Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1221: Disgusting stuff

This is Wang Rong's original words. Yuan Sheng told Xiao Yi the original words here. Several people around, all put down their chopsticks, they were obviously deflated, and they were embarrassed to laugh.

"Haha...This is too much to say, but it is very consistent with this guy, he is such a person."

Han Bing laughed a few times, Xiao Yi's face was embarrassed, and Yuan Sheng had long known that he wouldn't let Yuan Sheng say it. This is all his own mouth.

"What's so funny, be careful to laugh out of anger."

Xiao Yi said that Wang Sheng and Zhang Bing were embarrassed to laugh out loud now, but they were just holding it back here, fearing that Xiao Yi would settle accounts with them.

"It turned out to be such an evaluation of me from behind, looking back to see how I cleaned you."

"Ahem, Xiao Yi, please don't look for Wang Rong. If you look for Wang Rong, you are betraying me. You will not say what you said before."

"Really? Did I say it? But I changed my mind."

Xiao Yi said, Yuan Sheng glared at Xiao Yi, thinking that Xiao Yi wouldn't be serious. With Xiao Yi's character and temper, he could really do it.

The whole group had almost eaten, even though they had encountered Song Ren's problem before, after the matter was resolved smoothly, everyone was relieved that they had almost eaten and eaten, and then they should return to the tea garden.

The cost of the meal has been deducted from the membership card. As soon as Xiao Yi and others stood up, they heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

"This dish should have all been served, who is here now?"

Han Bing murmured, and after pushing the private room door open, a young man in his twenties and a famous brand came in from the outside, dressed very tall.

"Miss Han, I didn't expect you to really eat here. I thought I heard it wrong, but think about it, there is no second Miss Han."

The man opened his mouth and said, when Han Bing saw this person, he frowned slightly. He clearly knew this person. In Han Bing's eyes, this person was as annoying as a fly.

"Ma Hua, this is the private room where I eat. Who let you in?"

Han Bing naturally knows who this person is. To be precise, he is a suitor of Han Bing. He is somewhat famous in S City. Of course, it is MCA’s father who is famous.

Ma Hua didn't feel that he shouldn't come in at all, looked around his eyes and said with a chuckle.

"Miss Han, this is the restaurant and not the Song's house. Naturally, I can come in and have a look. It is really difficult to see Miss Han on weekdays. I finally have a chance to see you today."

"Really? But I don't want to see you, please get out from here."

Han Bing pointed to MCA and said that MCA is here to give full play to its shameless nature. No matter what Han Bing said here, since it has already opened the door and entered, it makes sense to go out wherever.

"Miss Han, you are too shameless. Anyway, my dad is also a face-to-face character in City S. I will really be sad when you talk like this."

"You! You are really a rascal. I am not in the mood to chat with you here. Please get out of here. We are going out."

"If I don't go from here? Miss Han, will you hold me aside from here?"

Ma Hua had a wretched smile on his face at this moment. Because of his father's status, it didn't matter to say these things to Han Bing here. Besides, it was just a few ridicules, and Han Batian would not be angry yet.

With anger on Han Bing's face, facing such a rascal, he really wanted to slap him up, but what Han Bing thinks now is that he doesn't want to cause trouble to his father. If he can bear it, try his best to bear it.

"Who is this disgusting thing?"

Xiao Yi said at the moment, pointing to the MCA in front of him. It was the first time that MCA had heard from others that he was a disgusting thing.

The stiff neck turned to Xiao Yi's side and looked at Xiao Yi's face. After saying this, Ma Hua became a little angry and said coldly.

"What are you, you are qualified to talk to me like this. If you kneel down and kowtow to me, I can spare you this time."

"Yo? This disgusting thing has a really big temper, Han Bing, how come you know such a thing?"

Xiao Yi said, Han Bing would definitely have a conflict if he watched to continue, and said to Xiao Yi at this moment.

"Xiao Yi, leave it alone. His father is the leading entrepreneur in S City. If you offend him, I'm afraid it will cause you trouble."

Han Bing is here to remind Xiao Yi that he is fine here, and MCA dare not mess around, but Xiao Yi cannot do anything to MCA.

With a triumphant smile on Ma Hua's face, Han Bing said his identity from Han Bing's mouth, and it really felt different, as if he was above others' heads.

"Have you heard? You dare to talk to me like this. Believe it or not, I will let the bodyguard come in and break your leg."

After Xiao Yi heard what Han Bing said, his expression didn't change. He looked at Ma Hua with a calm expression and chuckled.

"It turned out to be just the son of an entrepreneur. I thought your father was like the king of heaven, but I can still beat you up even if he is the king of heaven."

MCA snorted coldly. Two MCA bodyguards walked into the private room. As soon as the two men appeared, Xiao Yi could feel that they were not simple, they should have been professionally trained.

"Master, what's your order."

"MCA, you have done a bit too far, just a few words, there is no need to call in bodyguards, if the matter is a big deal, I am afraid it will not be of any benefit."

Han Bing said that MCA is now going to have the bodyguards beat Xiao Yi in front of Han Bing to see what is the difference in status. With Xiao Yi, he is actually qualified to eat with Han Bing.

"Miss Han, don't blame me for not giving you face, even your friend, don't think about having a better life today."

I really want to say that the person who had a hard time today is you, not Xiao Yi. Han Bing understands what Xiao Yi's temper is like, and where these two bodyguards are Xiao Yi's opponent.

It's just that I want to prevent things from happening now. If Xiao Yi offends this MCA by then, there will be more or less trouble on the S city side, and it is better to not happen at all.

"Xiao Yi, you leave here first, I will go down immediately, don't conflict with him."

Han Bing instructed Xiao Yi to say that there would be nothing to do if he was here, unless the MCA had to die.

"Wait a minute, who let him go, Miss Han, I won't give you face today."

It's just a matter of death. Han Bing is expected to be in trouble today, Xiao Yi will be troubled. At this time, MCA also stretched out a hand, wanting to touch Han Bing's face.

"You really treat you as an adult!"

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