Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1115: Wonderful

"It's too dangerous to do this..."

Thinking like this in my heart, interrupting the thoughts in my heart at the moment, Sophie was singing wholeheartedly. A song was only five minutes long, but while Sophie was singing, there were more than a dozen applauses.

After singing a song, Sophie slowly stood up from the ground, raised the tea cup in front of him, stood on the stage, and said to the audience below.

"In the previous days, Faye had some personal matters to deal with, so I didn’t have time to meet with everyone. Today, everyone came here to watch Faye’s performance. Here, Faye thank you all fans for your care of Sophie. Today, Faye I use tea instead of wine, thank you for your support to Mayfair."

While Sophie picked up the tea cup, those who chose to taste tea at the stage also took up the tea cup in their hands and toasted with Sophie. Sophie opened her small mouth and brought the fragrant tea soup. The smell in his mouth continued to spread, and Sophie's eyes widened at this moment.

I can’t believe this is the taste of tea. Sophie had drunk a lot of tea before. The only thing I felt was that things like tea are bitter. I would rather drink coffee than touch these things, but the tea I drank today, There is a clear difference.

Among the audience at the same scene, they tasted the two tea cups in front of them separately. When they drank the tea in the light blue tea cup, it was obvious that the taste of the tea inside was quite different. .

Originally, the quality of the tea planted by the Song family was considered acceptable, and it was also quite famous in the S city. Some people had tasted the tea in the red teacup and felt that the winning or losing was determined. When they tasted the taste of the latter's tea , I feel that what I thought before was really wrong.

"What kind of tea is this? Why haven't you drank it before? The taste is so unusual."

"I thought the tea leaves in this red teacup were delicious, but in comparison, the tea in this blue teacup has a very strong fragrance."

At this moment, it is not just the audience who are making comments, but the leaders behind the stage and the big bosses in the shopping malls. At this moment, more than a dozen people, all holding sky blue tea cups, come to taste the tea in the tea cups over and over again. the taste of.

Several people looked at each other with the same expression. They couldn’t believe that this was the taste of tea. They had never drunk such good tea before. They seemed to have been drunk for nothing. I saw them today. Really good tea.

"Ok... good tea! I have lived such a long time, and I have never drank such delicious tea."

"Yeah, the taste of this tea soup is slightly bitter in the mouth. When the taste melts, the whole mouth is full of sweetness, which is really delicious."

"It's also the first time to taste this quality of tea. No matter who owns the tea, I will definitely sell it to me later, whatever the price."

A big owner of a shopping mall has now expressed his attitude. Even if the premium tea is expensive, he still has to buy some. If he doesn't buy some, he will regret it forever.

Song Ren heard the praise from the people on the scene, he also smelled the fragrance of tea floating in the air, and his face was full of triumphant smiles. The result of this game has been known for a long time. Xiao Yi's doing this was a waste. Everybody's time.

"The quality of my Song family’s tea has always been obvious to everyone. Thank you for your praise. When I look back, my Song family’s tea will not be sold. I will give some to everyone at the scene."

Song Ren is very good at being a human being. Among the people present, there are either people who have made achievements in business, or have some identity and status. It will definitely not hurt to say hello to such people.

A few people nodded and chatted with Song Ren here. Among so many people, Bai Yi was the only one who sat there without any expression, because Bai Yi knew where the smell of tea came from. .

"The result of the game hasn't come out yet, what are you proud of here."

Zhang Bing stood aside and said with disdain, Song Ren felt that the winning or losing had already come out. The tea that so many people praised must be from the Song family. Zhang Bing said this now, nothing more than the last sophistry.

"Hehe, if you lose, you lose. It's no big deal. Who made you follow a boss who doesn't know what is good or bad? Xiao Yi actually wanted to fight tea with the Song family. Today I will let him know what strength is."

Zhang Bing was like Song Ren. This kind of person is really pitiful. If Song Ren knows the result later, I don't know what kind of face it will be.

On the stage, Xiao Yi and Sophie were still on the stage. Sophie recovered from the scent of tea. At this moment, he felt that the scent of tea was between his lips and teeth. Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Sophie said something.

"The green hills will not change to the green waters, if we are destined, see you on the rivers and lakes."

Just after saying this, Xiao Yi didn’t know when he appeared behind Sophie, with one hand on Sophie’s waist. Just when Sophie was about to cry out in surprise, Xiao Yi Said it.

"Don't be surprised, it's me."

"It turned out to be you, I said how it feels a familiar smell, when did you guy put on this suit, it scared me to death."

Sophie heard it was Xiao Yi's voice, which could be heard when she was dreaming, and she immediately calmed down.

"Are you ready?"

"Huh? What do you prepare?"

Xiao Yi asked Su Fei'er. Su Fei'er still didn't know what Xiao Yi meant. Under the straw hat, Xiao Yi showed a smile on his face, holding a steel wire rope hanging down in his hand.

"Get up!"

Pulling the wire rope, Xiao Yi grabbed Sophie's thin waist with one hand. The wire rope was slowly rising. Xiao Yi and Sophie left the ground together, slowly rising towards the side of the stage. Flew over.

Accompanied by Sophie’s exclamation, only the audience at the scene, among the rounds of applause, no one would hear Sophie’s voice. Xiao Yi hugged Sophie to the side of the stage, two people It is more than three meters high from the ground.

Xiao Yi loosened the wire rope in his hand, and Sophie's face suddenly turned pale with fright. The two of them were still so high from the ground. If they fell and injured him, it would be a bit too miserable.


With both arms stretched out, Xiao Yi firmly hugged Sophie in his arms. When Sophie was held tightly in his arms by Xiao Yi, it was a sigh of relief and pressed against Xiao Yi's chest. , A fan fist punched Xiao Yi's chest several times.

"You are such a bastard, you scared me to death."

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