Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1082: Kidney Deficiency Director

"Mayfair come and sit down quickly. This is the director Gong Hua Gong I told you about. He is also your fan. This time I brought a TV drama script. I want to talk to you. Want to be an actor too?"

He Guochao smiled at Su Fei'er. If He Guochao didn't laugh at Hu, Gong Hua felt it didn't matter. When He Guochao smiled like this, the whole person felt sick.

"Hello, Director of Kidney Deficiency. I have never seen a director before watching TV. I finally saw a live one this time. I really want to talk with you."

The two were looking forward to it. Sophie would sit next to Gong Hua after a while. At this time, Xiao Yi walked over to Gong Hua, pulled a chair and sat down.

Gong Hua frowned immediately. The person next to Sophie should be Sophie's bodyguard. Why is this bodyguard so much nosy.

"What are you talking about? What kidney deficiency?"

"Whoever has kidney deficiency, I will say who, Director Gong Hua, I have learned medical skills since I was a child, and I have learned home from seeing, hearing and asking. The first time I saw you, I could tell that Director Gong Hua had kidney deficiency. ?"

Xiao Yi laughed and said, Gong Hua's face was gloomy. At this moment, what Xiao Yi said here was absolutely correct. Gong Hua really had kidney deficiency. In order to treat kidney deficiency, Gong Hua didn't spend much money. In the end, he still had no effect at all. .

Kidney deficiency is kidney deficiency, but when you say this kind of thing in front of others, you can’t hold onto it, Gong Hua said coldly.

"What's the matter with Miss Sophie? I only invited you this time. Why does this person appear here?"

Gong Hua and Su Fei'er said, So Fei'er found a place to sit down, next to Xiao Yi, put the bag in her hand aside, facing Gong Huadao.

"Director Gong Hua is my personal bodyguard. It's natural to be with me."

"Personal bodyguard? So, Miss Sophie is worried about what I will do to your disadvantage. Even if it is eating, you must beware of me. I am an upright person, how can I use this method."

Gong Hua said, Sophie didn't panic when facing Gong Hua. Originally, this meal was just to deal with, and Xiao said with a smile.

"Since it's Director Gong Hua's upright words, then why bother about my bodyguard being present? It's just one more person and a pair of chopsticks. If Director Gong Hua doesn't think it will work, I'll take this meal."

Sophie said, Gong Hua obviously wanted to get Xiao Yi away, but now Sophie said so. If he insisted on Xiao Yi to go, he would appear to be a bit too stingy and let a woman look down here. .

What's more, the current Xiao Yi has already unscrewed the red wine, and here is nothing to see. A bottle of red wine worth 50,000 yuan was just tasted by Xiao Yi.

"Tsk tusk, this is red wine. It's really good to have money. Director Gong Hua, would you like to give me a few bottles of this red wine?"

Xiao Yi took the goblet and said back to Gong Hua. Gong Hua thought that Xiao Yi would really say that the price of this red wine is not low. A bottle is 50,000 yuan. Today is because of Sophie, otherwise. Gong Hua would not spend this kind of money.

"Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me here, this red wine is 50,000 yuan a bottle, do you know me? If it weren't for Sophie's sake, you wouldn't be here, so I am embarrassed to ask me for red wine. ."

Gong Hua sneered and cast a blank look at Xiao Yi. This kind of person is a bit whimsical. He is a famous director. How could he have contact with Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi picked up the goblet, the red wine swayed back and forth in the glass, and then gently normal, after putting down the wine glass, Xiao Yi gave a smirk.

"Director Gong, don't be so stingy. You should be generous. For example, I know a secret prescription for kidney deficiency. Shouldn't I tell you?"


Gong Hua froze for a moment. Xiao Yi had seen his kidney deficiency at a glance earlier, indicating that Xiao Yi did have some ability. He had kidney deficiency for many years, and it would be a good thing if he could be cured.

"Do you really have a secret recipe?"

"So you admit that you have a kidney loss, do you? I'll just say that you have a kidney loss, and you are still stiff-mouthed here, not at all true."

Xiao Yi said, Gong Hua's face was blue. He is a famous director who is being bullied by an unknown kid now. If it spreads out, it may turn into a joke.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Director Gong, I don't have the mood to tease you. Believe it or not, it's your business to lose or lose. I came today just to eat."

Xiao Yi ignored Gong Hua's cold eyes at the moment, then picked up a pair of chopsticks and looked at the table with only some dried fruits and the like. Xiao Yi tapped the table with the chopsticks.

"What do I say about food? Why don't you have any at all? Isn't it possible that Director Gong is just here to let people chat?"

Gong Hua was in a good mood before, but since Xiao Yi entered the door, Gong Hua’s whole person was not good. In Gong Hua’s heart, there was a strong premonition that if Xiao Yi was not taken away, I would only fear Xiao. It's easy to be bad.

"If you can really cure my disease, I can send you a box of red wine in return,"

Xiao Yi knew that Gong Hua would say that, and his kidney was suffering a lot. At this moment, Gong Hua must think that he can really cure his kidney deficiency.

"Kidney deficiency is kidney deficiency. To clarify a bit, your body's illness has gone away. In addition to kidney deficiency, there are hemorrhoids, right?"

"Waiter, serve!"

Gong Hua hurriedly said that for the first time, he discovered that he was in front of others, as if he was not wearing clothes. Xiao Yi was completely able to see through this matter on his body, and Xiao Yi was really amazing.

Sophie on the side, considering that under this kind of occasion, she has to converge a little, she couldn't help it a long time ago, and almost didn't laugh out loud. This is Xiao Yi's ability. A living person can be given alive by him. Can't be mad.

He Guochao asked Sophie to accompany Gong Hua to dinner today, in order to realize what Gong Hua said, he got Sophie to Gong Hua’s bed, and then he could get a sum of money from Gong Hua’s hand. The money is used to pay off gambling debts.

So far, He Guochao has owed 5 million gambling debts. For a person who doesn’t even have a job, he can’t pay it back. The people who borrowed money from He Guochao were all from the casino, knowing that He Guochao is Sophie. Don’t worry that He Guochao won’t pay back the money.

"Mayfair, why are you sitting here all the time? The big director accompanies you to dinner. Shouldn't you have a drink with Director Gong Hua?"

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