Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1123: Gift for Yuan Sheng

It’s not a simple matter to arrange the formation in the vast wasteland. Yuan Sheng has already prepared everything needed for the formation. The most important point is that we need a real treasure to serve as the formation. Of the eyes.

"As for the things you need for the eyes, you can't deal with it casually. It seems that there is nothing suitable other than the jade that the stone gambler won at the beginning."

Standing on a commanding height, Xiao Yi looked at the surrounding wasteland, the formation was already outlined in his mind, and only then was left to operate it himself.

"Xiao Yi, is there anything important for you to go to S city this time? I was very anxious when I saw you leaving, I don't know what happened."

Yuan Sheng pulled the towel on his shoulders and wiped the sweat off his head. It was almost time for the workers to get off work, so there was no need to keep staring at the scene.

"Actually, it's nothing special. I contracted a tea plantation in S city and encountered a little trouble. Now the trouble has been solved."

Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng said, in one place, they supported a big umbrella. Under the big umbrella, there was a square table and several chairs. The two people sat down by the square table. It was the first time Yuan Sheng listened. Talk about Xiao Yi growing tea.

"It turns out that you are still contracting a tea plantation and you have done your job on the boundary of City S. I have to admire you. This person is really capable."

"I don't have much ability. Now this is not being bullied to such a place. If I had the ability, I would not come to such a place. It is really hard to say."

Yuan Sheng laughed. Don't look at Xiao Yi now being squeezed into such a place, but a capable person, no matter where he is, will find his own foothold.

In a small village in a county seat, Xiao Yi could think of a way to develop his career. Now that Xiao Yi is in H City, he has no future.

"Xiao Yi, what you said is a bit modest. I didn't know much about you before, but now through contact, I know that you will be able to do great things in the future."

"I don't know if I can do big things. I came back from S city this time and brought you a gift. I've been bothering you during my absence."

Xiao Yi reached into his pocket, and when he was about to take it out, Yuan Sheng had already guessed what Xiao Yi was talking about.

"I guess what you brought me must be tea leaves?"

"How did you know?"

"Hehe, you can smell a faint tea fragrance through the clothes. The most famous thing in S City is tea. Let me see what good tea you bring me."

Yuan Sheng also likes to drink tea. Even if Xiao Yi didn't take the tea out of his pocket, he already smelled the faint tea fragrance, so Yuan Sheng was sure that what Xiao Yi brought was definitely tea.

Xiao Yi originally wanted to sell it, so he had to take out a small bag from his pocket, then opened the bag and picked up the lid of the teapot on the side, poured some tea leaves, and added some water from the thermos bottle.

Yuan Sheng had already noticed the smell of this tea. When Xiao Yi took it out of his body, the smell of tea became stronger. He couldn't wait to taste the taste of this tea.

"Old Brother Yuan, don't worry, these are the tea leaves grown in my tea garden. I carry more than that. I will give you a pound when I look back."

Xiao Yi looked at Yuan Sheng's anxious appearance and said with a smile. Yuan Sheng was obviously anxious to taste tea. Waiting at this moment was a painful process.

"Really? The tea garden you contracted, what kind of tea trees are planted, the smell of tea is so unique, I can't wait to smell the smell of tea."

The two waited for a while, watching the mist rising from the mouth of the teapot, mixed with the fragrance of tea, aroused the gluttons in Yuan Sheng's stomach.

"Okay, let you taste the taste of the tea I grow."

Xiao Yi raised the teapot. There was nothing special here, just two glass water cups. He lifted the teapot and poured some into the cup.

The light green tea soup came out of the teapot mouth, Yuan Sheng stepped forward and took a deep breath, sighed.

"Good tea...Although I didn't taste the taste, the fragrance of tea can't be wrong. Xiao Yi, you can do it. Not only do you have a set of vegetables, you can even grow tea."

Yuan Sheng picked up the cup in front of him and tasted it. The tea soup entered his mouth, feeling the scent of this delicate fragrance, flowing back and forth in his mouth, and his whole person was intoxicated by the taste.

"What do you think of Old Brother Yuan? Is there any difference between my tea leaves and the other teas sold outside?"

"There is nothing worse than that. The taste of this tea is too unique. To be honest, some teas on the market will add something during the frying process. Your tea is obviously its own taste, and the tea is good. The person who fry tea is also good at making tea. He firmly locks the taste in the tea."

Xiao Yi agrees with what Yuan Sheng said at the moment that the success of the tea garden is due to his mastery of Taoism on the one hand, and the greatest contribution to the old tea farmers.

The old tea farmer has grown tea for a lifetime and accumulated decades of experience. He can be regarded as an old artist. Now the old tea farmer is teaching Zhang Bing what he has summed up.

"Old Brother Yuan is right. This is an ordinary tea garden in S City. An old man has grown tea for a lifetime. I contracted the tea garden and reformed the technique of growing tea. With the experience of the old man, I now have what it is now. Tea leaves."

Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng chatted, although there is a difference in age between the two, Yuan Sheng and Xiao Yi share many topics in common.

While drinking tea and chatting here, Yuan Sheng was full of praise for the tea that Xiao Yi brought back. There were also many precious teas bought from outside in the house, but compared with the one that Xiao Yi brought back, the gap came out instantly. Up.

"Good tea, it's really good tea. The most expensive tea I've ever drank. The price for one or two is several thousand yuan. The tea you grow can be set in this price range."

Yuan Sheng and Xiao Yi said that Xiao Yi has not thought about setting the price of tea at such a high level. The first thing to do for tea in the tea garden is to promote it so that customers can accept their own tea.

"I don't know what's going on at the company. During the time I left, there has been no change."

"Speaking of which, you should really go and see it. The concrete frame has now been renovated in a brand new look. Those decorating staff are really responsible."

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