Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1170: Get rid of the pursuit

The person driving the helicopter noticed that Xiao Yi suddenly increased the speed so fast, it was like playing with fire. This is a snowy field, not on a usual road. The soft soil on the snowy field may be dangerous at any time.

The speed of Xiao Yi did not decrease, but faster and faster. At this speed, he rushed to the coniferous forest ahead. The car quickly shuttled through it, grasping the steering wheel firmly to avoid obstacles in front of him. Xiao Yi's driving technique is Leveraged.

Seeing that the helicopter was about to be thrown away more than a hundred meters away, the personnel piloting the helicopter immediately chased up and used artillery fire to suppress Xiao Yi, but the appearance of the coniferous forest blocked the view of the attack, and accuracy could not be guaranteed. Shot.

"Reaper, you must be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't have a problem. If you want to catch up with me, it will be hundreds of years away."

While driving, Xiao Yi paid attention to the helicopter that was chasing over his head. As long as he found a suitable opportunity, he would first find a way to kill the helicopter.

"Fly in front of him and use artillery to suppress it. If it really doesn't work, blow this car to me!"

The people in the helicopter have now adjusted their plan. If they keep chasing like this, there will be no results. The best thing is to blow up the car and leave the people inside.

So the helicopter flew forward quickly, and appeared directly above Xiao Yi after half a minute, while hovering in the air, while using the machine gun to suppress Xiao Yi, forcing Xiao Yi to reverse direction or stop.

One after another, bullets hit the bulletproof glass, leaving white marks on the glass, including the bombs exploding around, Xiao Yi could only come back and turn around to avoid these attacks.

The car continued to drive for a certain distance, and the height continued to rise. A highest point appeared in front. The surrounding coniferous forest became scarce, as if a person was bald. At this moment, the helicopter was only five meters above the ground. position.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and the waiting moment had finally arrived. One hand took out a grenade from the side, said Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue next to him.

"You come and help me drive."

Xue Yaoyue followed what Xiao Yi said and took over Xiao Yi's drive. With one foot on the accelerator, Xiao Yi's speed increased again and rushed forward. He immediately reached the highest point. The distance from the helicopter was less than Three meters, Xiao Yi sneered.

Pushing open the car door, half of his body leaned out of the car. He threw something in his hand toward the top. After the car reached the highest point, the whole car flew up, and Xue Yaoyue held the steering wheel. I don't know what to do at the moment.



A helicopter exploded in the sky. After the grenade was detonated, some shells in the helicopter also exploded. Fireworks sounded in the sky. A large group of flames continued to expand in the thick black smoke. The helicopter was turned into a waste. Falling from the air like iron.

"Reaper, it's a big game this time."

Xue Yaoyue grabbed the steering wheel and was as high as seven or eight meters above the ground. If it fell down, the car would not be scrapped. The people in the car would naturally not be able to withstand such an impact.

Xiao Yi grasped Xue Yaoyue with one hand and pulled Xue Yaoyue aside, with his body underneath, pressing a button inside the car with one hand. This specially modified car has the front wheel position. , There are two rows of shock absorbers.

After the car fell from a height, the shock absorber buffered the falling gravitational potential energy. At the same time, Xiao Yi felt a huge impact in his body. The painful Xiao Yi almost shed tears, and hurriedly turned around and moved towards a spacious position. Away.

The brake system and clutch used in the modified car are all imported equipment. Although the exterior looks dilapidated, the internal equipment is equipped with the most advanced settings. After turning the body, it gallops toward the front position. .

When she recovered from her previous astonishment, Xue Yaoyue saw that the crisis had been resolved, and the car passed through this level smoothly, and it solved the helicopter that had followed it, without the big trouble of the helicopter. Then it's safe.

When Xiao Yi flew over the high slope, the three off-road vehicles that followed behind him flew up from the high slope, and when they landed, they did not control their direction and crashed into the trunk of the tree in front of them. The speed was naturally Killed on the spot.

A car crashed into the wreckage of the helicopter. Seeing that the situation was not right for the remaining cars, they immediately chose to stop and watched Xiao Yi drive away from their sight without any trace.

After more than four hours of galloping on the snowy field, I finally entered a local country from the snowy field. Before that, Xiao Yi processed the modified car, ignited the fuel tank, damaged the engine, and then Pushed the car into the cliff.

This is an uninhabited area. When the weather gets warmer, there is a cliff below. When winter comes, heavy snow will cover everything in ice and snow. Unless you encounter people passing by by accident, you will find this car. The wreckage of the car.

Xiao Yi took Xue Yaoyue with him, and the two of them walked to the nearest town, took a taxi to the nearest city, and bought a ticket to return to China.

Since this is an underdeveloped country, there is no direct flight to China, so you can only return to China if you make a transfer midway, but this is not important to Xiao Yi anymore. He returned from the snowy field smoothly. The best result.

Eighteen hours later, in a city in Huaxia, Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue stepped off the plane, and now they have returned to Huaxia’s realm. Don’t worry about anything. Leaving the airport, Xue Yaoyue is holding Xiao Yi’s Hand, I feel that the past few days are too fast.

I finally learned the news that the **** of death was still alive, but for some special reasons, he couldn't stay with the **** of death all the time, and could only use this way to silently protect the **** of death, and I don't know how long such a day would last.

"Well, you have reached the boundary of Huaxia. There will be no more danger. You should go back to the base. If you leave for such a long time, someone will definitely worry about you."

Xiao Yi took Xue Yaoyue's hand, and Xue Yaoyue was reluctant to let go. Xiao Yi also thought the same way, but separation was necessary. He still had his own things to do. Eliminating the Griffin was only part of the plan. Part.

"Time flies so fast. Unknowingly, time has passed by in the past few days. Although I am experiencing danger with you, I really think this is what I should do. If I like someone, I have to experience what he has experienced. danger."

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