Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1192: Orchard changes

Xiao Yi's answer made Wang Rong very satisfied. To be precise, she sounded very comfortable in her heart. She knew in her heart that she shouldn't have this kind of thought, but after hearing Xiao Yi's answer, she felt very happy.

The woman's heart is very selfish, especially when it comes to feelings, the whole person's mood immediately changed very badly, that is, a smile began to appear on her face at this moment.

"If you say that, you're like a closed door at Meng's house?"

"Why do I see the gloating expression on your face? Well, I'm so miserable this time, you should also show sympathy."

Xiao Yi looked at Wang Rong with a smile on his face at the moment. Xiao Yi was very depressed about what happened this afternoon. At the very least, Wang Rong should sympathize and comfort himself with a few words instead of smiling.

"This is your business. What does it have to do with me? Besides, if someone like you gets knocked down because of such a thing, it means that your psychological endurance is too weak. Moreover, with my understanding, this Little things shouldn't crush you."

"You still know me. Forget it, it's already a thing of the past. Don't mention it here. What I have to do is to continue to grow Tamron, and I can't influence my decision because of some things around me."

Wang Rong covered her mouth and chuckled a few times. Through what Xiao Yi said, she knew that Xiao Yi had already wanted to open her mind. He was the leader of this company, so how could he become helpless because of these trivial things.

After walking for more than ten minutes on the road, the two of them arrived at the place where Wang Rong lived. In the local villages and towns, there were some unused rooms, which temporarily became the residences of Tenglong employees.

In front of the gate of a courtyard, Wang Rong stopped. He felt that the time was too fast along the way. Before, I always felt that this meal was a bit long. This time I felt that the road was too short and came to an end. .

"Xiao Yi, I'm here, thank you for sending me back today."

Wang Rong said gratefully and said to Xiao Yi that if it weren't for Xiao Yi to come tonight, she wouldn't know how to return to her residence.

Xiao Yi just felt that he had done a small thing. Wang Rong was a member of the company and a friend Xiao Yi knew. He touched his head and said.

"Nothing to thank you, as long as you are safe and sound, since you have arrived home, then go back first, and I must hurry back and rest."

"Wait a moment, my shirt will be returned to you."

Wang Rong took off the shirt from her body and arrived at the place where she lived. Don't worry about someone seeing her now. She untied the shirt that Xiao Yi had taken off before from her body, and was about to return it to Xiao Yi.

However, I saw that there was some blood stains on a shirt that my fingers could touch, and a blushing color appeared on his face, and he said immediately.

"Then what... When I wash your shirt, I'll return it to you tomorrow."

"No, I can do laundry myself."

Xiao Yi said, it was nothing more than some blood stains, and he could wash off the blood stains when he turned his head. It was no big deal.

But at this moment, Wang Rong insisted on helping Xiao Yi wash the clothes. This was not just a problem of blood stains. She held the shirt in her hand, raised her head and said to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, you a big man, how can you touch this kind of thing, let me come, it's getting late, go back and rest first."

"Then trouble you, I have to go back to sleep, too much experience in a day, the most important thing now is to sleep!"

Xiao Yi turned and left. Wang Rong stretched out one hand. At this time, she wanted to put her arm around Xiao Yi's back and prevent Xiao Yi from leaving, but in the end she still did not choose to do so, but to hide this feeling. In my heart.

Maybe it was because Xiao Yi didn't seem to feel anything about him, or maybe it was because in Wang Rong's heart, the relationship with Xiao Yi was a superior and inferior, and he couldn't break through this relationship in his heart, but this feeling belongs to Wang Rong. It's true in my heart.

"have a safe journey……"

After a silent word in her heart, Wang Rong turned around and returned to the room. After locking the door, she was lying on the bed quietly, holding Xiao Yi's shirt tightly in her arms with both hands. Shang frowned and smiled from time to time.

Xiao Yi is a fool from time to time, Wang Rong’s intentions have long been understood in her heart, but unfortunately, there is no such thought in Xiao Yi's heart. To be precise, he dare not think so. He hasn't dealt with the matter yet, so he doesn't dare to think about it so much right now.

"Hey... wash and sleep!"

Early the next morning, Xiao Yi returned to Beitang County and developed a new vegetable plot. After Xiao Yi completed the layout, the contracted vegetable plot now exceeds more than 300 acres. This number is constantly increasing. Expanding.

The people in the entire Anning Bay village followed suit. The young people who went out to work, this time I answered that there was a suitable job at home, and the salary was almost the same as that of the outside, and even higher than that of the outside. Everyone wants to work at home.

In addition, Xiao Yi selected some young people with relatively strong learning ability on the vegetable field, and let these people learn some management knowledge and experience. Their salary can be higher, because Xiao Yi alone will completely protect Anning Bay. , Get rid of the word poverty.

Among Xiao Yi’s orchards, the number of beehives in the orchard has now increased to more than 70 boxes. The bees in the beehives are working hard to collect nectar. In the orchard, rapeseed flowers are planted, and a large area has become yellow. From a distance, it looks like an oil painting.

"How is the honey production now?"

Xiao Yi found the person in charge of raising bees in the orchard. After a period of training, there are more than a dozen bees raising people here. Their daily work is to manage these bees.

"The output of honey is now very good. Driven by green vegetables, the honey produced by bees has also become a healthy food and health care product. Many businesses choose to buy honey here. In a few days, a batch of honey was sold, and the total amount of honey sold was 800,000, even with royal jelly."

The person in charge here and Xiao Yi said that Xiao Yi was very relieved of them, and left the work here to them, never worrying about it. People here would do their hands and feet on the accounts.

By their nature, they are all simple farmers and farmers, who will not do this kind of cockroach. It is already a great kindness for Xiao Yi to provide them with such a good income job. To do this kind of thing, it's completely out of conscience.

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