Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1237: Bloody past

When Han Batian told his wife the news, his wife's heart was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. How heavy such news is, it is clear in his heart.

A **** murder that year, the struggle within the family, it can be said that it has gone into a feverish state. Whoever can win from this battle will be able to survive. If anyone fails, it will be difficult to save a life. .

In a **** battle, Han Batian's turn of life and death finally won, standing in the position of the winner, he has the right to execute the loser, that is, remove the opponent from the world, but in the end this person He didn't do it. At the critical moment, I felt compassion.

Apart from this **** family battle, they are still brothers. No matter what, the truth is that blood is thicker than water. This person understands in his heart that he did not kill the other party, but left the other's life, and has been Put it by your side.

One painstakingly wants to do according to one's own thoughts, use one of his own heart to influence one's brother, so as to resolve such a period of hatred, and become like a real brother, but the final result is completely beyond He expected.

The other party did not forget the hatred in his heart, but a seed of hatred that quietly began to sprout in his heart, and gradually grew up. When the hatred was brewing to a certain level, the other party chose an action of revenge. In my eyes, there is no such thing as family affection.

As a result, the lake that had calmed down once again caused waves, and a **** battle was re-staged among the family. The so-called family affection became as fragile as a piece of paper at this moment. If you gently stabbed it with your finger, it would break. The two sides who were originally peaceful had to stand on opposite sides again.

After working hard by his side for several years, he finally got the confidence of victory, and that person still naively thought that he should forgive the other party in this fight. In the end, such kindness made him completely passive. Because of a **** battle, he and his family were buried in it.

It was a **** storm of the year. Few people know what happened, because the day after the **** battle, the victorious person stood up this time with a paint bucket in his hand and painted a peaceful picture for everyone The environment, but I don't know what kind of ugly crimes are covered under this paint.

History is often written by a victorious person. A victorious person can easily fabricate the facts, saying that the other party died in an accident. Only a few people understand the hidden secrets, but it’s too late to do anything. It is impossible to announce the original events.

There is a saying that people tend to believe only what they think is right, instead of investigating whether what they believe is true or not, so a fabricated story was spread like this, completely giving the blood to Cover it.

"What what? Ba Tian, ​​do you know what this is talking about? This is not a casual joke, are you talking about dreams here?"

The wife asked in surprise, this kind of thing was too shocking, and no one could believe it. This is the truth of the matter.

Han Batian sat in the chair of the teacher and didn’t speak for a long time. He just waited for his wife to react, because Han Batian knew in his heart what kind of surprise his wife was facing, not to mention that she was even the original Han Tyrant, can't believe this is true.

"Since I said this to you, how can there be any reason to be joking. Some time ago, the kid had a little trouble. Xiaoshan was looking for people everywhere, but he couldn't think of others, so he found me. The two of them now live in In a mountain village, life is still very stable."

"Xiao Shan... is he still alive? I thought Xiao Shan died in that incident. Even if he didn't die, he would not stay in that home after such a change. I didn't expect to listen to it today. News to him."

The wife sighed. This name is really nostalgic. When I first saw Xiao Shan, Xiao Shan was still the person next to that person. I didn't expect that after so many years, there was an old person living in this world.

"He is indeed still alive and found here, but we are all the same. Over twenty years have passed. Everyone has become an old man, and Xiao Shan has also become an old man. He came to me. Tell the truth about what happened back then."

"With the loyalty of Xiao Shan, it is indeed for him to do this. Xiao Shan also had a newly born child. He took his own child and replaced the life of his offspring. This loyalty is really rare. ."

"Yeah, even I didn't even think that it was my own child. I personally buried my child. I'm afraid Xiao Shan is not uncomfortable. This person is really... really great."

Han Batian said, such a thing cannot be done by ordinary people. In order to save that person's child, Xiao Shan sacrificed his newly born son. Tiger poison does not eat children. One can imagine Xiaoshan at that time. What a pain in my heart.

"Then Xiao Shan has led this child to live such a peaceful life? Didn't Xiao Shan ever talk about the **** hatred of this child?"

The wife asked, since she knew the news that the child was still alive, then there was a very serious question next, what exactly did Xiao Shan plan to do, and whether he planned to let the child go for revenge.

Han Batian knew that his wife would definitely ask this question. After seeing Xiaoshan, Han Batian had also asked Xiaoshan this way, but Xiaoshan's answer was somewhat unexpected.

"Xiao Shan didn't have this plan. He planned to bring this secret into the coffin by himself, so that his children could lead a peaceful life. Probably Xiao Shan had also seen this kind of strife at the beginning and didn't want his children to continue to live this kind of conflict. Live it."

"'s hard for the two of them. If you know the news that his child is still alive, you can't approach it. Otherwise, it will definitely attract the other's attention. When those people know about it, the two of them will be in danger. ."

"So when I learned about this, I did not choose to tell you, but concealed it myself. Such a fact is like a bomb. If I let those people know, I am afraid that another tragedy will be staged. ."

Han Batian also thought about it. He always wanted to see what this so-called child looked like and whether he inherited his demeanor back then. But for safety, Han Batian had to endure his own impulse. , Will only cause trouble to the other party.

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