Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1119: Undetectable emotion

A black car headed away from the street leaving S City. After a while, two people, one old and one young, appeared in the place where Xiao Yi had stayed before.

Bai Yi watched Xiao Yi's departure. This time Xiao Yi's departure did not know when he would come to S City again. Bai Yi still had a lot of words in his heart, and he wanted to talk to Xiao Yi.

"Girl, it seems that you are already a step late, Xiao Yi is gone now."

Taking a look at Bai Lele next to him, Bai Yi sighed at this moment. After hearing what grandpa said, Bai Lele glanced back.

"Grandpa, what are you talking nonsense? I'm not here to send him off. You came and I accompanied you."

Bai Lele defended. Looking at the expression on her granddaughter's face at this moment, although some things were not directly said, her face had already expressed the information indirectly and smiled.

"Although your grandpa is old, my eyes are not too dazzling. Some things are like mirrors in my heart. Grandpa is already old. What worries you most is the matter of you and your sister. It’s hard to meet someone you’re right in your life. As long as you meet, you have to try your best to fight for it."

"I don't know what it is, I don't know what grandpa you are talking about now, I just accompany you for a walk around, and other things have nothing to do with me."

Bai Yi didn't want to say anything to her granddaughter at this moment, because she would not admit it when she said her granddaughter. She doesn't want to admit it now, but one day, she will personally face this hidden emotion in her heart.

Xiao Yi drove on the way back to City H. It was about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. By the time I City H, it was estimated that it was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon. It has been so many days since I left home. I don’t know the current Yuan Sheng. , How far is the project going.

Among the vast snowfields, this is an uninhabited area. Except for dreams of making a fortune here, except for those who are digging for gold, there will be basically no person in sight here.

The weather has raised the temperature slightly, melting the original ice and snow on the snowy field, and the frozen soil has become a place suitable for growing vegetation. The color here is slightly greener. Several reindeer are wandering back and forth here, looking for their own food. Grabbing the grass for a while, then raised his head and looked around.

There are natural enemies of reindeer, that is, snow wolves. The rule of survival for animals is to stay vigilant at all times. At this moment, behind a rock, four or five snow wolves appeared suddenly, and one reindeer didn’t have time. Responds and has been bitten into the throat.

Snow wolves are a group of animals. The group is sent out to hunt. After the target is hunted, a group of wolves will pounce, press the prey to the ground, biting the position of the throat, until the reindeer can't breathe, and then suffocate to death. Only then began to enjoy their food.

There was still no change on the snowy field, as long as the animals living here, a gray off-road vehicle, suddenly appeared in the open space in front of him. After a while, several people appeared on the hillside in front.

"It has been found, confirmed to be a two-headed wolf."

Two people carried a stretcher. On the stretcher was a corpse. The body had no skin or flesh, only some clothes and some scattered bones were left.

The snow wolves living here, as long as they encounter food that they can enjoy, whether it is alive or a dead stone, the visitors will not refuse to accept it. This corpse is also their masterpiece, gnawing the flesh on the corpse. Bite clean, leaving only the thick bones.

The leg bones, arm bones, and head are difficult to bite, so these things were left. After hearing the news from the person under his hand, the man playing the game in the off-road vehicle opened the door and walked out.

The two people carried the stretcher and walked to the man. After putting the stretcher down, the man crouched down and found something from the tattered clothes on the side. This thing is very special, and it is very delicately made. This is a member of the shadow. A device to communicate with each other.

"The things the professor made are relatively strong. Even in this situation, you can still send out a positioning signal, but the current position is obviously not the place where the two-headed wolf died."

The man held a black device like a button in his hand. This device was researched by a professor they hired at a high price, and it was specially used for satellite positioning.

People with some identities in the shadows will wear one of these things on their bodies, and even if something happens, they will find someone there in time.

"Gryphon, why do you say that? We are the corpse found here."

The man's name was Griffin, and he was the one Xiao Yi always wanted to find now. Griffin put down the thing in his hand, stretched out one foot, stepped on the skull, and sneered.

"For a period of time before, the two-headed wolf has been in a state of disconnection. Even the device he researched cannot send a signal, indicating that the two-headed wolf has entered the deepest part of the snowy field. It is now appearing here. These beasts changed the position of his body, I'm afraid the place where he really died is in the snow."

Griffin raised his head, holding a pair of binoculars in his hand, and then looked at the far ahead position. There was a vast snowfield in the distance. Now it was because the snow melted that the ground was exposed.

Once the temperature of the sky and the earth becomes cold and the snowy field continues to snow, this piece of land will continue to be covered by snow. Through inferences in the heart, the Griffin at this moment believes that the original two-headed wolf, It's definitely not dead here.

"Or you are smarter and think better than us. We didn't think of this. During the period when the two-headed wolf lost contact, I thought he had rebelled, and he died here."

Griffon's feet pressed hard and stepped down fiercely, the skull was turned into fragments under Griffon's feet, he said coldly.

"Even if he was given the courage, he didn't dare to betray the organization like this. I was able to kill people like the two-headed wolf. I remembered the previous incidents. After counting, this is the fourth and fourth. The members of Shadow, died in the hands of that person."

"Gryphon, you suspect that the person who killed the two-headed wolf was the same person who killed Kashgar?"

"Apart from this point, I can't think of any other possibility. Even if the two-headed wolf is unhelpful, it is impossible to die in this kind of place. The opponent is obviously a master. At the beginning, the three people were directly eliminated. I am very interested now, who is targeting the shadows."

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