Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1117: Unanimous and zero votes

"Everyone must be very curious about where the peculiar smell of tea just now came from. Next, I will announce for everyone that the tea in the blue tea cup was made by Xiao Yi, the person in charge of Tenglong Company in H City. The city contracted the tea grown in the tea garden."

"Haha, Xiao, what else do you have now..."

Song Ren didn't realize what the host was saying, and he laughed a lot here, but when he heard what the host was saying, Song Ren was dumbfounded.

The host on the stage is still coming to do propaganda work for Xiao Yi’s tea. Hearing this result, Song Ren’s act was like a blow out. Originally thought, the final result must be Xiao Yi’s loss. Unexpectedly, it would be the Song family who lost in the end.

I thought it was because the host made a mistake, or he heard it wrong, Song Ren listened to it again, this time he heard nothing wrong. Indeed, the person who won in the end was Xiao Yi.

"How is this possible, how is it possible that he won? He must be cheating, I am not convinced!"

Song Ren stood up and roared, dissatisfied with the final result, there must be a ghost in it.

With this kind of reaction, in Xiao Yi's mind, it was the expected result, the expected thing, and the final result were completely opposite. It would be really strange if Song Ren could sit here calmly. .

Bai Yi took the remaining half box of tea from Zhang Bing's hand and walked slowly to Song Ren's face. Seeing Song Ren's unconvinced appearance, Bai Yi sighed.

"The whole process is within the scope of monitoring, and it is impossible to cheat at all. If you lose, you lose. There is no excuse or reason."

"I don't believe it, it must be you... it must be you who are doing a ghost, right? The surname Xiao knows you, I understand it must be like this."

Song Ren was still not convinced, Bai Yi opened the tea box in his hand, took out some tea, put some tea in the cup on the side, poured some boiling water, and after brewing for a while, Bai Yi and Song Ren said.

"This tea is planted by Xiao Yi. If you have any questions, you can taste it now. Whether your tea is better or Xiao Yi's is better, you will naturally understand."

Bai Yi asked Song Ren to taste it, and Song Ren to comment. Song Ren hesitated. When the tea was brewed with boiling water, the smell of tea immediately wafted out.

Before that, Song Ren was still wondering when his own tea had such a strong fragrance of tea, and he never thought about it. The smell of tea came from the tea planted by Xiao Yi.

He picked up the tea cup, and after taking a sip, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe it was true. The Song family worked so hard for so many years to occupy the local high-quality tea garden, and finally lost to Xiao in the tea fight. easy.

"This taste...impossible. Something must have been artificially added. It must be like this. You with the surname Xiao are actually playing this way."

Xiao Yi originally wanted to give Song Ren a step, but Song Ren was really too much, saying that he was indifferent, but came to discredit the tea. Xiao Yi took a few steps forward and stood in front of Song Ren.

"You... what are you going to do?"

"What? Of course I beat you!"

An old punch hit Song Ren's nose directly. Song Ren had no idea that Xiao Yi would hit someone at this time, or in front of so many leaders.

There were two warm currents in the nasal cavity, and Song Ren quickly stretched out his hand to cover his nose. The sour and spicy smell in his nose was all there, and Song Ren screamed a few times.

"Old things I have tolerated you for a long time, don't think that I dare not beat you here. According to the law, you are called slander. If you dare to talk nonsense next time, I will tear your mouth."

Xiao Yi said angrily, Song Ren clutched his nose, Song Ming ran over from the side, helped Song Ren, looking at Xiao Yi with a vicious expression on his face.

"Xiao, you are too much, right?"

Song Ming questioned, it is strange that when Xiao Yi beat Song Ren, others pretended not to see the same, and completely ignored it.

"Why? You are his son, do you think I dare not beat you? It's because you forgot the previous thing, do you want me to remind you?"

Xiao Yi looked at Song Ming coldly, and Song Ming came to his senses, thinking that he still had the disease in Xiao Yi's hands. It would be too embarrassing to spread that kind of thing.

At this moment, Song Ming had to endure the tone, because Xiao Yi was not talking about it. If his temper came up, even if someone at the scene stopped him, he would inevitably be beaten.

"Okay, Xiao, let's wait and see!"

Song Ming took Song Ren away from the scene, Xiao Yi looked at the backs of these two people leaving, and they were usually dull things before saying this.

There were more people who told him to watch this, but it seemed that the final outcome was very miserable. After Song Ming and Song Ren left, the atmosphere on the scene was much cleaner. Bai Yi came over and took a picture of Xiao Yi. Shoulders.

"Okay, Xiao Yi, you can't be mad at this kind of person. Now everyone knows it. I want to recommend to you the tea that Xiao Yi grows. You have tasted the quality of this kind of tea. I said No matter how good it is, it’s not as good as after you have tasted it yourself."

Some leaders on the scene, and the big business bosses, after tasting Xiao Yi’s tea, no one said it was bad. The refreshing fragrance of tea can still be felt in the mouth after drinking it in the stomach. The smell of tea.

"Lao Bai, you really recommended a good tea this time. We underestimated you Xiao Yi before, and I'm sorry to say to you here."

"Yes, I used to drink the tea of ​​the Song family before, and I think the tea of ​​the Song family is good. Today is a gain in knowledge, Xiao Yi, you must not care about us."

Several people talked to Xiao Yi. Someone said on the spot that they would buy some tea with Xiao Yi. After drinking such a top-quality tea, it seemed to evoke a glutton in the stomach.

Xiao Yi still doesn't know how to set the selling price of tea, and wait until the next response from people and the tea market to set the price of tea.

This charity performance brought Xiao Yi’s tea to a climax. Through the tasting of the people on the spot, everyone had a new understanding of the tea in Xiao Yi’s tea garden. This kind of publicity effect is stronger than the advertisement on TV. More, more real.

Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing have grown up with the idea of ​​planting tea in their hearts, and now they have realized what they had in their hearts. It can be said to be a success. Zhang Bing smiled like a flower on his face. The decision to follow Xiao Yi's side was indeed the wisest choice.

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