Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1098: Bai Yi's identity

Bai Yi has a special identity, that is, a person from the Material Cultural Center of S City, who specializes in tea culture. Today, Bai Yi originally went out to relax, but was attracted by the nameless fragrance of tea and came to Xiao Yi’s tea garden. among.

After drinking tea for a lifetime, Bai Yi has tasted all kinds of tea. There are precious teas and some rough teas from the countryside. Each kind of tea has its special flavor.

Bai Yi has tasted the good Longjing on Dahongpao, the Pu'er tea Biluochun, and even some tribute tea handed down from the feudal dynasty before, but these tea leaves are not as flavorful as those in this tea garden.

"Good tea, really good tea, what's your name, boy?"

Bai Yi asked Xiao Yidao. Xiao Yi answered truthfully and told his name.

"My name is Xiao Yi. How does the tea in my tea garden taste like, sir?"

"Yes, it's really good. The young man looks like the tea garden you contracted hasn't come to pick the tea yet, right?"

Xiao Yi nodded. Now the tea trees have only grown new sprout tips. If they are picked, the old tea farmers will have to wait a day.

"This tea has to be picked tomorrow."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Bai Yi's face, and there were some requests in his heart that he wanted to talk to Xiao Yi, but this request was a bit too much. After all, if such a rare tea is sold in the market, the price will definitely not be low. of.

"Young man Xiao Yi, I don’t know if you can keep some of your tea after frying it tomorrow. I don’t need too much, only one or two is enough. Of course, I can’t take your things for nothing. How much money is in the market, I still pay this price."

Xiao Yi guessed that Bai Yi was interested in his own tea, and could feel that Bai Yi's identity was not simple, and said with a smile.

"The old man has said this and it’s a big deal. It’s the first time my tea garden has opened. It’s a kind of fate to meet the old man. Otherwise, the old man will leave me an address. When the tea is ready, I will send some to the old man. ."

"Why is it so embarrassing? Such top-quality tea must be of great value. If I take your tea for nothing, wouldn't it make you suffer?"

Bai Yi said quickly, Xiao Yiken would leave tea for himself, and he didn't think much about it, nor did Bai Yi think about taking other people's things for nothing.

"The old man is the first customer of my tea garden. It is normal to have a discount. If the old man feels that the tea is delicious, he can help me publicize it later. This is considered the greatest care for me."

Xiao Yi and Bai Yi said that Bai Yi is not a simple person. He must have a great background. It is impossible to say that the person is Bai Yi. Even if it is other people, Xiao Yi will not be stingy with some tea.

An excited smile appeared on Bai Yi's face. Xiao Yi said a few words in his heart. He has many old friends who like to drink tea. If he goes back to hear what he said, he will definitely come to Xiao. Easy to buy tea.

After thinking about it this way, I accepted Xiao Yi’s kindness in my heart. It was the first time Bai Yi saw such a superb tea. He couldn’t wait to wait until tomorrow to taste the tea soup made from this tea. What kind of taste.

"Since this is the case, then I, an old man, accepted it with a cheeky, Xiao Yi, your tea is really good. I take these back, I'm afraid my old friends will know immediately, and they will definitely come by then. Buy your tea."

"Then Xiao Yi thanked the old man here. This is the first time the tea garden has opened. I don't know what it looks like at the back."

Xiao Yi said that he had already talked to Su Fei'er and planned to let Su Fei'er be the spokesperson of tea, so that the advertising effect of tea could be quickly shot out.

Bai Yi raised his head and glanced at this piece of tea. There were tea trees planted around the area. Although there are many tea trees, when it comes to picking tea, it is estimated that it is only a hundred catties.

Tea is picked as it grows. It is not picked directly at one time. After hearing what Xiao Yi said, Bai Yi laughed, put a hand in his pocket, and took out a business card.

"Young man Xiao Yi, although I don’t know what I can do for you, I just know that such top-quality tea should be quickly known to people and accepted. This is my business card. If you are in trouble, Of course it is about tea, you can call me."

Xiao Yi looked down, and Bai Yi handed out a business card, which he held out his hand to accept. It was a specially processed business card. Compared with the sales staff in some companies, I don't know where it is stronger.

On a business card, there is a pattern carved with red sandalwood on the front. The content of the pattern is an ancient pine. Under the ancient pine is a stone platform. On the stone platform is a small stove. The stove should be making tea.

On the top of the business card, a line of small characters is engraved in Xiaozhuan's font, with the Municipal Cultural Center written on it, Bai Yi's name below, and the contact information next. Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced at Bai Yi.

"I am the person in charge of the Municipal Cultural Center, researching tea culture and promoting traditional Chinese culture. I am very interested in your tea. Whenever you encounter any trouble with tea, just call me.

Bai Yi and Xiao Yi said, such a business card, already felt the weight in his hand, Xiao Yi accepted the business card.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai. If you encounter any trouble, you will definitely trouble Mr. Bai."

Xiao Yi said that after seeing this business card, Xiao Yi did not show much surprise. Before, he had guessed about Bai Yi's identity, guessing that Dao Bai Yi was not an ordinary person.

"In your previous words, this is not a trouble. For the first time in my life I smell such a strong tea fragrance, such a delicious tea, I have to let the whole world know."

Next, Bai Yi was in the tea garden. With the support of Xiao Yi, he walked around the tea garden several times. The fragrance of tea here is the biggest attraction for Bai Yi. He can't wait to live in the tea garden today. .

During the period, Bai Yi greeted the people in the tea garden. No one knew what kind of identity an old man like Bai Yi would have. Zhang Bing guessed that this old man is definitely not a simple person. Can feel it.

After staying in the tea garden for more than ten minutes, a burgundy Mercedes Benz drove towards the tea garden and stopped by the side of the road. Xiao Yi noticed someone coming, and saw the car door open, and a second came out of it. A woman in her teens, wearing a short black skirt with a covered hip, the wind shook her hair on the temples.

After getting out of the car, the woman raised her head and glanced towards Xiao Yi's side, stepping on a pair of black high heels on her feet, coming towards Xiao Yi's side.

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