turnover of money and relationships. Lanhui has no difficulty in doing this. So now Xiao Yi knows very well that he doesn't need to go out and know what the result will be like.

"Then we can't just go back like this? Everyone came out with confidence, and then just went back like this, it would be too shameful."

Xiao Yi heard what Wang Rong said. It is not the time to be anxious. Some things seem to have no way forward. If you calm down, there may be other solutions.

At this moment, a person ran out of Xinghuo Building. This person was not someone else. It was Meng Liangchen, Meng Qi’s son, Meng Qi’s son, who was Xiao Yi’s apprentice. Easy to meet.


Meng Liangchen walked behind Xiao Yi and yelled at Xiao Yi. Master hadn't yelled for a long time, and he felt so distorted.

Xiao Yi slowly turned around. After seeing Meng Liangchen, Meng Liangchen felt a little more impetuous and mature than before. This initial exercise has also received the results it should have.

"Meng Liangchen, now I am your father's competitor, so I don't need to shout with this master."

"How can this be? You are my master for one day and my entire life. It was my dad's plan to go against you. I was opposed to it. But Master, you should understand my current situation, even though it is a replacement for my sister. Ben, but actually, it’s almost the same as the puppet in the movie."

At this point, Meng Liangchen can clearly realize that his ability at work is very clear in his heart. If it were not for the old team left by Meng Qi in the company, Meng Liangchen could not do anything at all.

Xiao Yi smiled, his apprentice told him the truth, thinking about the relationship between himself and the Meng family, because the previous thing was completely broken, and it seemed that he could not do this.

"You kid is very self-aware, knowing how much you can do."

"That's... if you can do it, if you don't do it, you can't do it. Master, you said this."

"You still have a conscience, knowing that you can come and talk to me now, you can do your own activities now, but it is a hardship for your sister. I don't know how your sister is now?"

Xiao Yi asked about Meng Nana's situation. This woman had a bit of arrogance in her bones. Xiao Yi admitted that when she first saw Meng Nana, she was very disgusted.

However, after people get along for a long time, they will have feelings. I haven't seen Meng Nana for a while, and Xiao Yi really missed it a bit.

"Hey, I don’t know what my dad thinks. When I took such a capable person, he shut my sister at home and pushed me to the front. My sister’s situation was terrible before. Because of my anger with my dad, I was bored in the room all day, and I rarely ate food."

Meng Liangchen told the truth, Xiao Yi felt very sympathetic to Meng Nana at the moment, but the current self made Meng Qi so hard to make a decision.

"This silly woman, don't treat yourself badly when you do anything. You have to do what you do."

"But recently, her condition has improved a lot. She doesn't talk about regular meals every day, and she also adds meals in the evening."

When Xiao Yi heard this result, he felt relieved. Meng Nana had known herself somehow, especially in Xiao Yi's heart now that he was so interested in this woman. When he heard about Meng Nana's situation before, Xiao Yi felt a little heartache in his heart.

"Tell your sister, just say what I said, if a woman is hungry and thin, and she feels no meat on her butt, she will have no taste at all. When it is time to eat, she still has to eat. After all, she is full. Only then can I lose my temper."

"What kind of fallacy are you, people are like this, and they can't say anything nice."

Wang Rong pushed Xiao Yi angrily. It was about time. Xiao Yi had the thought to make a joke. I really don't know how big a heart Xiao Yi is.

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