Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1065: Two messages

"Xiao Yi, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? Why are you burying good jade in the ground, waiting for the price of jade to rise, and then dig it out and sell it?"

Yuan Sheng asked curiously, Xiao Yi still wondering how to answer Yuan Sheng's question. Yuan Sheng's words gave Xiao Yi a reminder, so Xiao Yi followed Yuan Sheng's meaning.

"Boss Yuan was right. I heard that jade is buried in a good feng shui location, and the quality of jade can be maintained and improved. I think the feng shui here is good."

Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng made up some nonsense. Yuan Sheng thought that Xiao Yi was playing a joke at first, but seeing Xiao Yi speak with an eye-catching attitude, he couldn't help but believe that what Xiao Yi said seemed to be true.

"So you still know this, why haven't I heard of it?"

"This is one time when I slept at night, when I was dreaming, I met an old man with a white beard, and the old man with a white beard told me."

"Really? Will it really work?"

Seeing Yuan Sheng's expression at this moment, Xiao Yi had reason to believe that after Yuan Sheng returned, he would definitely find a better Feng Shui place to bury his jade.

Anyway, this kind of mysterious thing, no one can understand it, you can believe it or not. Only Xiao Yi knows the truth in his heart, and only Xiao Yi understands his intention.

"Well, I will look for someone to do this thing and bury these jade stones, but Xiao Yi, I found out that since I met you, how do you feel that you are mysterious and mysterious, as if there is something different from normal people. The place."

Yuan Sheng looked at Xiao Yi's face and frowned slightly. He also took a look at this time to confirm that he saw Xiao Yi instead of the big immortal Xiao Yi.

"Ahem, there is something abnormal about me. I have a longer head and a pair of eyes than others."

"I can't say clearly, hey... If you don't even think about it, I'm still busy with the construction site."

Looking at Yuan Sheng's back, Xiao Yi really couldn't bear to deceive Yuan Sheng, but because of Dao Fa, Xiao Yi's secret was in his heart, even the closest person around him, Xiao Yi could not tell.

As Yuan Sheng walked, thinking about things in his head, he didn't pay attention and hit the electric pole on the side. Xiao Yi almost didn't laugh. Yuan Sheng rubbed his head and continued to walk forward.

"Talents...all of them are talents."

Sitting on a rock, the project here already has a rudimentary shape. It is estimated that it will be out in more than ten days.

The renovation of the new company is progressing very quickly. Within a few days, employees can move in and start working. When Meng Qi was squeezed out of H City, Xiao Yi wanted to prove that no matter how Meng Qi came to squeeze out, he would Find a way to survive in H City.

In the Meng’s villa, Meng Nana has become much more stable since she learned about her pregnancy. She will not go on a hunger strike like before. It’s okay to be hungry. The little life in her stomach cannot lack nutrition. .

On the one hand, Meng Qi is often away from home, and she doesn’t understand Meng Nana’s situation. On the other hand, under the cover of her grandmother, no one knows that she is pregnant, just thinking that Meng Nana is pregnant. Nana is sick and needs time to recuperate.

After these few days, the grandmother took care of me. It turned out that Meng Nana was very weak. The doctor told Meng Nana that if her body remained so weak, the fetus would not survive. Fetal medicine.

Mother Sun was also a person who came here. She knew how to deal with this situation. On the one hand, she took care of Meng Nana's diet and daily life. On the other hand, she found time to chat with Meng Nana. Meng Nana's mood improved, which is good for the development of the fetus.

"Miss, do you think about what to do next? Now that the child has a small belly and it is not obvious, once it waits for the belly to grow up, there is really no way to hide it."

Meng Nana was sitting on the bed with her hands on her knees. At this moment, Meng Nana didn't want to think about it at all. The only thing she thought about was giving birth to a child. No matter how difficult it is, children are everything to Meng Nana.

"My grandmother is not thinking about what to do now. The only thing I think about is to give birth to the child. The child is everything to me. If I have to leave the house, I will keep the child."

"Hey... There is a saying that grandma doesn't know whether to say it or not. Miss, you have become like this now. You should contact the father of the child. The child belongs to him and should be more or less responsible."

Sun's mother sighed. Sun's mother also wanted to know a man who could make the young lady so fond of. Who is it? Since the young lady became pregnant, the child's father has become a mystery.

Mentioned the child’s father, in Meng Nana’s mind, the shadow of Xiao Yi immediately appeared, that stubborn figure, although not so handsome, made Meng Nana’s heart full of him. Shadow.

Today, Xiao Yi and the Meng family have become mortal enemies. Meng Nana knows what the result will be if the child's father is exposed, so Meng Nana does not want anyone to know who the child's father is.

"Don't worry about this, Sun Ma, I naturally have my plan. I am a little embarrassed to let Sun Ma take care of it for a while."

"Miss, what are you talking about, you are in trouble, I can help as much as I can, where..."

Sun Ma was talking, but there was a knock on the door outside. Sun Ma immediately stopped talking, Meng Nana asked.

"Sister Na is me."

Meng Liangchen outside the door said, Meng Nana breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his voice, and let her mother open the door.

Sun Ma walked over and opened the door of the room, greeted Meng Liangchen, and then left the room. The two brothers and sisters talked, and they had nothing to do with him.

Meng Liangchen walked into Meng Nana's room, then closed the door, and after finding a place to sit down, Meng Liangchen saw Meng Nana at this moment, and he really didn't know what to say.

Meng Nana looked at Meng Liangchen and kept silent when she entered the door. She didn't know what happened to Meng Liangchen, so Meng Nana asked.

"Xiaochen, is there anything you want to tell me? See you hesitate."

"Sister Na, there are two news, one is good news and the other is bad news. I don't know which one you want to hear."

Meng Liangchen changed his view and said that Meng Nana looked at Meng Liangchen's hesitation, and knew that there must be something more serious. She has become like this now. I really can't think of any worse news.

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