Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1042: Gift calligraphy

Here, Mayor Chen praised Xiao Yidao, but Xiao Yi didn't think so high, just to achieve his goal.

Now Mayor Chen nodded and agreed. Then Xiao Yi will start formal work. At present, Tenglong, let Lanhui squeeze out of the city, and it is in such a place that it takes root and grows into a towering tree. .

"Happy! It's been a long time since I've been so happy. Young people have dreams and their own motivation. It's really good. Unlike me, an old man, time is not allowed for many things I want to do in the dying year. ."

Mayor Chen sighed. Seeing Xiao Yi is like seeing him at the beginning. He has inexhaustible strength. Among the young people he meets, Xiao Yi has rarely encountered him.

"Mayor Chen Baodao is not old. It's a bit discouraged to say this, but don't worry. After the construction of my contracted area is completed, you can go for a walk and walk around inside. This is good for your health."

Xiao Yi and Mayor Chen said, Mayor Chen laughed a few times, Xiao Yi has this kind of intention and it is good enough, you know this is not a simple project, in a short period of a few years, it will not be completed at all. ,

"Okay, then I will wait for this day."

Mayor Chen said, then he picked up the writing brush on the table, dipped it on the inkstone, swiped it on the rice paper, and wrote two large characters.

Mayor Chen is not only the mayor of City H, but also has a lot of knowledge, especially when he writes good handwriting. Many people come to see Mayor Chen, and finally they have to ask Mayor Chen for a calligraphy to go back.

Xiao Yi looked down at the two characters on the paper. The handwriting was vigorous and powerful, and he finished it in one go, especially at the end of the last character. He looked like a real calligrapher. Xiao Yi touched his chin and said in his mouth.


Wang Rong stood by Xiao Yi's side, heard Xiao Yi's words, almost didn't laugh on the spot, and quickly raised one leg and kicked Xiao Yi's ass.

When people are dying, just say something, it will make you have the urge to jump like a thunder, just like Xiao Yi now. If you don’t know it, you will admit that you don’t know it. Xiao Yi read the taste of a bad wind.

"What's the mess, you can see clearly, what Mayor Chen wrote is magnanimous."

Xiao Yi felt embarrassed and touched his nose, and his eyes clearly saw that Mayor Chen's hand holding the brush was trembling. Fortunately, Mayor Chen was more restrained and not angry with Xiao Yi.

"Ahem, I forgot to read from here to there, slutty--cough, magnanimous!"

The hand holding the pen was trembling slightly. If someone else said something like this, Mayor Chen would definitely hold the writing brush and poke the other person’s forehead, shouting loudly and widening his eyes. Slut?

"It seems that my writing hasn't reached home yet."

Mayor Chen sighed. After Wang Rong heard these words, he hurriedly comforted Mayor Chen here, and finally got the renovation project. Don't use Xiao Yi's words, all efforts were wasted.

"Mayor Chen, don't listen to the nonsense of this **** Xiao Yi. He hasn't even finished junior high school, so he is not as knowledgeable as this kind of illiterate."

"Really? It turned out to be so, then I won't be angry."

Mayor Chen was like a child. After Wang Rong said this, the sigh of relief immediately disappeared. Since Xiao Yi is a person who has not graduated from junior high school, why should he compete with Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi wanted to refute that, at any rate, he is proficient in several languages. Seeing that Mayor Chen feels better now, it is better not to say this. Wang Rong comforted most of the day, not because of his own words. , Completely annoyed Mayor Chen.

But Xiao Yi’s worries here are superfluous. Mayor Chen is not so careful. Even if Xiao Yi admits his mistake, the things he just promised will not change. Sitting in this position, what he said will count. Even the people around you will not be able to convince you if you make changes.

"This pair of characters should be given to you Xiao Yi. You will wait for me here for a while, and I will write an approval letter. Then you can follow your ideas and do it with confidence."

Mayor Chen said that the last formality is still missing at this time, which is to give Xiao Yi an approval. After the approval is obtained, Xiao Yi has the right to transform the project.

After waiting for a while, Mayor Chen gave Xiao Yi all the things he was going to prepare. At the same time, he promised Xiao Yi that there would be no changes in the ecological park within 20 years. As for things after 20 years, no one can do anything. To guarantee.

Twenty years later, no one’s eyes can see what the world will be like this long. For Xiao Yi, twenty years is enough, and even within a few months, Xiao Yi will understand Responsible area, a tremendous change.

"Thank you again, Mayor Chen, for wasting your time and willing to listen to us here."

Xiao Yi turned around and thanked Mayor Chen. Originally, it was time for people to eat and rest. They were bothering Mayor Chen.

Mayor Chen waved his hand. This matter does not matter to him. There is time for rest or something. The most important thing today is to solve the problem in the Eastern District.

"The things in City H are my things. In my lifetime, I also hope that this city will get better and better. Listening to what you guys say has benefited me a lot. After all, this world is your young people. Yes, if you have any dreams to do it well, it would be a kind of waste if you have a bland past in this life."

Xiao Yi, Yuan Sheng, and Wang Rong, the three of them bowed to Mayor Chen. After getting the things they needed, they withdrew from Mayor Chen's office. Then Xiao Yi was about to begin to retaliate.

"Brother Xiao Yi, you are really not a simple person. This is the longest time I know that the mayor spent time alone to meet a person, and also gave you a copy of it."

Yuan Sheng admired and said, envious of Xiao Yi's treatment, just now from the mayor's side, you can hear that the mayor's evaluation of Xiao Yi is very high, this time he also chose the right person.

When Xiao Yi thought of that character, why did he always feel that there was such a weird taste? Mayor Chen gave it to him and had to hang it in the office, but these two characters were really awkward.

"Wang Rong, this character should be given to you."

Wang Rong held a picture written by Mayor Chen in his hand. If Xiao Yi hadn't said those two words before, Wang Rong would think Xiao Yi was kind, but now Wang Rong also feels something is wrong.

"Mayor Chen’s kindness, I gave you a pair of calligraphy for nothing, then I mounted it and hung it in the general manager’s office!"

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