Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1134: Ceremony (Part 2)

Han Bing looked at Xiao Yi. Today is the day when Xiao Yi's new company was opened. On such an important day, Xiao Yi was wearing ordinary clothes without getting dressed.

"I'm used to this. It's just an opening ceremony. It's not a big deal. It doesn't look like getting married."

Xiao Yi said with a smile, and the people beside him introduced Han Bing's identity and told them that Han Bing was from S City.

After hearing Han Bing's identity, Li Zhengtian frowned slightly at the moment, as if he had thought of something. In the S city, Li Zhengtian still knew some news.

"Han Family in S City, could it be... I don't know what the senior Han Batian has to do with you."

Han Bing was a little surprised, is his family's reputation so big? Even the people here had heard of it, turned around and nodded, and said to Li Zhengtian.

"That's my father..."

"No wonder... the tiger father has no dogs or daughters. I can see the temperament of some soldiers in your body. It turns out that you are his daughter."

Li Zhengtian said in surprise, the friends Xiao Yi knew were really not simple at all. Any one of them has an extraordinary status and identity.

Take Han Bing in front of him. If you know someone in S city, it will be much easier to do anything. Even the mayor of S city has to give the Han family three points of face and take care of the Han family before doing things.

A courtyard house in the city center was already in the demolition project, but because of Han Batian's existence, he had to change the plan and move the scope of construction to another location.

The reception work here is still going on. The tea used was naturally brought back by Xiao Yi from S City this time. So Feng Shao and others sat down and drank tea unceremoniously.

Xu Qiang was also busy with the on-site work together. The guests arrived one after another. Almost all the people on the invitation list had arrived. At this time, two jeeps came back and forth here. Xu Qiang glanced at the car. The people inside, Xu Qiang remembered deeply in his mind, and would never forget.

"He actually came here, and he is not on the invitation list."

Qin Gang sat in the car and the driver drove him, leading him to Xiao Yi's side.

Qin Gang hadn't decided to come here before, but after knowing a little, Xu Qiang's territory has expanded a lot recently, which made Qin Gang a little bit unable to sit still.

Originally, Qin Gang was not on the list of invitations. Qin Gang came by himself and came on stage with a gift of his own. On the way, he happened to meet someone from the ghost faction.

After the car stopped, Qin Gang wore a black suit and walked out of the car. Two bodyguards followed Qin Gang, Qin Gang said.

"You two stand aside for me. This is the site of my friend Xiao Yi. In his site, who would dare to target me? You didn't notify me to come to a gathering like Brother Xiao Yi. It is not enough. Meaning."

For Qin Gang's appearance, Xiao Yi expected and unexpectedly. Now Xu Qiang's power is like a nail, nailed to Qin Gang's side, naturally, he can't keep calm.

"Hehe, there are some guests who don't want to come, even if I invite them, they won't be there. If some guests want to come, they will appear even if they are not invited. Since they are here, they are all my Xiao Yi's guests. Please ask Mr. Qin."

Xiao Yi laughed. Li Zhengtian and Shao Feng glanced at each other. The eyes of the two were communicating. Obviously, they didn’t know why Qin Gang appeared in such an occasion today. Not in line with common sense.

"There is no such thing as a boss. Today is a friend. It's just a visit to your side. A small gift is not a respect, you have to accept it."

Speaking, Qin Gang waved to the person beside him, and the person under his hand came over, holding a box in his hand, and didn't know what was inside the box.

Several people took a look at it curiously. Qin Gang personally opened the box. Inside the box was a folded piece of paper. It seemed that there was writing on it. Qin Gang picked up the paper and unfolded it slowly.

"I don't have any hobbies. I usually learn from the masters on TV to practice calligraphy. The ancients said that courtesy is light and affectionate. It took me all night to write a calligraphy calligraphy.

Li Zhengtian and Shao Feng were also curious. People like Qin Gang didn't know what kind of characters they would write. If they didn't write well, they would make a fool of everyone.

"The gift doesn't matter, as long as Qin Gang's boss is willing."

Qin Gang unfolded the paper in his hand. After unfolding it, a word appeared on it, the handwriting was neat, and the word "black" was clearly written.

A few people frowned immediately. Qin Gang said that it was written with a calligraphy ink, and now there is a black, is it a joke here?

"I said Qin Gang, you obviously haven't finished writing the calligraphy of calligraphy, and there is still an earthy character below."

Shao Feng stood aside and said, Qin Gang knew in his heart that someone would say that, and said with a smile.

"Really? I almost forgot. I don't have any other skills, but I will never let out the territory I occupy. If anyone quarrels with me, I will be blamed. I'm not welcome. So this native character Didn't write it, Xiao Yi friend, you should understand?"

"Naturally understand. Boss Qin Gang has been busy and taught me a lesson here. I am also taught."

Xiao Yi said with a smile, Qin Gang had something in his words, and both Xiao Yi and Xu Qiang heard it immediately. This was a warning and was meant for Xu Qiang.

Xu Qiang clenched his fists, knowing that this kind of person appeared, there was no good intentions, it seemed that Qin Gang was here to make trouble, so he was about to do it.

Xiao Yi put a hand on Xu Qiang's shoulder and patted heavily. In today's occasion, don't be angry. If anyone does it, he will lose.

"Xu Qiang, go to the office and bring the brush over. You are not indecent. Since the boss Qin Gang gave me a pair of calligraphy, I naturally have to return the gift."

Xu Qiang knew Xiao Yi's intentions, so he had to endure the anger in his stomach, and then went to find a writing brush.

Qin Gang gave the gift to threaten Xiao Yi and Xu Qiang, and the effect had been achieved. He didn't expect Xiao Yi to give his own calligraphy at this moment, but wanted to see what Xiao Yi would do.

"Okay, then I'll be here waiting for Xiao Yi's calligraphy."

Although everyone at the scene didn't know what happened on both sides, they could feel from the atmosphere of tension. It must have been grievances before and they were all watching what would happen next.

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