Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1210: Almost hung up

"Don't be embarrassed, come to me for work. I am very happy and willing to do this in your hands for the last Eastern District Reconstruction. It is because I am the foolish mayor's hat that people have Take it off."

Mayor Chen could see what Xiao Yi was thinking about now. There was nothing to be embarrassed about. Mayor Chen was also very happy to see Xiao Yi coming to him, because Xiao Yi did all great things.

Earlier, Mayor Chen ruled out the opinions of others and strengthened his mind to transform the Eastern District into an ecological park. Because of this decision, people were called the Mayor of Confusion. Through his efforts, Xiao Yi proved Chen Shi There is nothing wrong with the long decision.

"There is really something I need Mayor Chen's help. Now my tea is mainly sold in S city. Next, I want to create a brand here to sell tea."

Xiao Yi and Mayor Chen said that if you want to open a brand store, you need a lot of processes. Xiao Yi is not very familiar with these, so he asked Mayor Chen what to do.

"It turns out that this is what you are thinking about. Such a thing is easy to do. Turning back, I told the people in the industrial and commercial department that you can find them to get the business permit. If someone else asks me to open the back door, I definitely won't Yes, but Xiao Yi you are different. I know that because you are alone, you have driven the people of Anning Bay and completely got rid of poverty."

Mayor Chen said that what Xiao Yi did was not just for himself. While making money by himself, he also motivated everyone in the village. Because of Xiao Yi, the living conditions of the villagers became better and better. , This is a good thing for the people.

"Then I will be here to thank Mayor Chen, and I will handle it right away when I turn back. I will trouble you here."

"No trouble, no trouble. You can bother me. I am also very happy. Among the young guys, you are the only one who makes me feel very different. I hope that the next H city will see a rapid development. Tamron."

Mayor Chen is concerned about the construction of City H. As the economy of City H develops, people's living standards will relatively improve. This is Mayor Chen's greatest wish.

Xiao Yi came out of Mayor Chen’s office and the matter was resolved. First, he called Wang Rong and told Wang Rong that he would just ask someone from the industrial and commercial department to handle it. Xiao Yi would take care of the rest of the work.

This time, with the advantage of tea, Xiao Yi wanted to quickly grow Tamron and let the entire H city know Tamron's reputation.

Today, Han Bing, who had nothing to do at home, was really idle and bored. He just drove out and wandered around to see if there were new changes in the tea garden.

Anyhow, Han Bing is the largest shareholder of the tea garden. He usually hands things to Xiao Yi's people to handle. He rarely shows up, so today he went out to relax.

There was a heavy rain last night, and the next morning, the air was full of fresh smell. After driving for two hours, Han Bing came to the tea garden.

After arriving at the tea garden, all the work was normal. The people in the tea garden were busy taking care of the tea trees and removing the weeds growing in the ground, while the old tea farmers were sitting on the stools beside them, as if waiting for something.

"Old tea farmer, why are you alone?"

"Miss Han..."

After seeing Han Bing, the old tea farmer immediately got up and greeted Han Bing. Han Bing indicated that this was unnecessary, as everyone was acquainted.

"Where are the two people under Xiao Yi's hands?"

Han Bing did not see the shadows of Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng, and asked here, the old tea farmer and Han Bing explained.

"The two of them set off early in the morning, as if they were going to see a new tea plantation and were planning to contract it."

"It turned out to be this. It is true that the ten acres of tea plantation now cannot meet the demand of the market. It's just that the two of them just went there. Wouldn't they contact Xiao Yi in advance?"

Han Bing said that for such a big thing, Xiao Yi should be notified first, and finally got a firm foothold here, what should I do if something goes wrong.

While waiting for Zhang Bing and others, while wandering around the tea garden a few times, a black car appeared in the tea garden at about ten in the morning.

After the car stopped, two people walked out of the car. Both of them were covered with a layer of mud. They could not see what it was like. One person ran aside and scooped the water in the jar to wash the mud on the body. Drop some, this is showing a face.

Wang Sheng simply cleaned the mud on his body, and the next step was to pour water on Zhang Bing. After the two people tossed for a while, this was a person. Han Bing looked at the two people and didn't understand what happened. .

"What's wrong with you two?"

Zhang Bing saw Han Bing now and knew who Han Bing was, so when Zhang Bing looked at Han Bing, he didn't dare to look up at Han Bing's eyes.

"Miss Han, you're here, this... we... hey, it's hard to say a word."

Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng were two people, like they were pulled out of the mud. There was no clean place on the whole body. After washing for a while, Zhang Bing was talking to Han Bing about what happened before. .

It turned out that Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng went to see the tea plantation early in the morning. There was no way to the tea plantation. There was only one ravine. The two of them could only walk in the ravine. There was a heavy rain last night and the road became particularly difficult to walk. If you are not careful, you will fall.

Finally, I was about to reach that tea plantation, but at this time an accident happened. I didn’t know where a flash flood came out. Before they could run, they were caught in the muddy water. All the way was flooded, washed down.

"Ahem...Fortunately, both of us are a little bit watery. The flood was so violent that we almost died there."

When I think about it now, Zhang Bing has lingering fears, and his mouth is now full of mud. If it weren't for Wang Sheng to grab a tree by the side in the end, I'm afraid that neither of them will come back.

After hearing what the two people said, the old tea farmer seemed to have thought of something at the moment. He was a local person and naturally understood the situation here. The old tea farmer had also visited the location mentioned by Zhang Bing before.

"That place is not far away. It is a deep pit. In the event of a heavy rain, water will be stored in the pit, but there was a heavy rain last night. Why did flash floods occur in the morning?"

A word from the old tea farmer awakened Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng. Both of them felt strange at the time. They just didn't think about it in order to escape their lives. Looking back now, there is really something abnormal.

When Wang Sheng took off his upper body clothes, Han Bing didn't feel anything inappropriate. When he was in the barracks, when the weather was hot, the men were shirtless.

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