Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1232: Alternative road

The solution was devised by people. In Xiao Yi's heart, he always believed in this truth. Such a problem would not be difficult for Xiao Yi.

"Huh, the person named Xiao doesn't know what it is. The traffic is a big problem for the contracted tea plantation. He contracted this tea plantation, thinking that he had the same advantage. That tea plantation is not much. Value, if Song Ren has a way to turn the bad tea into high-quality tea, I don’t even bother to organize that tea garden."

In the Song family at this moment, Song Ren suffered a lot of irritation today. After returning home, he sat in a chair without speaking for a long time. Song Ming knew that something might have happened outside today, so he didn't dare to come here and talk casually. Provoked Song Ren to get angry.

"Dad! What you wouldn't say is the tea plantation, the twenty acres of tea plantation, you just gave three thousand dollars and just passed it away."

Song Ming was very clear about the situation in his home, especially this tea garden, which Song Ren had robbed. Sometimes the 20 acres of tea garden was not required for money, and the other party did not dare to come over and ask for money. .

"Apart from that tea plantation, where else can I be? I have suffered a loss when I went out today, but the surnamed Xiao is not much better. I contracted such a tea plantation that has no effect, even if it is for road construction. At least a few million in funds, this is a loss-making business."

"You're still savvy, dad, you are tantamount to giving a place at a loss to the person surnamed Xiao. Anyway, it is useless. Anyway, he can do whatever he wants. If you look back, the person surnamed Xiao will have to bleed again ."

Song Ren's abacus was indeed a good one. Thinking of this method, he turned his head to let Xiao Yi do this kind of loss-making business by himself, but in Xiao Yi's hands, many impossibility, finally became possible.

Among the tea gardens, Zhang Bing and Xiao Yi are considering this issue, because it is related to the renovation of a tea garden and the issue of what to do next. Zhang Bing does not know how to deal with it, and the road construction costs too much money. , There is no such need.

"Since it can't work on the ground, change it to the air."

Xiao Yi sat on a chair. In fact, Xiao Yi had thought of a solution to this problem. If there was no suitable solution, Xiao Yi would not just contract such a tea garden.

He has never made a loss-making business. If Xiao Yi was only sympathizing with that person at the time, he only needed to give him a little money, let him leave from here, and avoid the Song family. Contracting the tea garden was completely meaningless.

"In the air? Xiao Yi, what do you mean by this?"

Zhang Bing wondered what the so-called aerial method was. Looking at Xiao Yi's self-confidence, he was really curious. In Xiao Yi's heart, what kind of whimsy he had.

"I have already seen that tea plantation. It is a distance from our tea plantation, and it is surrounded by hills. It takes time to build roads. The most important thing is to spend money. If you invest so much money, , I turned around for such a tea garden, which is obviously not worth it."

"Yes, Xiao Yi, this is the most important point. There is a way to the north of the tea plantation, where you drove before, but at such a slope, it will not take a day or two to dig down. Kung Fu can do it."

When Xiao Yi drove through that place before, the **** of that place was too steep. At that time, Xiao Yi chose this risky way because he was in a hurry.

Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to have the burden to drive on it. If it was rainy, the area would become muddy, let alone driving, it would be very difficult to walk.

"So what I mean is, it doesn't seem to cost much to connect the road previously built by Han Bing to this side, connecting a three- to four-hundred-meter road. As for that hillside, I plan to use the cable car!"

"Cable car!"

Such things as cable cars are rarely seen in daily life, and only when climbing mountains do you see such equipment.

On the two high grounds, a high tower was erected at the same time, and then the cable car was connected to it by sliding. This is for the convenience of tourists for sightseeing. I have never heard of the use of cable cars in life. .

"Yes, I mean the cable car. If you use the cable car, you need to build three to four high towers at most. With these high towers, you can connect them to join the cable car, which can greatly reduce the investment cost."

Xiao Yi found a piece of paper, and then drew a sketch on it in a short answer. The sketch clearly marked the geographical location. It seems that Xiao Yi had worked hard before, and even the topography was already deep. In mind.

Zhang Bing lowered his head, looking at the things Xiao Yi had drawn, thinking about the method Xiao Yi said in his mind, and finally came to the conclusion that this method is currently the least investment and the safest.

"Xiao Yi, how does your brain grow? You can think of such a method. With the cable car, even the transportation problem will be solved."

When Xiao Yi went to the tea garden today, he saw the topography of the scene, and finally thought of such a method in his heart.

In fact, there have been cases of this method abroad, because many people in China are reluctant to make such an investment. Previously, Xiao Yi went to a wine-making estate in Wanwan, where grapes were grown in the mountains.

Then when the grapes are harvested, workers will enter the mountains and pick the grapes. After the grapes are installed in frames, they will be transported directly outside the mountain by cable car. This method also saves transportation. the cost of.

Although in order to build the cable car in the early stage, it needs to spend some money. The rest has great benefits. Since you want to make a profit, you have to be willing to pay the principal. There is a saying that is Said this truth.

"I think your method is perfectly possible, and Wang Sheng told me that not far from the hillside, there is a tea garden of more than 20 acres. If it is contracted at that time, this piece of land will be convenient for planning and management. Up."

Zhang Bing agreed with Xiao Yi's method. Next, he will contract the nearby tea gardens. There are many tea gardens nearby. Because of traffic problems, they have become a little bit tasteless. Xiao Yi's method has been adopted. , It can solve this troublesome problem.

"I will ask Han Bing to help build the cable car. You know what to do with the remaining Zhang Bing. When I come back, I will take the next step."

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