Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1068: Go when it's time to go

Xiao Yi still had a premonition that something was about to happen here. As a result, he received a call from Wang Sheng. During the call, Zhang Bing only briefly said what happened. When Xiao Yi arrived at the scene, he would naturally understand.

The speed was fast along the way. Four hours later, Xiao Yi arrived in S city, and then, as Zhang Bing said, he found the hospital where Wang Sheng was located. After Xiao Yi arrived, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Entering the hospital, at the information desk, I found out which ward Wang Sheng is currently in. Xiao Yi got on the elevator. After exiting the elevator, he found Wang Sheng's ward, opened the door and walked in.

This time Wang Sheng brought some people to the tea garden. Xiao Yi could conclude from the beginning that he would not ignore it so peacefully. That's why he told Wang Sheng. After arriving here, under special circumstances, don’t Hands-on with people.

Earlier, Xiao Yi learned that the Song family was in the nearby villages and towns. There were indeed some forces, and the villagers living there maintained a fearful attitude towards the Song family, for fear that they would offend the Song family and Xiao Yi. Here in S city is just to grow tea, there is no need to have any unhappiness with the local people.

After pushing the door open, Xiao Yi saw Zhang Bing sitting on the hospital bed in the ward. There were three beds in the ward. Now only Wang Sheng is lying on it. After Zhang Bing heard the footsteps, he looked back and saw Xiao Yi came over and stood up and said.

"Xiao Yi, you are here."

Wang Sheng, who was lying on the hospital bed, was injured physically, but his mind was clear. Hearing the news of Xiao Yilai, he barely supported himself from the bed.

"Brother Xiao, why are you here, Zhang Bing has told you, don't bother him to come over, I will take care of this matter."

Wang Sheng was a little apologetic. It was originally something Xiao Yi entrusted to him, but it turned out that it was done like this, and he had no face to see Xiao Yi.

"You're already like this, you can still deal with a fart, lie down here for me obediently, and I'll take care of myself first."

Xiao Yi stepped forward and pressed Wang Sheng's body to indicate that Wang Sheng didn't need to sit up, just just say anything.

"Zhang Bing, how is the situation?"

Zhang Bing stood up and gave way to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi checked Wang Sheng's body. There were many bruises, and the opponent obviously had a heavy hand.

"When I arrived, Wang Sheng and the two people under his hands were already lying on the ground. Some blood was bleeding on the ground. I hurriedly called an ambulance and took the people to the hospital. Fortunately, they were all skin traumatized. Wang Sheng’s injury was more serious and one arm was dislocated.

"What the **** happened, Wang Sheng, didn't I tell you? Be honest here, don't do anything with people casually."

Xiao Yi questioned Wang Shengdao. Wang Sheng leaned a little by the bed and sighed deeply.

"Brother Xiao, you really wronged me this time. I just brought two younger brothers. How could it be possible to go out to fight? This is how things happened. It has nothing to do with our people."

Wang Sheng told Xiao Yi what had happened before. Xiao Yi sat down and listened first. What was it? If Wang Sheng was responsible, Xiao Yi didn’t need to seek justice. On the contrary, if the responsibility was not there. With Wang Sheng, the result was different.

It turned out that Wang Sheng, who had not come to work in the tea garden before, took his two younger brothers to the nearby villages and towns to advertise, thinking that the effect would be better, but after Wang Sheng went, the result was Still the same, no gain.

Just when Wang Sheng was impatient, several young people appeared at this time. Each of them had a shovel and a **** in his hand. Wang Sheng thought that these people were planning to come to work in the tea garden, so he and These people chatted a few more words.

However, the facts are contrary to what Wang Sheng thought. These people did not come to find work, but to find faults and fights. They used an excuse to say that people like Wang Sheng stood at the intersection in the village and affected the village’s traffic. Do it without saying anything.

Although Wang Sheng is a local rogue, but sometimes he needs to be reasonable, especially when Xiao Yi previously ordered it alone. Under no special circumstances, don't do it casually. Just a few strokes will be over. He Just change the position.

Explain that these people, who shot too hard, came up with a shovel and almost didn't catch their breath. When Wang Sheng realized that there was something wrong with it, it was too late. How could the three of them be these people? 'S opponent was surrounded and beaten by these people.

"Brother Xiao, what I said is true. From the beginning to the end, my people and I did not fight back. If you don't believe me, you can ask my brothers. They were all injured and went to the hospital."

Wang Sheng and Xiao Yi explained that Xiao Yi believed that at this time, Wang Sheng would not lie. If the other party directly came up and started, it means that there is only one problem. These people originally came to Wang Sheng.

"Wang Sheng, I believe what you said, but here I want to say a few words about you. The other party has already begun to make heavy moves. With your feelings, you can detect ghosts in it. Why don't people with you dare to resist? Did you know you were beaten here?:"

"This... Didn't you say that Brother Xiao, I came here to grow tea, not from a fight, so my brothers and I are thinking about forbearing."

Xiao Yi stretched out an arm and patted Wang Sheng's shoulder. Wang Sheng's heart was good, but it was a pity that Wang Sheng shouldn't do this because the situation was different.

"Wang Sheng, I can understand my words flexibly. I didn't blindly tell you not to fight back. You have already been bullied to the top. If you don't even let go, is this a man?"

"Then Xiao Yi, what do you mean..."

"When you encounter this kind of thing, just go up and beat them up without saying anything. I'll cover the medical expenses. You Wang Sheng is also a macho man. Couldn't you even beat these gangsters?"

Xiao Yi and Wang Sheng said. After hearing Xiao Yi's words, Wang Sheng's eyes flashed with anger. This time, the incident was indeed too aggrieved. He was beaten there by himself, and he had never suffered. This bullying.

"I want you to be low-key here, and I don't want to bear it blindly. When you encounter this kind of thing, it is just two words. Beat him. If you can't beat him and leave, I don't believe you, Wang Sheng, can be beaten like this."

"Brother Xiao, don't tell me, I know that I did not do this thing right, and now I know how to do it."

Wang Sheng said that what Xiao Yi said is indeed reasonable. When those people started, he felt that something was wrong at the time, but in the end he chose to endure it. This was his fault.

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