Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1247: Black-hearted business

There is a saying called Crossing the River and Demolition of the Bridge, which is more appropriate to describe the current Song family. In comparison, the Song family has to do too much. The wages of so many workers have not been settled, and everyone is waiting to pay the wages. Come to subsidize the family, if this way, no one can get the money.

If the Song family kept dragging on like this, it would be impossible to get wages. As time went by, they would only owe more and more wages. After these people wanted to understand this, they chose to leave Song. Home, come to Xiao Yi to find a job.

Each truck contained a pack of moldy tea leaves, but others didn’t know the inside story. Song Ren found a special channel to buy this moldy tea in order to reduce the cost of making tea. Once they came, they made up for the loss of their Song family.

After the packaged hemp bags were shipped to the factory, a new batch of advanced equipment was shipped from the factory. These equipment cost a lot of principal, which is equivalent to investing all the wages in arrears.

After opening a hemp bag, it contains moldy tea leaves. Pour these tea leaves into the machine. After processing, they are mixed with the new tea produced in the tea garden. When mixing, special chemical products are added. After the tea leaves in this way, there is no difference in taste.

"It's your dad's good idea. In this way, even if the tea leaves that are moldy are processed through this process, they will eventually become good tea. This is a very profitable thing."

After Song Ming saw the effect of this new machine in the factory, he had to admire Song Ren’s ideas. The inferior tea purchased at an ultra-low price would eventually become a premium tea, which was equivalent to a dime. , Became one hundred yuan.

Song Ren took a handful of the tea produced after mixing, put it under his nose and smelled it. There is nothing wrong with this taste. Unless you are an expert who understands tea, you will never taste it. What's the difference.

"Do you think this is my idea? Boy, you are too naive. When we did this, some people already made a lot of money."

"What? Besides our Song family, who else did this?"

"The last time I went to the processing base of the Wu family, these are the methods of the Wu family. I have learned it from the Wu family. I knew there was such a method. Why should we come to the workers and spend such a high price? , Come and pay them."

Most of the tea produced by the Song family was sold to the Wu family, so Song Ren and the Wu family went very close. Some time ago, when Song Ren went to the Wu family, he saw this method of processing tea. Following Wu's method, he bought the machine himself.

In this way, you can also profit from it. The previous processing of inferior tea was done by the workers under your hands. This kind of method requires a lot of costs. In this case, it is better to use the machine to save trouble.

"Dad, we didn't pay those poor ghosts. Will they make trouble when they turn around? If it makes a big deal, it will have too much influence on our Song family."

There were more than 20 workers who had not settled their wages in arrears. This was not a trivial matter. Song Ming thought that if the workers filed a complaint, it would be difficult to solve them.

"It's just a few poor ghosts. What else can they do? I owe them their wages. Who can prove that I didn't pay them? They said that they didn't pay them, and I said they had already given them. Who can tell such things clearly? ."

Song Ren had thought of this a long time ago. The local forces of the Song family don't have to worry about the workers making trouble. Even if it is a trouble, Song Ren has a way to deal with it.

"The wages of more than 300,000 yuan, in exchange for these machines, are considered worth it. The kid surnamed Xiao is just a foreigner. How can he fight our Song family."

"Don't underestimate this surnamed Xiao. I really don't know what kind of tea he uses. It turned out to be the old man’s tea garden to grow this kind of high-quality tea. When I look back, I must find a way. Steal the technique of Xiao Chongcha."

Song Ren said at this moment that he had taken a fancy to Xiao Yi's tea planting technique. If the same tea leaves were put in his own hands, he would definitely make a lot of money.

"Forget about anything else, we now have so many sources of goods in our hands. We sell them at low prices to suppress the market surnamed Xiao, who can afford expensive tea. After all, there are not many people."

"Dad, you are right. There is only a tea garden in the hands of Xiao. We Song family's hands, but there are more than 300 acres of tea gardens, let's see when he can be proud of it."

Among the newly contracted tea gardens, Xiao Yi had already set up the array. Zhang Bing had hired people to install the sprinkler irrigation equipment. The rest of the work was to build a dam near the puddle.

The geology here is different from that of City H. The geology is a bit fragile. If the water is soaked for too long, it will collapse. Xiao Yi's previous prediction was correct. If this trouble is not solved, it will be true in the future. It is a major problem.

A one-meter-thick cement dam was built here with cement mixed with steel bars, so that even if it encounters a heavy rain, it will not be washed down. In addition, the tea garden needs water to irrigate, and it is constantly pumping water from the puddle, but the big pit has some effect.

"Haha...I am really happy, I haven't had such a happy day here."

Xiao Yi was on the side of the tea garden. Wang Sheng laughed and walked towards Xiao Yi's side. He was wearing a pair of big pants and his upper body was naked, revealing his furry chest, alive like a savage.

"Wang Sheng, have you eaten bee shit? Happy to be like this."

"Ahem... Brother Xiao, can't you stay here without slapping me in the face? This time is really a happy thing."

"Oh? It's rare for you to have something happy to tell me, but I want to listen, what happened, you won the lottery?"

Xiao Yi asked, with an unbearable smile on Wang Sheng's face, he did something very proud of today. It is estimated that Xiao Yi would have to praise him a few words.

"Don't you know, it's better than winning a lottery. I've been spending money here before, and I invited a lot of people to dinner. I feel like I'm going to be two hundred and five. Fortunately, the treats weren't in vain. I finally received results. "

"You still didn't say what happened."

"Hey, Brother Xiao, I went out this morning and contracted a tea garden of 30 acres. You say I am not good."

Wang Sheng smiled triumphantly. This really made Xiao Yi somewhat unexpected. Wang Sheng feels like a rough person when he does things. It is rare that Wang Sheng can talk about contracting tea gardens.

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