Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1217: Not take advantage

Wu Neng is indeed very incompetent as a human being. Even for such a large tea garden, the Song family only paid a few dollars, and Wu Neng accepted it.

But incompetence does not mean that this person is a fool. At this moment, Wu Neng knows that it is very important that he also offended the Song family this time. Because of such a recording, the Song family will definitely find him afterwards.

So Wu Neng felt that he couldn't stay here, and he offended the Song family. There is no way to survive in the future. He quickly sold the tea garden out and talked about it. If he doesn't, sooner or later he will follow bad luck.

Kneeling down behind Zhang Bing and others, before shaking his face to Zhang Bing, at the moment, kneeling and begging Zhang Bing to contract the tea plantation, sometimes this person must not be too absolute in his words, and he wants to regret what he says, sometimes It's not that simple.

"What are you doing? We locked up your tea garden and didn't contract your tea garden. Why are we still kneeling here?

Wang Sheng turned around and said, Wu Neng kowtowed at Wang Sheng. Wu Neng, who had seen the situation clearly, knew that the tea garden had to be sold out today, so he said to Wang Sheng.

"This eldest brother just said that I was wrong, and Niu just let me put a fart here. Now I ask you to contract my tea plantation."

"Don't, you'd better find someone else, it's best to find the Song family, aren't you and the Song family good enough to wear a pair of pants?"

Wang Sheng disdainfully said, in the bar, the most annoying person is this kind of soft guy. Before he can say anything, he asks for mercy and has no backbone at all.

Wu Neng regretted why he spoke so absolutely. If he didn't speak like this, it would be fine. There is still room for return.

"Big brother, you must not leave like this. If you leave, the people of the Song family will definitely not let me go. Don't say it will cost 3,000 yuan at that time. I am afraid that the entire tea garden will eventually become Song family."

"What does this have to do with us? The Song family wants to target you. It is a matter between the Song family and you, and we can't control these."

Wang Sheng said, Wu Neng looked at Wang Sheng eagerly. He had also seen Wang Sheng's temper before. Knowing that it would be difficult to tell Wang Sheng, he turned his attention to Zhang Bing.

"Don't look at me like this. I told you before that we are contracting the tea plantation. If you didn't collude with the Song family, how could you have the trouble now? Speaking of which, we didn't ask you to settle the account. We are already taking care of you. Up."

Zhang Bing said at this moment that the original contracting of the tea garden was not that complicated. Just come over and talk about the conditions, but this person named Wu Neng has no sincerity, and even hooked up with the Song family.

Had it not been for the two dead, I would have seen King Yan by now. Fortunately, Wang Sheng saved him in the end, so that he could stand here and talk. Now Wu Neng licked his face and said this.

"Please, I know I was wrong. You must not go like this. Except for you, no one dares to contract my tea plantation. Such a large tea plantation makes me feel sorry for me."

Wu Neng knelt down on the ground, and now he was cruel and slapped himself. Xiao Yi sighed deeply. There is a limit to everything. Looking at Wu Neng like this, Xiao Yi couldn't bear it.

"Okay, Zhang Bing, talk to him about the terms. We want this tea garden."

"But Xiao Yi...this guy treated us like that before."

"Be forgiving and forgiving. There is not much loss anyway. We are here to do business."

Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing said, knowing that Zhang Bing's heart was angry, and so did Xiao Yi, but the road still had to go forward instead of staying in place.

Zhang Bing thought for a while. What Xiao Yi said here was correct. The main purpose of contracting the tea garden was to contract the tea garden. This was the most important point. Xiao Yi had already said that, and Zhang Bing followed what Xiao Yi said.

"Well, for the face of our boss today, I don't care about people like you. If Xiao Yi were not here to talk to you, I would let Wang Sheng knock your head down."

"Thank you, thank you, you are my ancestors."

"No, I don't have any offspring like you. If my future offspring, like you, must crawl out of the coffin and drag it into the grave."

Wu Neng hurriedly got up from the ground, as long as he agreed to contract the tea garden, so that he would not get a penny. Then Zhang Bing took out a contract from him, and when he came, the contract was ready.

If it hadn't happened to Song Ren, the contract should have been signed now. It seems that Xiao Yi was right. The biggest opponent in the local area is the Song family. The Song family has too much influence in the local area.

Wu Neng followed to Xiao Yiche. Zhang Bing took the contract and gave Wu Neng a copy for Wu Neng to see. Wu Neng graduated from junior high school. This kind of contract can be seen clearly. It clearly says, one The annual contract cost is 10,000 yuan.

"What? The annual cost is 10,000 yuan?"

Zhang Bing clearly stated in the contract that 10,000 yuan is a one-year contract cost, and the contract time is ten years, which is a full 100,000 yuan.

If it were a better tea garden, it would naturally be more expensive, but the 20 acres of tea garden fell into Wu Neng's hands and would not be managed much on weekdays, so naturally it would be cheaper.

"What? Do you think it's less? The price I gave you was 10,000 yuan. If you think that the price I gave you is less, then you should go to the Song family."

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that. I thought you would be like the Song family, taking advantage of this time to lower the price. In fact, for me, three thousand yuan is already very satisfying."

"Then I should pay you three thousand yuan?"

Zhang Bing held a pen in his hand and said that he was going to revise the contract. Wu Neng was anxious and quickly blocked it with his hands, with a smile on his face, hehe with a smile.

"This can't. Ten thousand yuan is ten thousand yuan. I didn't expect that you would give me such a high price. If I knew it, even if I didn't listen to the Song family, I would contract the tea garden to you."

" did I find that you are such a cheap person? Discuss with us as soon as possible. If you look at the contract, it won't happen."

Wu Neng is indeed very cheap, but this is also a compelling thing. Living in such a place, the honest and honest people will end up being bullied everywhere like old tea farmers.

Just like there is a saying, everyone's personality is angular, but they are constantly tempered in life and eventually become round. This is also a law of survival.

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